One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 118 Luo’s fiasco (please subscribe)

Dressrosa, King's Heights.

Ace came to the palace of Dressrosa alone, where Doflamingo and the Beast Pirates' signature "Drought" Jack were already standing there waiting for them.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, have you finally come?" Doflamingo walked in front of Ace with steps that he didn't recognize. He opened his arms, pinched his orchid fingers, and his face almost hit Ace's face, laughing loudly. Said: "'Fire Fist' Portcas D. Ace!"

"Ah, let me take your head off, Doflamingo!" Ace raised his hand and pressed his hat before replying.

"Take off my head?" Doflamingo laughed and said, "What an arrogant brat. If you can do it, just give it a try!"

"Of course, that's why I'm here." Ace looked at Doflamingo, smiled, and said, "However, before I fight you, there is another person who wants to try to see if he can rely on his own abilities. Kill you!"


Luo, who was hiding under the King's Heights, activated his ability, causing him and Ace to switch positions instantly, and the killing move that had been prepared with his left hand was mercilessly thrust at Doflamingo.

"Gamma Knife!"


The dagger condensed with gamma rays stabbed Doflamingo's body. The rays powerful enough to kill cells instantly invaded Doflamingo's body, rapidly destroying his internal organs and cells.

"You're done, Doflamingo!" Seeing that his Gamma Knife had indeed hit Doflamingo, Luo's face showed a smile of revenge, and he was about to kill Doflamingo with his saber. When he killed Flamengo, his expression suddenly turned ugly, and then Doflamingo's body in front of him disintegrated before his eyes and turned into a ball of thin threads.

"Shadow Riding Thread Clone!" Luo looked at the disintegrated thread ball in front of him with a gloomy look on his face.

"Failed!" Luo pulled out his sword 'Ghost Cry' and laughed at himself, saying: "If you want to defeat a man of Doflamingo's level in this way, you still can't do it!"

"Hey, I originally planned to use this move to deal with that brat Fire Fist, but I didn't expect you to disrupt it." Doflamingo's real body walked out of the palace, looked at Luo with an ugly face, and said in a deep voice Said: "You actually ruined my plan. What do you think I should do with you?"

"Ah~! Luo!" Doflamingo roared angrily and kicked Luo.

Luo raised the sword in his hand and tried to block Doflamingo's kick, but the power of Doflamingo's kick was beyond Luo's imagination. He only felt the arm holding the sword go numb, and then his whole body went numb. He was kicked away by the huge force of Doflamingo's kick.

Doflamingo followed up with a step, bending the five fingers of his right hand, creating an almost transparent thread from each of the five fingers, and grabbed Luo hard.

"ROOM!" Luo used his ability to switch himself with the gravel in the distance, avoiding Doflamingo's attack, and then attacked Doflamingo again.

Doflamingo pulled the string with one hand, blocked Luo's attack, and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect the surgery fruit to have such ability. It's really cunning."

"Five colored thread!"

Doflamingo's arm fell, and the threads on his fingertips were like sharp blades slashing at Luo's body. Luo used the saber in his hand to resist, but Doflamingo pinned him directly to the ground.

At this time, Luo has not experienced the two years of training after the War on the Top, and his strength is far less powerful than when Dressrosa and Doflamingo fought in the original plot. Even Luo, who has practiced for two years after the War on the Top. , is far from Doflamingo's opponent, let alone the current Luo.

Luo raised his left hand to attack, but was stepped on by Doflamingo. He sat on Luo's body, held Luo's face with one hand, raised the other hand high, and released sharp threads from his fingertips, glaring. Luo, said in a deep voice: "You are too young to defeat me now, Luo!"

"I know, but if I try, I won't be willing to do it." Luo looked at Doflamingo, suddenly laughed, and said: "After all, if Captain Ace takes action, you will die. Come on, Doflamingo!"

"My death date?" After hearing Luo's words, Doflamingo's face suddenly turned gloomy, and then he laughed and said: "Fuhahaha, you little brats are really more arrogant than the other, so I will kill you first. You, then slowly deal with that kid from Fire Fist." After saying that, Doflamingo's raised arm suddenly fell down, and the sharp threads released from his fingertips cut mercilessly towards Luo's neck.

"Knight thrust!"

Just when Doflamingo's five-color thread was about to cut off Luo's head, Cacus, who was hidden in Luo's clothes, suddenly flew out, and pointed the domineering knight gun wrapped in his hand at Doflamingo's head. The head was stabbed hard.

puff! ~

Caught off guard, Doflamingo subconsciously blocked his face with his palm, but Cacus's knight thrust directly pierced his palm.

After piercing Doflamingo's palm, Cacus grabbed Luo who was pressed to the ground, quickly retreated, and distanced himself from Doflamingo.

"Damn it, I almost succeeded!" Deluo said with an annoyed look on his face after being rescued.

In order to deal with Doflamingo, Luo prepared two attacks. The first one was to use his ability to swap places with Ace. The Cacus hidden in him was the second attack. However, the two stages he painstakingly designed The surprise attack only caused minor injuries to Doflamingo.

This disparity in strength made him unwilling but helpless.

"Don't be too upset, Luo." Kakus landed on Luo's shoulder and consoled him: "This man is too strong. We are far from his opponents now."

"Hahahaha, you've been tricked again, Joker." When Jack saw Doflamingo's defeat, Jack not only didn't care, but laughed loudly and said, "I told you a long time ago, the best way to deal with these brats is The best way is to defeat them with overwhelming force."

"Again and again!" Doflamingo looked at his pierced palm and said with a cold face: "Kids, you really pissed me off this time."


The violent momentum was released from the furious Doflamingo, like heavy pressure pressing on Law and Cacus.

"Overlord's domineering power!" Feeling the amazing aura emanating from Doflamingo, the expressions of Luo and Kakus became more and more solemn.

"It's not a good habit to secretly put pressure on my partners while I'm not around!"

At this moment, Ace's voice came from behind Luo and Kakus. The next moment, a stronger and more powerful overlord-colored domineering force burst out from behind the two people, instantly destroying Doflamingo's aura. It was suppressed.

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