One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 119 He is coming, he is coming (please subscribe)

"This brat! X2"

Sensing Ace's domineering aura, Doflamingo and Jack, who was not far away, both had slightly focused gazes. At the same time, the two men looked at Ace with even more solemn gazes.

Boom boom! ! ~~

Ace and Doflamingo's domineering domineering energy continued to collide in the air. Although it was an invisible aura conflict, bursts of electricity burst out in the air, like thunder.

With a smile on his face, Ace walked step by step. The overlord-colored domineering energy he constantly released made him look extremely tall. And with every step he took, the overlord-colored domineering energy released from his body became stronger and stronger. Brother Ming's domineering aura was completely suppressed, and cracks appeared on the wall of the palace in the distance under the impact of this invisible aura.

In the past year, Ace's overlord-colored haki has been honed through continuous battles in the new world, and it has been able to cause substantial damage to real things.

"At such an age, you can release this level of Overlord Color. You are worthy of being of the bloodline of the Pirate King, and you have completely inherited that man's kingly demeanor!" Doflamingo praised in his heart, and then stopped releasing the Overlord Color. Domineering.

Although his Overlord Haki was suppressed by Ace, this did not affect Doflamingo's confidence in his ability to win this battle. After all, in his opinion, no matter how strong the Overlord Haki was, the image of his own strength would not be affected. There are limits, and Doflamingo is very confident in his own strength.

After Doflamingo stopped releasing the Overlord's Haki, Ace also stopped, then turned to Luo and Cacus and said: "Luo, Cacus, you go to the arena to help Wores and the others, here Just leave it to me."

"Captain Ace, you are alone..." Luo was about to object, but was stopped by Kakus, and then said to Ace: "Then leave it to you, Captain Ace!" After saying that, Kakus pulled up. Luo's back collar directly lifted him up, then flapped his wings and took Luo to fly in the direction of the bullfighting arena.

"Hey, he actually stayed alone. What an arrogant kid." Doflamingo didn't pay attention to Law and Cacus leaving at all. He walked toward Ace with a step that he didn't recognize, and kicked him. He kicked Ace in the head and said, "You kid, don't you really think you can defeat me?"

Ace raised his hand, blocked Doflamingo's leg with his arm, and said confidently: "Of course, otherwise why do you think I would start this war!"

Ace's arm shook, forcing Doflamingo back, and then said word by word: "Lewis' blood debt must be repaid with your life!"

"Hahahaha, if you can do it, let's give it a try!" Doflamingo laughed and kicked out again.

"Then just wait and see, Tenyasha!" Ace took off his hat, made a fist with his right hand, hot flames burned on his fist, and then punched Doflamingo.

"fire punch!"

The hot flames condensed into a huge fist, roaring towards Doflamingo.

"Foot shave line!"

Doflamingo changed his attack and kicked his foot upwards, creating eight almost transparent thin threads from the tip of his toes. The straight lines released by the sharp threads actually cut through the oncoming flames. The burning flames streaked across both sides of his body.

"Bounce the thread!"

Doflamingo raised his hand, raised his index finger and retracted the other fingers, letting the thin threads created from his fingertips be fired out at high speed like bullets. The fired thread bullets even entangled the armed Haki.


Ace waved one arm, and after his arm turned into flames, he shot a pillar of fire from his palm, blocking all the bullets fired by Doflamingo.

"Burning Fruit, you really took away the convenient ability from me, Fire Fist brat." Doflamingo danced with the fingers of his right hand, releasing dozens of thin threads, and then entangled these threads together, Form a thick thread like hair, then extend your palm back to stretch the thread as far back as possible, and then swing it towards Ace.

"Super hit whip!"

It was like a burning whip flying towards Ace at super speed. No matter the sharpness or the super armed Haki wrapped around it, Ace didn't dare to take the blow forcefully. He used his knowledge and Haki to predict. After following the dancing path of the whip, he turned his body into an element and avoided Doflamingo's attack.

Whoosh! ~

The super-strike whip flew through Ace's elementalized body into the distance, and then easily cut a building several kilometers below the King's Heights in half.

"Lower the rogue line!"

Doflamingo suddenly jumped on top of Ace, raised his arm up and waved it down. While waving his hand, he created an almost transparent thin thread from each of his five fingers to form five fork-shaped threads. After the silk thread, it descended from the top of Ace's head at high speed, trying to penetrate Ace's body.

"Flame Knife!" Ace raised his right arm, turning the element of his arm into flames, and then condensed the flames into the shape of a blade, slashing at those sharp thin lines.


The extremely high-temperature flaming blade directly cut off Doflamingo's rogue line, and then slashed towards his chest with unabated force.

Doflamingo flew back, but the clothes on his chest were cut open by the flaming blade.

Doflamingo's face was gloomy, and his rogue line was cut off, making him realize that Ace's flame seemed to have a powerful destructive ability on his abilities. Although it had not reached the level of restraint, it was enough to cause huge damage to him. threatened.

At this time, Jack, who was watching the battle, suddenly stood up, then pulled out his two scythe-like weapons, and said to Doflamingo: "Joker, you are too slow, you are just dealing with a kid, it took so long It has not been solved for so long, so let me help you solve this kid quickly."

Doflamingo's expression was gloomy, and his arrogant character prevented him from accepting Jack's help, but he knew very well that if he was alone, it would not be easy to defeat Ace.

However, just as he was about to accept Jack's help, several figures suddenly appeared out of thin air above Dressrosa, attracting everyone's attention.

There were four people who suddenly appeared, including three adults dressed in weird costumes and a kid who had his hair shaved off and wore a pink kimono with only a bun on the back of his head.

Yes, these people are none other than the Firefox Nishiki Gatekeeper, Raizo, Susame Kanjuro, and their young master, Kozuki Momonosuke, who were just sent over from twenty years ago by Kozuki using the power of the Time Fruit.

PS: Momonosuke is here, tell me, how do you want him to die?

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