One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 134 Forced Recruitment (Please subscribe)

Grand Line, Krai Kana Island.

This island is the residence of Joracol Mihawk, one of the Seven Warlords and the world's best swordsman, 'Eagle Eye'.

On this day, a warship docked in the waters of Kraikana Island. Vice Admiral Huo Shaoshan of the Navy Headquarters looked at the man who was slowly walking towards the edge of Kraikana Island.

"Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, why don't you come to my residence?" 'Eagle Eye' Joracol Mihawk stood on the shore and asked Vice Admiral Huo Shaoshan on the warship.

"By order of the World Government, King Shichibukai Choracor Mihawk is summoned to the Navy Headquarters to discuss important matters." Huoshaoshan said loudly.

"Order from the World Government?" Hawkeye frowned slightly, then turned around and said, "I'm not interested in this kind of thing."

"Eagle Eye, this is a compulsory recruitment order!" Seeing Eagle Eye turn around, Huoshaoshan immediately took out the World Government's writ and said loudly: "If you refuse, your name as the Shichibukai will be taken back and you will be expelled from the World Government immediately. Government crusade.”

"Forced recruitment?" Hearing Huo Shaoshan's words, Eagle Eye stopped, then turned around, looked at the order in Huo Shaoshan's hand, smiled coldly, and said, "Is it because of the war with Whitebeard? Interesting, tell the direct government ,I'll be there."

The Grand Line, the Devil's Triangle of Sea.

On the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, Moonlight Moria, one of the King's Shichibukai, looked at Bartolomy Bear opposite him with a gloomy face.

"Bear, what are you doing here?" Moria asked the big bear.

"I'm here to convey the orders of the World Government." The bear replied expressionlessly.

"An order from the World Government?" Moria stood up and said with a look of disdain: "I am not a man like you who obeys the World Government's orders, so I don't care about any orders."

"This time is different from the past. It is not an order that can be ignored, Moria." Xiong looked at Moria and said: "This time is an order for forced recruitment. If you refuse, you will be deprived of the title of King Shichibukai. , and was immediately punished by the World Government."

"Compulsory recruitment order?" After hearing this, Moria looked at Xiong in surprise and asked: "Why did the World Government suddenly issue such an order? Could it be that something happened on the sea that I don't know about?"

As a horror nerd, Moria rarely paid attention to what happened on the sea, so he didn't know what happened on the sea during this period. He didn't even know about the war in Dressrosa, and naturally he didn't know about the World Government. News of the upcoming war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Because of a certain man, the World Government is about to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates." Xiong replied.

"Start a war with Whitebeard!" Moria was shocked, then came to the bear and asked in a deep voice: "What happened during this time, tell me everything, bear."

The Grand Line, somewhere in the calm zone.

The headquarters of the Nine Snakes Pirates led by the "Empress" Boya Hancock, one of the Seven Seas of the Seven Seas, known as the "world's most beautiful woman", is Amazon Lily Island, the "Daughter Country".

A warship docked near Amazon Lily Island. On the warship, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters, with the World Government's "Compulsory Recruitment Order", came to recruit the empress to go to Marinevando to participate in the Navy Headquarters' upcoming battle with the Whitebeard Sea. A war between thieves.

Originally, when facing the World Government's compulsory recruitment order, the willful empress immediately expressed her refusal to carry out the order, and said on the spot that she would rob the flying squirrel warship of supplies.

As for the name of the Shichibukai, the proud and beautiful empress said, what is that? If you want to take it back, take it back. Anyway, I am the most beautiful woman in the world, and I will be forgiven for whatever I do.

However, after hearing a certain man's name, the Empress changed her attitude uncharacteristically and expressed her acceptance of the World Government's order to go to Marinefando to participate in the war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Of course, the purpose of the Empress was not really to help the World Government deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, but to see the man with her own eyes, the man who almost killed the Celestial Dragons in the Shampoo Islands two years ago.

The Great Route, 10,000 meters under the sea.

Fishman Island, Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Jinbei and King Neptune of the Ryugu Kingdom sat opposite each other.

"I'm sorry, Neptune, I may bring a big crisis to the fishmen this time." Jinbe lowered his head and said to Neptune with an apologetic look.

As a member of the King's Shichibukai, Kaixia Jinbei certainly received a compulsory recruitment order from the World Government, but Jinbei directly rejected the order and beat up the vice admiral who came to give him the order. Then he resigned from the title of King Shichibukai on the spot.

Jinbei knew that his behavior would definitely bring trouble to the fishmen, but he still did it, not for anything else, just because the target of the World Government's war was the man he admired so much, even if he gave up everything , Jinbei couldn't convince himself to be an enemy of such a man.

"Don't say that, Jinbei." Neptune helped Jinbei up, shook his head at him, and said: "You have done enough for the fishmen, and I am very concerned about the World Government's crusade against the Whitebeard Pirates. I am also opposed to it, so just feel free to do whatever you want."

"No matter what you want to do about this matter, I will support you." Neptune said seriously.

After hearing this, Jinbei stood up, bowed to Neptune again, and said, "Thank you, old friend." After saying that, Jinbei left Ryugu Castle directly.

The Grand Line, the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Ghost Spider came to Alabasta with the World Government's "compulsory recruitment order" to recruit Crocodile, one of the King's Shichibukai, to go to Navy Headquarters to participate in the navy's war against the Whitebeard Pirates.

But when he came to Alabasta, he found that Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords, was defeated by a kid with a bounty of only 30 million beli. Moreover, he had been in Alabasta all these years. What he did was also completely exposed, and he completely changed from a pirate hero to a villain that everyone shouted to beat.

Although the World Government announced that Crocodile was arrested by the navy in order to cover up the fact that he was defeated by pirates called the Straw Hats, even so, it could not hide that he had lost the qualification to bear the title of Shichibukai. fact.

In this way, the King Shichibukai, one of the three major forces in the world, originally composed of seven people, lost one person again after losing Doflamingo, from the original seven to five, and it was still in Under such a severe situation, Warring States almost flipped the table after receiving the news.

There was no way, Ghost Spider's recruitment this time was changed to escort.

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