One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 120 Doflamingo’s proposal (please subscribe)

In the sky above Dressrosa, Kakus held Luo's collar and flew towards the bullfighting arena.

"Kakus, is it really okay to leave Captain Ace alone there?" Luo suddenly asked in mid-air.

You know, if Ace stays there, he will not only have to face Doflamingo, but also the signature "Drought" Jack from the Beasts Pirates!

Whether it is Doflamingo or Jack, they are undoubtedly the top combat power in the entire ocean. Facing these two people at the same time, even if Law has the most confidence in Ace, he can't help but feel worried in his heart.

"What are you worried about?" Kakus smiled confidently and said, "Ace is our captain."

"Our captain is the man who will stand at the top of this ocean in the future. Whether it's the Shichibukai or the Three Disasters, they're just stepping stones for Captain Ace to ascend to the throne!"

Luo nodded and was about to speak when several people suddenly appeared out of thin air above him and Kakus, hitting them both.

The ones who hit Luo and Kakus were none other than Kinemon, Raizo, Kanjuro Tosame and their young master who had just been brought here by Kozuki using the time fruit's ability to travel through time twenty years ago. , Kozuki Momo helps four people.

Luo and Kakus, who were hit, were also stunned, and then they fell from the air together with Momonosuke and the other four.

"It's them!" Ace couldn't help but twitching slightly when he saw the people who suddenly appeared, and then whispered: "It's interesting that they appeared at such a time, and the location also changed from Punk Hassad to Dressrosa, is this change happening because of me?”

"Or is there really such a thing as readers' resentment in this world, so that's why that kid appeared in my war?" Ace said thoughtfully.

"Those are... ninjas and samurai!" On King's Heights, Jack also saw four people appearing out of thin air, and he immediately guessed their identities from the dress of the Kin'emon people, and then faced Doflamingo He said loudly: "Joker, those people are the samurai Mr. Kaido has been looking for. They must not be allowed to escape Dressrosa!"

"The person Kaido has been looking for!" When Doflamingo heard Jack's words, his expression immediately became serious, and then he danced with the fingers of his right hand. The Shadow Rider clone that had been defeated by Luo suddenly stood up, and then fucked the informant. The doll's body reappears as silk threads, and the doll's head is like a spout, erupting a large number of silk threads that make up the doll's body into the air like a volcanic eruption.

After a large number of silk threads erupted to a certain height in the sky, they suddenly exploded like fireworks, and then fell like a meteor shower. When they fell to the ground, the threads extended from a point in the air to the point where they fell to the ground, forming a structure made of countless threads. The arc from the air to the ground is like a huge birdcage.

"Birdcage!" Doflamingo manipulated a huge birdcage formed by countless silk threads, sealed the entire Dressrosa, and then said loudly: "Originally, I didn't want to use this trick, because after the birdcage was opened, These special threads will block all signals in the birdcage, and the live broadcast of this war will be interrupted, but if you catch the samurai Mr. Kaido is looking for, you can’t control so much.”

"Jack, from now on, everyone in Dressrosa is a caged bird. Without my permission, no one can escape. You can slowly look for Kai like a cat catching a mouse. The person Mr. Do is looking for," Doflamingo said to Jack.

"Cat and mouse game? I like this metaphor!" Jack laughed, and then said: "Do you want me to help you deal with this brat first?"

"No need." Doflamingo waved his hand and said confidently: "It's just a brat. Even if he has considerable strength now, for me, it's just something that can be dealt with in a short time. .”

"Okay, then I'll leave first." After Jack said that, he transformed into a huge mammoth, and then quickly rushed towards the bullfighting arena.

For Jack, killing the samurai is the most important thing than helping Doflamingo.

Ace did not stop Jack from leaving. The guy's target was Momonosuke and the others who had just traveled through time. And Momonosuke was now protected by Kin'emon, Raizo, and Kanjuro Susame. The strength of those three people They are not weak, even if Jack wants to deal with them, it will probably take some time.

And Ace believes that it would be best if Momonosuke and the others could just die in Jack's hands.

"Then, let's continue!" Ace looked at Doflamingo and said, "Now, no one will interrupt our battle."

"Hahahaha." Doflamingo did not take action immediately, but laughed, and then said to Ace: "Fire Fist, I don't think there is a reason for us to continue fighting. On the contrary, I think we can join forces. .”

"I know your true identity, the only bloodline left by Pirate King Gol D. Roger in this world. This identity, coupled with the potential you have shown now, I am sure that you have the potential to ascend to the throne. All you lack is time."

"However, as long as your identity is leaked, no one in the sea will give you time to continue to grow, and you will be punished by the entire world."

"And I can help you solve this problem, and even help you grow up quickly." Doflamingo approached Ace, lowered his head and said in his ear: "If we join forces, whether it is the Yonko or the World Government, Nothing can stop your rise."

"I will use my power to push you to the top, and then you help me push those guys who call themselves gods off the altar. Hahahaha, this is a win-win deal, how about it?"

"Sure enough, you already know." After hearing Doflamingo's words, Ace sighed in his heart, then raised his head, looked at Doflamingo, smiled, and said, "Your proposal is very disappointing. It’s heart-warming, but it’s a pity that you said it too late.”

"If I form an alliance with someone who killed my partner, then I will really have no shame in living in this ocean." After Ace finished speaking, he punched Doflamingo, "As a man , I will not let such a stain remain on my body, so I refuse!"

"Lewis' revenge must be repaid with your blood, Doflamingo." Ace said firmly.

"Kid!" Doflamingo blocked Ace's fist, looked at Ace, his eyes under his sunglasses were filled with murderous intent, and shouted: "Then you go die!"

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