One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 123 One Hundred Thousand Degrees·Purple Flame (Please subscribe)

"Fuhahahaha!" Doflamingo laughed loudly, then opened his arms and released his power to turn the surrounding ground into white lines.

After testing that Ace's white flames could not break through his own armored defense, Doflamingo no longer held back and directly used his killing move.

"Thousands of arrows pierce the heart·Feather strikes the line!"

Doflamingo waved his hands, and thousands of sharp thorns wrapped with armed domineering shot out from the ground at the same time, surrounding Ace in the shape of flamingo wings, and then all stabbed at Ace, as if to Ace pierced the heart with a thousand arrows.

"Jingyan·Great Flame Ring!"

Ace rotated his arms, and a large amount of white flames were released from his body, forming a huge white fire pillar to protect himself.

Boom boom boom! ! ~~~

Thousands of thread thorns attacked the fire pillar at the same time. The armed domineering energy wrapped around the thread thorns allowed the thread thorns to withstand the terrifying temperature of the white flames. The huge power of the thousands of attacks directly shattered the fire pillar, and then fell hard on Ace. on the body.

Bang bang bang! ! ~~~

Thousands of feather attack lines continued to bombard Ace. Although Ace had used his strongest armed color Haki defense, he was still stunned by this overwhelming attack.

"Kid, I don't know how you developed the Shashao Fruit to this extent, but your white flame obviously cannot last long, and although the temperature of your white flame is terrifying, it cannot break through my armed color Haki."

"Fuhahahahaha, if your ability is only as good as it is now, then this battle will end here." Doflamingo laughed while controlling the feather attack line to continuously attack Ace.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! ~~~

Under Doflamingo's ferocious attack, Ace's armed Haki defense finally began to collapse, and the feather attack line pierced Ace's defense and penetrated into his flesh.

Ace used all his strength to defend against the attacks of thousands of feather attack lines. He looked at Doflamingo who was laughing wildly in front of him, and thought to himself: "Even 10,000 degrees of pure flames cannot break Doflamingo's armed color." Are you domineering?"

Although the flame temperature that Ace currently masters far exceeds 10,000 degrees, for him, raising the temperature of elemental flames is already a very simple matter. The difficult thing is to use that ultra-high temperature flame to fight.

Because whether it is raising the temperature or releasing the flame, it requires a lot of physical strength. With Ace's current physical strength, if he only fights with ordinary temperature flames, he can fight for ten days and ten nights without resting. However, if you release 10,000-degree pure flames to fight, it will only last for a few hours at most. If you continue to increase the temperature of the flame, the duration will be doubled.

Currently, the maximum temperature that Ace's elementalized flames can reach has exceeded 100,000 degrees. However, with his physical strength, if he uses flames with a high temperature of 100,000 degrees to fight, it will only last for five minutes at most before his physical strength will be exhausted. This is without amplifying the move, otherwise the duration will be shorter.

In order to break this embarrassing situation, in the past year, Ace has given top priority to improving his physical strength. The time he spends exercising every day is definitely not shorter than that of Sauron, the iron-maniac, but even so, With his current physical strength, using flames with a temperature of 100,000 degrees to find it would still be a huge burden.

After this battle, Ace has consumed a lot of physical strength. With his remaining physical strength, if he uses a flame with a temperature of 50,000 degrees, it can only last for about three minutes at most. More importantly, even if it is 50,000 degrees, There is no guarantee that fire can break Doflamingo's armed haki.

As a member of the Seven Seas of War, Doflamingo's armed haki intensity is undoubtedly powerful. In terms of strength alone, even Vergo's armed haki intensity at the time was far inferior to Doflamingo's current one. Brother Langming.

This level of armed domineering, not to mention 10,000 degrees of pure inflammation, even if it can defend against 50,000 degrees of pure inflammation, is not something that is difficult for people to accept.

"What am I hesitating about?" Ace suddenly laughed at himself, then his eyes became firm, and he said softly: "Since we are not sure whether fifty thousand degrees can break Doflamingo's armed domineering force, then just use one hundred thousand degrees The speed is good, but how long can it last? As long as we defeat him before exhaustion, it will be fine!"

After making up his mind, Ace's eyes became firm. He closed his eyes, and the white inflammation on his body began to extinguish. Then the skin all over his body began to glow with a faint purple color. As the purple color became darker, it became more terrifying. The warmth began to spread from Ace's body.

Zizzi! ! ~

As the temperature of Ace's body continued to rise, the feather threads that struck him began to emit black smoke, like wool burned by flames, and began to smell burnt.

"Hey, you're lying!" Doflamingo felt a horrified look on his face as he felt his wings scorched by the high temperature, and then stopped attacking. Ace, who was shrouded in purple light, was in disbelief. Said: "Purple? This kid, can it make the temperature of the flame higher?"

Although Doflamingo is not a natural-type esper, as a esper who can develop the ability of Devil Fruit to the awakening state, he is still very knowledgeable in the ability of Devil Fruit. In his opinion, regardless of Regardless of the different ways of using it, there is a certain limit to the upper limit of the ability of any system. For example, the ton-pressing fruit of his Mahabais has an upper limit of 10,000 tons. The only way to break this limit is to develop the fruit's ability to the state of awakening.

After the battle just now, Doflamingo can see that the upper limit of Ace's Burning Fruit is temperature, but Ace has changed the shape of the flame once in the previous battle, and after that time the flame changed from red to white, The temperature has increased significantly.

In Doflamingo's view, this situation should only change when a certain upper limit is broken, so when Ace transformed into flame form for the first time, he subconsciously thought that Ace had broken himself. The limits of ability.

However, now Ace's flame has changed again, and this time the change is even more exaggerated. At this time, the ridiculously high temperature emanating from Ace is so exaggerated that Doflamingo even suspected that Ace had eaten Is it the burning fruit that is being laid down?

At this time, Ace, who was hovering in mid-air, opened his eyes. His pupils had turned purple, and his hair had turned into burning purple flames swinging in the wind.

This look, from a distance, looks downright handsome.

PS: So what, please don’t use common sense in reality to look at the flame temperature of the protagonist in the book. This is a novel.

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