One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 117 Super Melee (Please subscribe)

"Aha, it's so lively here!"

At this time, a group of figures fell from above. The leader held two swords behind his back and carried a monkey on his back. It was Doma and his Ranger Pirates who defeated Diamanti and the Fighting Legion on the coast. group.

"Haha, it seems I came at the right time!"

Following Doma and his Ranger Pirates, another group of people fell from above. It was George Salin. He also defeated Gladius, a cadre of the Don Quixote family, and brought his' The Bulldog Pirates arrived here.

"George, Doma!" Seeing the arrival of the two of them, Wores and others showed expressions of surprise.

"Hehe, it took some time to deal with Diamanti, but I still came earlier than George." Doma said with a smile.

"Fart, I've been here a long time ago. I just met some garbage from the underground world at the door. It took a while to deal with them." George Salin retorted.

"Hey, here are some more dead guys!" Caesar didn't pay attention to the arrival of Thomas and George Salin at all.

"Giant Corps, crush them!"

"Centaur Legion, tear them apart!"

Caesar's body floated, opened his arms, and said loudly.


Several giant monsters received Caesar's orders and strode towards Vores and others again.

"Oooh, tear them apart!"

"Let them see the power of our Centaur Legion!"

Following several giant monsters, those half-human and half-animal monsters also rushed towards Wores and the others.

"A monster bigger than the giants and a half-human, half-beast legion of monsters? Just what I want!" George Salin looked at several huge monsters and centaur legions with a beast-like smile on his face, and then he His body actually began to transform into a beast, becoming half human and half Doberman.

George Salin is a person with the ability to eat the fruit of animal poison, and his body can transform into the form of a canine Doberman Pinscher at will.

"Boys, follow me and defeat these monsters, woof!" George Salin, who turned into a half-human, half-Doberman pinscher, raised his arms and shouted, then headed towards those monsters like a dog. The giant monster and the centaur army rushed over.

"Oh, follow the boss and defeat these monsters!"

Under the leadership of George Salin, the younger brothers of the ‘Massive Dog’ pirate group also followed their captain with high spirits and rushed towards the giant monster and the centaur army.

"This guy is stealing the limelight again." Seeing George Salin and his boys rushing out first, Doma was not to be outdone. He also cheered, "Young boys, we can't lose to the 'Bulldog' 'Guys, rush forward with me!" After saying that, Doma, as the captain, also rushed out first.

"Oh, follow the captain and kill these monsters!"

The younger members of the Knights Pirates also followed their captain and rushed out without hesitation.

There were four giant monsters, and Doma and George Salin faced off against two of them, while their younger brothers fought fiercely with the Centaur Legion.

Although those huge monsters that were later called "Barbarian Overlords" were huge in size and powerful, they really had no effect on the real masters on the sea. Whether it was Doma or George Salin, they could fight against both of them at the same time. There is no pressure at all on this huge monster.

It's just that these giant monsters are too large, and it's difficult for ordinary attacks to cause damage to them. Moreover, these giant monsters are like users with animal devil fruit abilities, and they are not generally durable.

"Let's go too!"

Several people from Wores rushed out at the same time and rushed towards the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

Wores rushed directly to Caesar. He did not forget the task assigned to him by his captain. He wanted to capture Caesar alive.

Although Caesar is a researcher, he has eaten natural gas fruits and has developed his own abilities very well. He is not weak in either ability or strength.

But it is a pity that his opponent is Vores. Not only does Vores have profound attainments in two-color domineering, but as a fishman, he only has a little sea water around him, which is a nightmare for people with devil fruit abilities.

And when those huge monsters were released, they happened to break the drainage system of the research room, and then Caesar suffered a tragedy.

Wores bent down and grabbed a puddle on the ground. Miraculously, he grabbed a stream of water from the puddle, and then threw the stream towards Caesar with an over-the-shoulder throw.

"Flow of water·a book is thrown over the shoulder!"


After the concentrated water flow was thrown out by Vores, it turned into a water column, fell directly on Caesar's face, and then carried his body through the wall of the research room and flew into the distance.

Wores rushed out in one step and chased after him quickly.

Skar's opponent is Torrebol. Both of them are ability users, and their strength is not weak. When they meet, it will be a fierce battle.

Yaqi found Buffalo. Although Buffalo was a person with abilities, this guy obviously saw that Yaqi was stronger than him. He actually used his abilities to fly into the air, and then used weapons to launch long-range attacks on Yaqi.

Joelle Bonnie took out a pistol and fired at Baby-5. However, Baby-5, who had eaten the Superman Weapon Fruit, could turn any part of her body into any weapon she knew at will, so Bonnie's pistol was Baby-5 is no different from a toy here. Baby-5 is directly attacking her with various weapons.

Carols fought with Dellinger. Although Carols was not as big as Dellinger's hand, and after leaving the vicinity of the Sun Tree on Sun Island, she could not use the Sun Tree to give them sun elves. The clan has the ability to control fire, but in terms of speed and strength, Carols is stronger than Delinger.

The battle in the underground world is fierce, and the bullfighting arena above the ground is also fiercely fought.

King Riku and the king's army who have completely defected are cleaning up the remaining forces of the Don Quixote family on the ground of Dressrosa.

The warriors of the Dongtada tribe and those who have transformed from toys into humans are resisting the villains of the underworld.

The entire bullfighting arena, both above and below ground, has turned into a battlefield. Fierce battles are taking place everywhere, and the battles on every battlefield are very exciting. However, the Dressrosa War is being watched. Everyone knows that the battlefield that can really determine the outcome of this war is at the highest point of Dressrosa.

There, the king and the king have met, and the battle that can really determine the outcome of this war is about to begin.

PS: I originally wanted to write about battles such as Vores defeating Caesar and Skaar defeating Torrebol, but readers felt that Ace had not appeared for too long. However, I am not good at two-line narration, so these battles are omitted. After that, immediately enter the battle between kings and kings.

PPS: However, before the battle between the king and the king, there is another interesting episode. Guess what it is (●`●)

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