One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 116 Huge Corps (Please subscribe)

"Hey, are you kidding me?" Skar looked at the sudden appearance of the behemoths and said with a surprised look on his face: "What are these monsters? They are too big."

These huge monsters are the Barbarian Tyrants of the Beast Pirates who appeared in the Wano Country chapter in the original plot. However, these monsters have just been studied and have not yet been sold to Kaido by Doflamingo, so There is no title for Barbarian Tyrant yet.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, are you scared now?" Caesar looked at everyone's surprised look, and the look of pride on his face became even stronger. Then he opened his arms and said loudly: "Let you see, I am the ultimate master. masterpiece."

"Come out, my ultimate masterpiece!"

Ouch! ~~

As Caesar's voice fell, a louder roar came, and then in everyone's horrified eyes, a legendary creature appeared in front of everyone.

This is a flying dragon. It was originally an artificial creature created by Vegapunk to protect Punk Hassad. Not only is it huge in size, it can also spit out flames and can even adapt to any environment. The Celestial Dragons have always been very fond of this creature, and they are also proud of it. It got a name, Monet once called it 'Big Stupid Dragon'.

Well, it's the unlucky thing that was beheaded by Sauron in Punk Hassad in the original plot.

A year ago, after Caesar's laboratory in Punk Hassad was destroyed by Ace, Caesar brought this guy to Dressrosa's new laboratory, and used his 'Human Gigantization Research' to transform this guy's The size became even larger, and it successfully evolved from a 'flying dragon' to a 'giant dragon'. Because of this, Caesar even regarded it as the ultimate masterpiece of his 'biological giant research'.

Wores and others looked at the dreamlike creature, swallowed their saliva, and said, "Is this the legendary dragon?"

"That's right." Caesar's body floated up and landed on the giant dragon. He introduced to everyone with a proud look on his face: "This is my ultimate masterpiece, the Ultimate Fantasy Fighting Flying Greymon!"

"Hey~ What a low name!"

Hearing Caesar say that he had obtained the name for the giant dragon, not only Wores and the others, but also the cadres of the Don Quixote family showed disgusted expressions at the same time.

"What expressions are you looking at? Didn't I choose a bad name?" Seeing everyone's expressions, Caesar said frantically.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded in unison.

"Ouch!~" Even the giant dragon at Caesar's feet showed a human expression of disgust.

"Hey, you are so disgusting!" Caesar kicked the dragon in the head, then pointed at Vores and others and said, "Swallow them!"

"Roar!" The giant dragon did not dare to disobey Caesar's order. After roaring angrily, it opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of fire at Wores and others.

Skar took a step forward, stood in front of everyone, raised his hands towards the oncoming hot flames, and invisible pressure gathered in front of him.

"Super pressure air cannon!"

Under the huge pressure, the air in front of Skaar was like a powerful cannonball being released, directly defeating the flames breathed out by the dragon, and after this power dispersed the flames breathed out by the dragon, there was still some power left. The unabated impact hit the giant dragon, and the powerful force actually overturned the giant dragon's huge body from the air.

"You useless guy, get up quickly!" Caesar angrily scolded the overturned dragon, and said with a gloomy face: "If these people are not dealt with before Smiley wakes up, I will turn you into Smiley. food!"

Hearing Caesar's words, the dragon immediately showed a human expression of fear, then struggled to get up from the ground, and rushed towards Wores and the others with red eyes.

Wores swayed and stood in front of the giant dragon. He made a fist with his right hand, condensed a wave of water in his palm, and then punched the dragon's abdomen fiercely!

"The secret of fish-man karate: Buraikan!"


The power of the water wave's impact formed a powerful impact. The powerful power not only knocked the giant dragon's huge body into the air, but the terrifying impact even penetrated the giant dragon's body and came out from the back of the giant dragon, directly knocking it away. The huge dragon was knocked unconscious.

"Even if it looks huge, it's actually just a weak thing." Vores said with a slight disdain on his face after knocking down the huge dragon with one blow.

"Trash, trash, useless guy!" Caesar saw that the 'final masterpiece' that he was so proud of was knocked down with just one blow. The expression on his face became embarrassed, and then he faced several huge giants around him. The monster yelled: "You trash, hurry up and crush them, or I will make you all into Smiley's food!"

Sure enough, these huge monsters were all very afraid of the 'Smiley' in Caesar's mouth, so after hearing Caesar's words, their eyes all turned red, and then they took huge steps towards the Wores people. Rushed over.

These monsters seemed to have low IQ and could only speak some simple words, but their huge size gave Wores and others a real sense of oppression.

"Don't turn into food."

"Kill...kill these people."

"Crush them! Crush them!"

The huge monsters waved their huge weapons and smashed them hard at Wores and the others!

"Wind Pressure Tornado!"

"Tang Caowa's fist!"

"Power Hammer!"

Wores, Skar and Yaqi took action at the same time, blocking the attacks of the three giant monsters. The powerful attacks of the three even overturned the huge bodies of the three giant monsters to the ground, and then the three of them formed a triangle. The force blocked Qiao Ellie Bonny and Carols behind them.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you looking down on us?" Qiao Ellie Bonny said very unhappy.

"That's right, that's right, do you look down on us? We can fight too!" Carols also said with an unhappy look on her face.

"Fighting is a matter for men. Ladies, just stand aside and watch." Yanliu turned around and said to the two ladies with an expression he thought was handsome.

"Shut up!" The two ladies hit him on the head at the same time, and two big bumps appeared on Yanliu's head.

"Centaur Legion!" Caesar shouted, and then he and the cadres of the Don Quixote family came in front of several huge monsters, and behind them, some half-human, half-beast monsters appeared. They were also Caesar. Researched 'Centaur' warrior.

"Stop making trouble!" Wores said, and then several people stood in a row, looking at the giant monster opposite and the cadres of the Don Quixote family. Although there was a huge gap in the number of people, the faces of the Wores people But there was no fear.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two parties became tense.

The battle is about to break out!

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