One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 130 Flame General (please subscribe)


Ace's fist collided with Jack's mammoth headbutt. The strong force caused the ground under the mammoth's feet to burst instantly, and Ace's whole body was knocked away.

"So hard!" Ace, who was knocked away, stabilized his body, then shook his numb arm, and whispered: "You can't even hammer the second weapon type, the Sky and Dark Hammer, this guy's skin is in the end How thick it is!”

"Kid, neither your flames nor your domineering power can harm me." Jack walked towards Ace with heavy steps and said, "If you have no other means, just wait until I crush your head. .”

"Want to crush my head?" Ace looked at Jack, smiled slightly, then waved to him and said provocatively: "Then come over and try!"

"Kid, you're looking for death!" Jack couldn't stand this provocation. He suddenly shook his head and rushed towards Ace.

Ace's lower body became elemental, easily dodging Jack's collision, and then hovering in mid-air, smiling: "Look, if I want to, you can't even touch the soles of my feet."

"But I can attack you at any time!" After saying that, Ace flashed and appeared next to Jack in an instant, hitting his head with an air strike.


Jack was staggered by the beating, and his huge body almost fell over.

"Ah!~" Although Jack, who had turned into a mammoth, was huge, he had no way to deal with Ace, who could fly. He could only stare and rage.

"Damn you kid!" Jack looked at Ace hovering in mid-air, his eyes bloodshot, and immediately his body changed again, from a mammoth to a half-human, half-mammoth form.

Jack, who was already over eight meters tall, was over twenty meters tall in his half-human, half-mammoth form, almost catching up with the average giant.

"Drink!" Jack shouted, stomping his legs on the ground, his huge body leaping high, and rushing towards Ace in mid-air.

Ace dodged, dodged Jack's collision, and then fell to the ground. Looking at Jack's huge body, his eyes flashed slightly and said, "This huge body is just right for me to test that move!"

"The battle with Doflamingo has made my body adapt to the 100,000-degree purple flame to a great extent. Now using the purple flame should not consume so much physical strength. It's just a good time to experiment with the huge The second stage of the transformation technique!”

Ace's eyes glowed with purple light. The next moment, purple flames ignited from his body. The hot purple flames instantly shot up to a height of tens of meters. The ultra-high temperature made the entire underground space seem to instantly turn into a furnace. , the surrounding buildings even began to crystallize.

Uh-huh! ~

Suddenly, a purple arm stretched out from the flames. With a sharp stroke, the arm directly split the burning purple flames into two, and a gorgeous huge body appeared from the flames.

This body is covered in gorgeous purple armor, with a long knife hanging on the waist, and ribbon-like purple flames flying in the wind on the shoulders and joints. This posture is the second stage of Ace's giant transformation move, Flame. General!

The Flame General is much smaller than the Fire Giant Soldier in the first stage, and its temperature is completely controlled and will not leak out at all, but this fully armed posture looks more intimidating than the Fire Giant Soldier.

"What?" Jack looked at the Flame General and instinctively felt a powerful threat. However, his arrogant personality made him ignore the threat. He directly pulled out his saber and attacked the Flame General.

clang! ~

Ace raised his arm, and the armor made of purple flames blocked Jack's knife. Then his arm shook, and purple flames spurted out from the inside of the flame general's arm, and the force generated directly launched Jack's huge body away.

"Even if the body has adapted to the purple flame, the physical strength cannot maintain this state for a long time." Ace sighed, then held the long knife at his waist, slowly pulled it out, and walked towards Jack and said: " Jack, here’s a piece of advice for you, it’s best to use your strongest defense!”

"What are you talking about!" Jack was indeed irritated by Ace's words. Veins popped up on his forehead and he said angrily: "You brat, do you think you can hurt me just by changing your posture? Who do you think I am? Just attack me." Come over here and give it a try!”


The long sword was unsheathed, and the high temperature emanating from the purple blade made the blade look a little twisted and illusory.

"Then let me show you the real sword of fire!" Ace controlled the flame general to hold the sword with both hands and slashed at Jack.


Exploding purple flames erupted from the blade, instantly engulfing Jack's body.


Jack's tragic sound came from the exploding purple flames, but was quickly drowned out. When the purple flames in the blade were completely released, there was nothing left where the blade in General Flame's hand was pointing.

The buildings, the ground, including Jack's body, all disappeared without a trace under the flame general's blade, and were completely burned by the hot purple flames.

Compared with the sword of fire that killed Doflamingo, General Flame's blade is the real sword of fire. It perfectly seals a large amount of purple flame into the blade. Once it is swung, everything is over and it will hit. Everything was burned to ashes with bursts of purple flame.


After killing Jack, the flame general exhaled a burst of white smoke in front of him, and then his tall body slowly disappeared, disintegrated into purple flames, and finally merged into Ace's body.

"Now, the war in Dressrosa is finally over!" Ace said slightly tiredly.

The Don Quixote family, including Doflamingo, was almost completely wiped out. Drought Jack, the signature of the Hundred Beast Pirates and one of the Four Emperors he invited as reinforcements, was also killed, and all the villains in the underground world were killed. Withdraw, now there is no enemy in Dressrosa who can resist them.

On the World Government side, the admiral and fleet they sent were repelled by the revolutionary army led by Sabo, and they should not send anyone again in the short term.

Among the Four Emperors, it is certain that the Beast Pirates will be their mortal enemies from now on.

The attitude of the Big Mom Pirates is unknown, but the probability of becoming enemies is relatively high.

Even if the red-haired pirates are not allies for the time being, at least they will not be enemies for the time being.

The only remaining ally is the Whitebeard Pirates. After Ace's identity is exposed, the future development of the situation will largely depend on Whitebeard's attitude.

If Whitebeard's attitude is to protect Ace, then under Whitebeard's protection, Ace may be able to grow up peacefully for a few years. If Whitebeard chooses to ignore the matter and ignore it, then Ace will have to do it again. I have been hiding on an empty island for several years.

However, according to Whitebeard's character, it is almost impossible to stand by and watch, but Ace decided to wait until the incident in Dressrosa is over before meeting Whitebeard.

PS: The form of the Flame General refers to the complete form of Susanoo.

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