One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 133 Idiot, you have already been recognized as a family member by me.

A week after the incident in Dressrosa.

Everyone on the sea is looking forward to how much the Spade Pirates' bounty will change after this war. But what is surprising is that a week has passed and the World Government has not released any information on the Spade Pirates. New reward order.

Normally, after the Spade Pirates showed their overall strength in Dressrosa this time, the bounty will definitely be further increased. However, the World Government has not issued a new bounty order against them. This matter Everyone smelled something unusual.

Generally speaking, after a certain major event, the World Government will definitely issue a new reward for the pirates who led the event. If not, then it means that the World Government is preparing to use other means against them, and these means are nothing more than two. One is Zhao'an, the other is annihilation.

After the incident in Dressrosa, both the Four Emperors and the World Government all reacted differently, and their target, no surprise, was Ace himself.

Among the four emperors, some want to recruit Ace, some want to kill Ace, some want to protect Ace, and some want to restrict Ace's actions, but the World Government's attitude towards the Spade Pirates has never been made clear, so Many people have begun to speculate whether the World Government will invite Ace to take over Doflamingo's place and become a member of the new king's Shichibukai.

But more people confirm that the World Government will not recognize Ace's status, let alone sit back and watch Ace, who has the blood of the Pirate King, continue to grow. Therefore, what awaits Ace and the Spade Pirates will definitely be a ruthless crusade from the World Government. And it's the kind that costs nothing.

Half a month after the Dressrosa incident, an order issued by the World Government made the whole world boil again.

The World Government urgently summons the elites of the world's navies and will mobilize all combat forces to attack the pirate alliance of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Spade Pirates.

As soon as this order from the World Government was issued, the whole world was shocked. No one was surprised that the World Government would deal with the Spade Pirates, but no one expected that the World Government actually wanted to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates. Fight together.

But think about it, although the Whitebeard Pirates had united with Ace's Spade Pirates to form the Pirate Alliance a year ago, everyone knows that this so-called alliance is just a confrontation between the Whitebeard Pirates and It's just a kind of protection from Ace's Spade Pirates.

Although everyone is wondering why Whitebeard would do this, Whitebeard's move is undoubtedly telling everyone that Ace is the person he likes, and if the World Government wants to attack Ace, it means fighting with Whitebeard. It makes no difference if a band of thieves declares war.

In this sea, even a three-year-old child knows that you must never touch the Whitebeard Pirates unless you can withstand Whitebeard's anger.

In fact, the World Government tried to communicate with Whitebeard, trying to keep Whitebeard out of the matter and not interfere with Ace's affairs, but Whitebeard directly sank all the fleets and officers who came to communicate to the bottom of the sea.

Whitebeard directly expressed his position with actions, telling the World Government in this tough way that Ace is guaranteed to be safe, and if he wants a war, let's do it!

After Whitebeard firmly rejected the World Government's proposal, Ace came to the Moby-Dick alone.

On the deck, Ace sat cross-legged in front of Whitebeard and said: "Uncle Whitebeard, actually you don't have to reject the World Government so forcefully. You can try to be cowardly and delay the time. Even if you can't delay it, I'll find another place." Just hide for a few years."

"If we declare war now, it means there is no room for maneuver." Ace looked at Whitebeard and said, "Uncle, is it really worth it for me?"

Ace really didn't expect that this man would go to war with the World Government for himself when he didn't actually join the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Are you an idiot?" Whitebeard glanced at Ace and said, "Although you have not boarded my ship, I have already regarded you as my son. As a parent, I have to protect myself from the enemy. Isn’t it a matter of course for our family members?”

"Old...uncle." Ace stood up, looking at Whitebeard with mist in his eyes, and almost shouted that title.

"Idiot boy." Whitebeard looked at Ace and said with a kind face: "I don't care what you are thinking or what you want to do in the future. As long as you understand one thing, as long as I am still alive, there will be nothing in this world." No one can bully you in front of me."

"Because you have long been a family member recognized by me, understand?" Whitebeard looked at Ace and said seriously.

"I understand." Ace wiped the moisture from the corner of his eyes, showed a hearty smile, and said, "Then let the World Government see what the consequences will be if it angers us."

"Kula la la la, this looks cool." Whitebeard laughed, and then said: "But you are still very early to say this, stupid boy."

"Hey, I'm very strong now!" Ace said confidently.

Naval Headquarters, Marine Fando, the office of Navy Marshal Buddha of the Warring States Period.

"Hahahaha, the entire fleet was indeed sunk, as expected of Whitebeard." Upon hearing the news reported by the soldiers to the Warring States Period, Garp gave a thumbs up and burst into tears from laughter.

"You are so ridiculous!" Zhan Guo threw the document in his hand towards Piaopu and said angrily: "The government lost face with Whitebeard, aren't you happy?"

"Ah, I'm very happy." Garp said with an indifferent expression while picking his nose.

"Bastard, don't forget that you are also a navy." Sengoku grabbed Garp's collar and said angrily: "And this is not all your fault. If you weren't a naval hero, the World Government would have You will be held jointly and severally responsible."

"My old bones can't bear this kind of responsibility, hahahaha." Garp said with a laugh.

"You bastard, get out of my office." Sengoku let go of Garp's collar, pointed at the door of the office, and roared.

"Well, don't be angry, this kind of thing is out of my control a long time ago." Garp ignored Sengoku's anger, took out a bag of senbei, and said leisurely: "Let's compete in eating senbei."

On the sea, after the World Government expressed its attitude, and then the Whitebeard Pirates made a strong response, everyone knew that this war was inevitable, and there was no doubt that this war would be natural. After the death of Roger, the Pirate King, and the beginning of the Great Pirate Age, the biggest war began!

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