One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 129 Drought (please subscribe)

"The big sign of the Beasts Pirates, Drought Jack!" Ace raised his other hand, made a fist lightly, white flames ignited from his fist, and said in a deep voice: "If you only have this level , then go to hell!"

"Pure Flame·Fire Fist!"

boom! ~

White flames with a temperature of 10,000 degrees spewed out from Ace's arm, condensed into a huge fist, and directly blasted Jack's huge body away.

"So hot, so hot!" Jack kept rolling on the ground to extinguish the flames on his body, and then stood up. Although he looked a little embarrassed, in fact he was not seriously injured.

"Even 10,000-degree purifying flames can't burn through his skin?" Ace looked at Jack, who was almost unscathed, and couldn't help but said: "As expected of an animal-type user who is famous for being able to withstand beatings, his body is really not that strong. .”

You know, Jack didn't use Armament Haki just now. He withstood the 10,000-degree net inflammation just by relying on his own body. The strength of this body is evident (PS: Everyone, please stop talking when you see this, Wang Lufei When fighting the user with the temperature fruit ability, he also withstood the 10,000-degree heat without even learning the weaponry. Whether it is an anime or a novel, in the end it is all fantasy and should not be linked to reality.)

"Luo, you take Caesar and leave here first." Ace turned to his friends and said, then walked towards Jack, and at the same time, the flames ignited in his hands condensed into long spears in his hands, and said: "I would like to see , How resistant are the animal type and ancient species ability users to being beaten?"

After hearing Ace's words, the Luo people looked at each other and evacuated the area in tacit agreement.

"Sacred Fire Shiranui!"

Ace jumped up, and then threw the flame spear in his hand at Jack with all his strength.


Jack unleashed his armed domineering energy, swept away the musket thrown by Ace with one knife, and punched Ace with the other hand.

Jack's scythe (PS: I checked, this kind of knife seems to be called a shotal knife, I don't know if that's correct, let's just call it a scythe). There are two of them originally, but one of them is fighting Kinemon. It was destroyed in the process, and now only a handful remains.

Ace blocked Jack's fist with his feet and used the force to fly back. On the way, he opened his palms to face Jack. White light spots flew out of Ace's palms like fireflies and surrounded Jack.

"Firefly Fire Bodhidharma!"


Countless fireflies exploded at the same time, forming a scorching flame that engulfed Jack. However, the pure flame with a temperature of 10,000 degrees was unable to cause any harm to Jack.


Jack's huge body walked out of the flames, and then stepped heavily on the ground. The air flow formed dispersed the pure flames around his body. He looked at Ace and said: "Kid, I'm a 'drought', you actually want to use flames to deal with me. , so naive.”

"Although your flame is a bit hot, it can't burn me at all." Jack said with contempt.

"Drought?" Ace looked at Jack who was uninjured and frowned slightly.

As the saying goes, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. Since Jack has been given a nickname like 'Drought', in addition to being able to withstand beatings, he must also have abilities related to 'Drought'. No wonder He can withstand 10,000 degrees of pure inflammation without the use of armor and domineering.

"I see, since the flames can't hurt you, I can only beat you with my fists." Ace swayed, and with a step, he was in front of Jack in an instant, wrapping his armed and domineering fist at Jack's Hit in the chest.

The armed domineering energy condensed in Ace's fist was suddenly released when his fist was still ten centimeters away from Jack's body.

"Armed Type 2: Sky and Dark Hammer!"


The invisible but powerful armed domineering force hit Jack's chest, like an invisible heavy hammer that hit his chest hard, causing his entire chest to collapse. His huge body continued to retreat, and then He half-knelt down, clutching his chest, and the ground beneath his feet plowed two deep ravines as he retreated.

Armed Type 2, Space and Hell Hammer, is different from Type 1, Space God Strike. The Space and Death Hammer is not only more powerful, but also has a larger strike range, making it more suitable for dealing with large enemies like Jack.

However, Jack, who withstood this attack head-on, only had a few bones in his chest broken, and did not suffer any serious injuries. This shows how resistant this guy is to beatings.

"Ha~ha~" Jack covered his chest and gasped for a while, then raised his head, looked at Ace with violent eyes, and said angrily: "Kid, you really pissed me off this time." As he spoke, Jack's body begins to change, from human form to the form of a giant mammoth.

"Feel the horror from ancient times, kid!" Jack, who had transformed into a mammoth form, raised his upper body high and then stepped on the ground. The next moment, the entire King's Heights shook violently, and the violent shaking made Ace His body shook subconsciously.

Uh-huh! ~

At this time, the harsh sound of breaking wind suddenly came from Ace's side. Ace turned his head, just in time to see Jack's armed and domineering trunk wrapped around him and whipping towards him fiercely.

At this distance, Ace could no longer dodge, and the attack surface of the elephant trunk made it impossible for him to dodge by transforming his body into elements. He could only release the strongest armed domineering defense.

Snapped! ~

Jack's trunk struck Ace hard, sending him flying out and smashing through the thick wall of the underground trading place.

"As expected of an animal type and ancient type of esper, there is no one with this kind of strange power." Ace stood up from the rubble and twisted his neck. The moment just now made him feel as if his whole body was about to fall apart.

He had forgotten that animal-type espers were not only able to withstand beatings, but also had extraordinary physical strength, especially the ancient species. The increase in strength from the fruit's ability was simply unparalleled. At that moment, Ace felt as if he was being beaten by a giant. The clan gave a thump.

Boom, boom, boom! ~~~

At this time, Jack, who had transformed into a mammoth, was rushing towards him quickly. Every time his huge body took a step, the ground shook.

"Hey!" Faced with the charging Jack, Ace grinned, swayed, and instantly appeared above the mammoth's head, and hit the mammoth's head hard with his powerful and domineering fist. Go down.

"Armed Type 2: Sky and Dark Hammer!"

Facing Ace's offensive, Jack in the mammoth form not only had no intention of evading, but instead glared, released a weapon-colored domineering blessing on his head, and then slammed into him.

"Ancient Impact!"

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