One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 125 Saab’s Crisis (Please subscribe)

Is Doflamingo the biggest enemy in this battle?

The answer is of course not!

Although the target of the war is Doflamingo, Ace knows very well that there are too many forces involved behind this war, and the one most involved is the Beast Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, and the most dangerous , is the world government.

The deal between Doflamingo and Beast Kaido is related to the strength development of the Beast Pirates. If Kaido knew that he defeated Doflamingo, he would never sit idly by.

As for the World Government, after knowing the identity of Ace's Pirate King bloodline and the strength and potential shown by Ace in this war, he has no doubt that the World Government will eradicate him at all costs, even if There is no hesitation in starting a bigger war.

Because Ace has grown so fast, both in terms of rise and growth, his speed is astonishing, and his growth rate is even faster than Roger's.

"The World Government must have sent a general. I don't know if Sabo can withstand it." Ace looked at the sea level in the distance, as if he could see Sabo leading the revolutionary army and the fleet of the Navy Headquarters at sea in the distance. fighting.

Although he is very confident in Sabo's strength, if the Navy headquarters only dispatches one general, Sabo can definitely handle it. After all, Sabo has obtained the kind of power that Blackbeard could only dream of.

That's right, Ace gave the Darkness Fruit that he snatched from Blackbeard to Sabo. Sabo who ate the Darkness Fruit might be stronger than Ace now.

Sabo, who has mastered what is known as the 'most vicious' ability in the history of Devil Fruits, would never lose even if he couldn't win against a general. Even if the World Government went crazy and sent two more generals, Sabo would definitely be unable to defeat him and escape. There would be no problem, unless the World Government got into trouble and directly sent all three navy generals.

"The World Government shouldn't be so aggressive, right?" Although Ace felt that the World Government would not send out three generals directly, he still took out the phone number used to contact Sabo and dialed.

But when Ace called, no one answered, which gave him a bad feeling.

"Saab, don't let anything happen!" Ace looked at the phone bug in his hand, his face full of worry, but he couldn't leave Dressrosa yet.

Although he has defeated Doflamingo, Jack of the Beast Pirates is still here. If he leaves, no one on this island can deal with Jack.

Ace stood up and gritted his teeth: "No, even if we give up everything on this island, we must first determine Sabo's situation."

Originally, Ace wanted to give everything he took from Doflamingo to Sabo after winning the war, but now that Sabo is unable to communicate, he no longer allows him to collect the loot.

The goal of this war has been achieved. He has killed Doflamingo to avenge Lewis. As for the loot, it is nothing compared to Sabo's safety.

Buru buru bulu~~buru buru buru~~

Just when Ace was about to gather his friends and leave Dressrosa to find Sabo, the phone bug left by Sabo suddenly rang.

Ace immediately took out the phone, and after connecting it, he immediately asked: "Saab, are you okay?"

"Ace, I'm fine." Sabo's voice came from the phone. Although he sounded a little weak, he still smiled heartily and said, "How are you doing over there? Have you defeated the Shichibukai? I'm head-on. Defeated the admiral!" Sabo said.

"Repulse the Admiral head-on!" Ace was a little surprised. Although he was very confident in Sabo's strength, he didn't expect that guy to be strong enough to defeat the Admiral head-on. He paused and felt that on his side Unable to weaken his momentum, he glanced at Doflamingo's body, cleared his throat, and said, "Really? You've become stronger, Sabo. You can actually defeat the admiral head-on, but I can't do that either. Damn, I killed Doflamingo."

"Oh, I actually killed Doflamingo directly. That's great." Sabo was surprised and said: "Ace, I defeated the navy's fleet. The World Government probably won't send anyone here again in the short term. I still have some things to deal with here, so I won’t go to Dressrosa, but I’ve asked Karas to go there, so remember to honor what you promised me.”

"Don't worry, I will hand over all the trophies of Dressrosa to the Revolutionary Army." Ash paused, then said in a deep voice: "Saab, are you... okay?"

"Don't worry, Ace. I'm fine. I'm just a little weak from exhaustion." Sabo suddenly raised his voice and said, "You don't have to worry about me. I defeated Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters head-on. In terms of record, But I am better than you, maybe you will call me big brother next time we meet."

"Are you kidding? I am the older brother, and I faced two generals at the same time a year ago. I am more dazzling in terms of record, you bastard." Ace retorted loudly, and then said: "Saab, next time Let’s meet and have a good fight.”

After the two argued for a few more times about who was the brother, they hung up the phone.

North of Dressrosa, dozens of nautical miles away, a ship with the flag of the Revolutionary Army floated on the sea. On the ship, Sabo, who was bandaged all over, put down the phone bug in his hand. This action affected the body. The wound suddenly caused his brows to furrow in pain.

"Sabo-kun, are you okay?" Kerla immediately asked with concern upon seeing this.

"Although it looks a bit miserable, you'll be fine if you rest for a while." Sabo waved his hand, with a smile on his pale face, and said: "After all, the opponent is the admiral who is known as the world government's most powerful combatant. He can do it at this price. It's already very cost-effective to repel them, and Kizaru's injuries are no less serious than mine."

"Ace has also defeated Doflamingo. There is no doubt that we won this war!" Sabo said happily.

"Yes, you brothers are the most powerful." Kerra agreed while supporting Sabo, wanting to take him to rest.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet the second-in-command of the revolutionary army in a place like this. I'm so lucky!"

Suddenly, a burst of wild laughter came from the sky, causing Sabo and Kella's expressions to change suddenly. They looked up in the direction of the laughter, and saw a huge sailboat floating in the sky. Fly towards them.

On the bow of the ship, a burly man with a rough appearance, thick hair, and a few teeth missing from his mouth was looking at them with a ferocious smile.

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