One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 107 The scene was once very embarrassing (please subscribe)

Zhengzhengzheng! ! ~~

The naginata in Fenamore's hand, which was four or five times longer than his height, kept swinging, slashing at Senior Piqué with a series of slashes, but Senior Piqué relied on the fruit The ability turns the hard rock ground into a water-like fluid that continuously swims through it. Every time Fenamore's slash falls, the ground turns into a hard rock.

"You kid over there, give up. Within the scope of my ability, your slashes can't touch me." Senior Piqué drilled his head out of the fluid ground and faced Fei Namore said.

Zheng! ~

Fener Morey is not a person who talks nonsense with others, so he responded with a sharp blow to Senior Pique.

Senior Pique sank to the ground, dodged Fenamore's slash, and then showed his head from another place, laughing: "Hahaha, I told you, it's useless, even you No matter how hard you try, you can't hurt me."

The ability of the water-water fruit can turn objects touched by the esper into a rippled fluid like water flow, and the esper can move freely through it as if swimming by virtue of his ability.

When the body of the ability user is completely submerged in the water-wave fluid, even the Haki of Seeing, Hearing and Color cannot detect his existence. When attacked, he can hide in the water-wave fluid created by the ability, or use his undetectable characteristics to take advantage of it. When the enemy is not paying attention, he suddenly attacks the opponent from the water-waved fluid.

However, this ability has a fatal weakness, that is, when the ability user activates or deactivates the ability, visible water ripples will appear in the place where the ability is affected by the water wave, which will be exposed from the position of the ability user. Even if this ability is lost, the ability will not be removed even after the user becomes unconscious. Instead, the ability will remain in the unconscious position floating in the rippled fluid.

Zheng! ~

Senior Pique responded with another silent slash.

Next, Senior Pique kept provoking Fenamore, but Fenamore responded silently with slashes.

After a while, the two men fought like a whack-a-mole, leaving the ground where they were covered with slash marks, and the ground was a mess.

Suddenly, Fenamore suddenly stopped and stopped attacking the provocative Senior Pique.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Seeing Fenamore suddenly stop, Senior Piqué raised his head from the ground and asked doubtfully: "Why don't you attack?"

"I have seen through your ability, so there is no need to attack anymore." Fenamore looked at Senior Pique and replied expressionlessly.

"See through my ability?" Senior Pique was stunned for a moment when he heard Fener Morey's words, and then laughed and said: "Hahaha, are you bluffing? Since you have seen through my Ability, then why haven’t you been able to hurt me yet?”

"You're right, when you activate this ability, I really can't hurt you." Fenamore looked at Senior Pique and said: "But when you activate this ability, you also You cannot attack me, or when you use this ability to attack me, you will expose your flaws. It is easy for me to catch the flaws and expose the opportunity to defeat you, so you will keep provoking me and trying to consume my strength. physical strength.

But my mission is not to defeat you, but to seize this SAD factory. Although your ability can prevent me from attacking you, it also cannot prevent us from seizing this factory. "

"So, I just need to keep an eye on you, and when my companions capture this SAD factory, we will win." Fina Morey sat cross-legged and said seriously.

"..." After listening to Fenamore's words, Senior Pique's face became gloomy. Then he released his ability, and his body slowly rose from the ground, walking towards Fenamore step by step, and said in a deep voice Said: "Kid, you are right. I provoked you just now because I really wanted to consume your physical strength, but this does not mean that I cannot defeat you, but I think this way can be done at the minimum cost. Defeat you, and you said that as long as you keep an eye on me, my companions will capture this factory, right?"

"Don't make me laugh!" Senior Piqué grabbed the ropes on both sides of his diaper and said loudly: "Who do you think your opponent is? We are the cadres of the Don Quixote family, don't be trivial. Look at us, you brats!”

"Diaper bomb!"

As soon as Senior Piqué pulled the rope on the diaper, bombs flew out of the diaper and flew towards Fenamore.

Zheng! ~

With a flash of sword light, Fenamore swung a slash and chopped down all the bombs.

Boom boom boom! ! ~~~

Amid the explosion, Fenamore's figure flashed and he rushed in front of Senior Pique in an instant, slashing him vertically with the naginata in his hand!

Senior Pique's expression changed, and he immediately activated his ability to turn the ground beneath his feet into ripples, causing his body to sink into the ground, avoiding Fenamore's naginata.

Whoosh! ~

The disappearing figure of Señor Pique suddenly emerged from the ground behind Fenamore, trying to stretch out his hands to grab Fenamore's lower back.

Fenamore turned around to avoid Senior Pique's back attack, and then slashed at the opponent with his backhand. The latter turned his body and avoided Fenamore's slash, with his hands like cats. Ear spread his palm, and then quickly attacked Fenamore.

"Cat-Ear Fist: Fierce Attack!"

Fenamore held his naginata in front of him to resist the onslaught of Senior Pique, and then was forced back by a blow that knocked him to the ground.


After knocking Fenamore from mid-air to the ground, Senior Piqué also activated his ability, and then jumped directly from mid-air into the ground like a dive. A moment later, his figure emerged from Fenamore again. Lei emerged from the ground behind him, and quickly grabbed Feina Morey's lower back with both hands.

"I've got you!" After grabbing Fina Morey's lower back, Senior Pique released his ability and directly picked up Fina Morey's body.

"Maomao·Back throw!"

Senior Pique made a back throw, trying to throw Fina Morey to the ground, but because Fina Morey's body was too small, he couldn't touch the ground at all, so Senior Pique Halfway through this movement, he froze there.

Just like that, a weird man wearing a diaper and biting a pacifier, holding a dwarf less than one meter tall in his arms, made a posture of bending back, and paused there.

The scene was very embarrassing!

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