One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 126 The Betrayer (Please subscribe)

Dressrosa, King's Heights.

Ace put away the phone bug that was used to communicate with Sabo, and a smile appeared on his lips. After confirming that Sabo was safe, he could finally clean up the mess of Dressrosa with peace of mind.

"I wonder if Kaido will go crazy after killing the big sign of the Beast Pirates?" Ace looked in the direction of the bullfighting arena and said with a smile.

The relationship between the Beast Pirates and Doflamingo is very close. It can even be said that Doflamingo is related to whether the Beast Pirates can truly grasp the key to the ultimate power to dominate the new world. Now Doflamingo After dying at the hands of Ace, Kaido will definitely not remain silent. It is only a matter of time before the war begins.

If Ace were to leave Jack, one of the Three Disasters and the biggest draw of the Beast Pirates, in Dressrosa forever at this time, Kaido would probably rush over to challenge him immediately, right?

"Next, who will launch a war against me, will it be the World Government or a certain Four Emperors?" Ace stood up, twisted his neck, moved his body, then put on his hat, and said with a smile: "Things will happen How will it develop, and how will the situation in the new world change? I'm really looking forward to it!" After saying that, Ace jumped directly from the edge of King's Heights, then elementalized in mid-air, and quickly headed towards the bullfighting arena. Fly to the position.

In the bullfighting arena, the king's army led by King Liku and the warriors who had transformed from toys into humans had formed an alliance with the warriors of the Dongdada tribe at some point, and were fighting together against the villains from the underground world.

Although the number of people on King Riku's side occupies an absolute advantage, their high-level combat power is far behind those of the villains from the underground world. However, these villains do not come from the same force. They have no intention of joining forces, but instead always want to take the opportunity to backstab others, so that there will be one less person to share the benefits.

Just as the fierce battle between the two parties was in full swing, Ace's figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed among these people, interrupting their fight.

Ace's arrival caused everyone who was fighting to temporarily stop fighting. They all turned their attention to him and started whispering.

"It's him, Fire Fist Ace!"

"Portcas D. Ace, isn't he fighting Doflamingo? Why are he here?"

"Could it be that...the clown has been defeated by him?"

"How is it possible? The clown is the King of the Qibukai."

King Riku breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Ace's arrival, because in their opinion, Ace's appearance here must mean that the battle with Doflamingo has already been decided. As for the outcome of the battle, As a result, Ace stood here intact, but Doflamingo was nowhere to be seen. It was not difficult to guess the outcome between the two.

The villains in the underground world had different ideas. They also guessed that Doflamingo might really be defeated by Ace, but they couldn't accept this fact for a while.

As for Ace, he didn't care what these people were thinking. He used his knowledge-color Haki to investigate, and after finding that none of his partners were here, he directly released his Overlord-color Haki.


Under the pressure of Ace's domineering aura, most of the people on both sides, King Riku and the villains of the underground world, instantly lost consciousness. Those who withstood Ace's domineering aura were also shaken by this astonishing aura and broke into cold sweats. , dare not move at all.

Ace ignored them and jumped directly from the hole in the arena floor under the gaze of these people.

"Bulu Bulu~Buru Bulu~"

Suddenly, the silent scene was broken by a series of phone calls. The villains from the underground world almost simultaneously received notifications from their respective forces, telling them that Doflamingo had been captured by Portcas D. The news that Ace was defeated and dead, coupled with the exposure of Ace's identity as a bloodline of the Pirate King, made them immediately realize that something was wrong.

The explosive news silenced the entire audience, and then they all picked up their fainting companions and prepared to evacuate from Dressrosa.

The king's soldiers cheered loudly, as if they had won the war, but King Riku looked solemn.

I don't know why, although Doflamingo has been defeated, he doesn't have any excitement at all, but has a bad feeling in his heart.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Violet saw something was wrong with her father's face, so she came to him and asked with concern.

"It's okay." King Riku shook his head, and then comforted himself in his heart, saying: "With the behavior of Fire Fist and the others, they should not do anything to Dressrosa. Maybe I am overthinking."

King Riku began to command the soldiers to clean up the mess, but he came to the edge of the broken ground, looked down at the dark underground trading port below, and whispered: "This war is far from over. What will happen next in Dressrosa?" What will be the fate?"

Below the bullfighting arena, in the underground trading port.

The battle between the Spade Pirates and the Don Quixote family cadres has not yet been decided, and the super melee is still going on. Moreover, with the sudden appearance of Momonosuke and the others, Law and Cacus and others With the addition of Jack, the melee becomes even more chaotic.

When Momonosuke and others fell from the sky, they hit Luo and Kakus. This accident almost caused a fight between them. However, just when they were about to take action, Jack, who was ruthless and seldom talked about, suddenly He broke in, and then spotted Kinemon and several others who were dressed in the standard Wano style and rushed over.

Kinemon and the others protected Momonosuke while fighting Jack, leaving Law and Kakus a little confused.

If it were normal, seeing these weirdos who suddenly appeared and Jack not dealing with them, and believing that the enemy of their enemy is their friend, they might help Kinemon and beat up Jack together, but now their companions They were still fighting. In this case, it was naturally impossible for Luo and Karkus to leave their companions alone and participate in other people's battles. So after the two looked at each other, they looked for Karos and the others' aura. .

At present, among all the people in the underground trading port, Jack's combat power is undoubtedly the first. However, Jack has only one purpose here, and that is to hunt down Momonosuke and Kin'emon who appeared with him. Among the three of them, the others were not taken seriously by the flagship of the Beasts Pirates at all.

Originally, Kin'emon, who was the leader of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sky, was not weak. If he, Raizo and Kanjuro Sudame joined forces, he would not be without the ability to fight against Jack. However, during the battle between several people, As an undercover agent, Kanjuro Tougeme, no, it was Kanjuro Kuotan who suddenly betrayed him and seriously injured Kinemon in a sneak attack.

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