One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 135 Shichibukai Conference (please subscribe)

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

As the day of the Navy Headquarters' crusade against Whitebeard gets closer, naval elites from all over the world continue to gather in Marinevando, making the atmosphere in this huge fortress more and more tense. Even ordinary residents, in this increasingly tense situation, Under the atmosphere, the faces were unconsciously solemn.

On this day, several warships arrived at Marinefando from different directions, and aboard these warships was the King's Shichibukai, one of the three major forces in the world today.

Although there are only five people left in the King's Shichibukai, these people gathered together are still a force that no one can ignore in this sea.

The title of King Shichibukai was awarded by the World Government, which symbolizes status and strength. As the war between the Navy Headquarters and Whitebeard is approaching, the World Government will certainly not ignore this force that can influence the situation, so there is a piece of paper. A scene where all the members of the King's Shichibukai gather at the Navy Headquarters under a "forced summons order".

The world’s best swordsman, ‘Hawkeye’ Joracol Mihawk.

The world’s most beautiful woman, ‘Empress’ Boya Hancock.

‘Tyrant’ Bartholomew Bear.

Moonlight Moria

Hai Xia·Jinbei

As the members of the Oshichibukai disembarked from the warship one by one, the aura they unconsciously exuded made the surrounding sailors nervous enough to swallow their saliva involuntarily.

It is so rare for the members of the Shichibukai to gather together. Even if there are only five members of the Shichibukai now, the picture of them in the same frame is shocking.

Naval Headquarters, Conference Hall.

In the center of the hall is a huge round table, with several people already sitting on one side of the round table.

Admiral of the Navy, Buddha's Warring States Period.

Lieutenant General Crane, Chief Staff Officer of the Naval Headquarters.

Admiral, Akainu (Sakaski).

Navy Admiral, Qing Pheasant (Kuzan).

Originally, the venue for the Shichibukai Conference was supposed to be the Holy Land Marie Joa, but the situation was now tense, so the Warring States Period placed the location of the Shichibukai Conference at the Navy Headquarters.

As the members of the Shichibukai came in one after another, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall suddenly reached its peak. Looking at these big shots gathered together, the guard Haibing standing at the door felt that his breathing was about to stop.

"Okay, everyone is here, then, this Shichibukai meeting will begin now." When all the Shichibukai members were seated, Sengoku stood up and said.

"Everyone here?" Moonlight Moria frowned when he heard Sengoku's words, and said, "I won't talk about Doflamingo's dead guy. If I'm not mistaken, Sand Crocodile That guy hasn’t arrived yet, has he?”

Warring States glanced at Moonlight Moria, paused, and said: "Due to something, Crocodile has been removed from the sequence of the King's Shichibukai by the World Government, so currently the King's Shichibukai There are only five of you members.”

"Hey, first Doflamingo, then Sand Crocodile." Upon hearing this, Moria slapped the table, stood up, and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Doflamingo won't say anything, Sand Crocodile What's going on with the crocodile, what are the three major forces, if the name of the Shichibukai can be taken away so easily, it would be a bit of a joke."

"Krokdal was defeated by a pirate named the Straw Hat Pirates in Alabasta. At the same time, he used the name of His Majesty Shichibukai to stir up civil strife in Alabasta, and his attempt to seize something was revealed. That's why he You will be deprived of the title of Shichibukai." Xiong suddenly spoke and told Crocodile what happened.

"Sand Crocodile was also defeated?" After hearing what Xiong said, Moria was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Hehehehe, it turns out that's how it is. The Shichibukai were pulled down one after another. This is really too much. It’s interesting.”

"Let me tell you, there was no need for the system of King Shichibukai to exist from the beginning." At this time, Akainu, with a gloomy face, suddenly raised his head, his cold eyes swept over the five people in the Shichibukai one by one, and then He spoke in a deep voice and said: "First Doflamingo, then Crocodile, the King's Shichibukai didn't show much effect, but instead caused a lot of trouble. It's really ugly."

"Sakaski, what are you talking about!" When Moria heard Akainu's words, an angry look appeared on his ferocious face, and he shouted loudly: "Are you looking down on me?"

"No, I didn't look down on you." Akainu stood up, his body began to glow with a hot red light, and said disdainfully: "I have never looked down on you scum of the sea. If you have any objections, I don’t mind clearing you out here now, and then dealing with the gray beards.”

"Hehehehe, it's interesting. I've been underestimated too." Moriah took out the scissors, looked at Akainu with a gloomy face, and said provocatively: "If you say you want to clean us up, if you can do it, Just try it, Akainu!"

I have to say that Moria's strength is not very good, but his momentum really doesn't scare anyone. It doesn't matter whether you are a general or a marshal, whether he can win or not, just fight him first.

Akainu didn't speak, but his eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Mulia, and hot magma began to flow out of his body. Just when he was about to attack Moria, a cold palm pressed down on him. off his shoulders.

On the other side, the bear's arm also grabbed Moriah, who was about to take action.

"If I remember correctly, we were summoned this time not to start a war with the navy, right?" At this time, Hawkeye suddenly spoke and looked at Sengoku.

"Sakaski, that's enough." Sengoku pretended to scold Akainu, then looked at the Shichibukai and said, "To be honest, I completely agree with what Sakaski said just now. Wu Hai’s system has not only failed to see any results since its implementation, but has caused a lot of trouble, which is a shame.”

"However, this war with Whitebeard is the first time the government really needs to use your power. If you cannot play its due role in this war, then the title of Shichibukai will no longer exist. It's necessary." Warring States said in a deep voice.

"Huh, how can we play our due role?" The Empress snorted coldly and said: "If you expect us to fight to the death with Whitebeard to play our role, then I don't mind giving up the Qibukai here. title."

"Yes, I don't want to be used as a gun." Moria agreed.

Hawkeye, Bear, and Jinbe also looked at Sengoku together. Obviously, they all agreed with the empress. They would not really fight against monsters like Whitebeard for a mere title of Shichibukai.

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