One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 124 The Sword of Fire! (Please subscribe)

Ace raised his hand, purple flames ignited in his palms, and he said: "Doflamingo, let you see the strongest flame I can control now, the hundred thousand degrees purple flame!"

"One hundred thousand degrees? Are you kidding me?" Feeling the temperature radiating from Ace's body, Doflamingo couldn't help complaining: "How come this terrifying temperature makes it feel like you are facing someone at such a close distance?" Just like the sun, could it be that what this kid ate was not the Shao Shao Fruit, but the Sun Fruit?"

What's more important is that from this kid's tone, it sounds like a hundred thousand-degree purple flame is not the limit!

"Kid, I admit that you look scary now, but it's probably not easy for you to maintain this form, right?" Doflamingo saw Ace's shortcomings at a glance, then opened his arms and activated Ability to turn everything around into white lines.

"Hahahaha, you can use the 100,000-degree flame for a few more minutes!" Doflamingo laughed.

"Ah, with my current physical strength, I can only maintain the form of One Hundred Thousand Degree Purple Flame for one minute at most." Ace looked at Doflamingo, purple flames ignited everywhere on his body, and said softly: " But in this state, it only takes a moment to defeat you!"

"In an instant?" After hearing Ace's words, Doflamingo's face darkened at first, and then he laughed and said: "Hahahaha, you are so arrogant, then let me see how you can do it in an instant. Defeat me."

Swish! ! ~~

As he spoke, Doflamingo had already activated his ability. White threads rose from the ground, and then intertwined into an ultra-high-strength enhanced version of the feather strike thread, and finally wrapped around Doflamingo's most powerful weapon. The domineering color looks like a weapon that can penetrate everything, and there are sixteen such terrifying weapons!

The strongest line coupled with the highest strength of armed color Haki, this is Doflamingo's last and strongest killing move.

"Although I'm still far behind now, the hundred thousand-degree purple flame should be able to pay tribute to the commander-in-chief!" Ace said something that Doflamingo couldn't understand while slowly holding his right palm. , the purple flame condensed into a gorgeous purple long knife in his palm.

"Captain? Is this kid confused by his own high temperature?" Doflamingo complained inexplicably, and then waved his hand vigorously, and sixteen sacred bullets wrapped with the most powerful armed color were fired at the same time. He thrust towards Ace from different directions at a speed that broke the sound barrier.

"16 rounds of holy bullets·God's killing!"

Ace looked at the holy bullets that were thrust towards him from different directions. The expression on his face did not change at all. He slowly raised the tribute blade in his hand, and then slashed it at Doflamingo. !

“This is the blade of tribute—the sword of fire!”


When the sword was swung down, the purple flame released from the blade exploded like a bright light. Even the sacred bullets wrapped around Doflamingo's most powerful armed color Haki were burned away the moment they came into contact with the powerful purple flame.

Wherever the majestic purple flame passes, everything disappears without a trace; wherever the purple light shines, everything turns to ashes.

"Hoo!~" Ace exclaimed, and then fell directly from the air. After releasing the Fire Sword, his physical strength was almost completely exhausted, and the remaining physical strength could not even maintain the elementalization of his body.

Below, half of Doflamingo's body has disappeared, and half of his body has disappeared along with one-tenth of the King's Heights.

Doflamingo was dying with only half of his body left. Ace's sword of fire directly destroyed half of Doflamingo's body. It was impossible for him to survive this kind of injury. It was a matter of time when he died. There is no doubt that Doflamingo lost this battle completely.

Ace came to Doflamingo's side and sat down directly. Looking at Doflamingo with only half of his body left, there was no joy of victory in his eyes, only a complicated look.

In the sky, with Doflamingo's defeat, the birdcage covering Dressrosa began to slowly disappear.

"You win, kid!" Doflamingo, who only had half of his body left, looked at Ace, with a signature smile on his face, and laughed: "Although you won, I didn't lose, because I have already Your true life experience is told to the World Government. After learning your true identity, the World Government will definitely send a force that you cannot resist to attack you.

Because you are the son of Gol D. Roger, the only bloodline of the Pirate King left in this world!

And I, who announced this message to the world, will watch you from heaven being hunted by the whole world, and our war will continue in another way!

I'll be waiting for you in hell, Portcas D. Ace! "

As soon as the words fell, Doflamingo was completely lifeless, and beside him, an image phone bug wearing the same sunglasses as him also slowly closed his eyes.

That's right, at the end of his life, Doflamingo used a video phone bug to tell everyone who was paying attention to Ace's life experience. From this moment on, Ace was the Pirate King Gol D. Roger. In this way the identity of the son was spread throughout the world.

Of course Ace saw the image phone bug next to Doflamingo, from the beginning, but he didn't stop Doflamingo from revealing his identity to the world because it didn't make sense.

In fact, when Ace came to Dressrosa and saw Doflamingo live broadcasting the war to the world, he had a hunch that Doflamingo might have found out his life experience. It proved that his hunch was right, and since Doflamingo found out his identity, it was impossible not to do anything. He might even have used this information to make some deals with a certain force.

And who can we trade with to maximize the benefits of the information about Ace’s identity? The answer, of course, is world government!

If the World Government knows his identity, it will be no different than being known to the whole world. In other words, it is of little significance for him to stop Doflamingo now. It is better to just follow Doflamingo's mouth and tell him His identity will be revealed to the whole world, and there may be unexpected gains.

"Perhaps, this is a good way to announce it to the world." Ace looked at Doflamingo's body, sighed slightly, and said softly: "I just don't know what will happen after this message is conveyed. What kind of impact will it have?”

"Moreover, this war is not over yet." Ace looked at the sea in the distance and murmured: "The most dangerous enemy has not shown up yet!"

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