One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 138 Ace’s Rage (Please subscribe)

"Ace, where is Ace?" As soon as Kella landed, she shouted in the direction of the Gate of Flame.

"Who is it?" The guard of the Gate of Fire was the centaur Van Bock from Punk Hassad. When he saw Kerla coming up from the sea, he immediately recognized her identity, immediately supported her, and then looked towards her. Someone inside the Flame Gate shouted: "It's Miss Kerla. She's injured. Call the doctor quickly."

"Where is Ace? Take me to see him quickly." After Kerra was supported, she shouted to the pirate who was holding him: "Saab is in danger. Take me to see Ace quickly. !”

"Oh, okay, okay, you get on my back, and I will take you to find Captain Ace." Upon hearing this, Van Bock immediately put Kerla on his back, and then ran quickly towards the Sun Island. .

Van Bock was very fast. After all, he had four legs. After a while, he came to Ace with the seriously injured Kerla.

"Ace..." As soon as Kerla saw Ace, she threw herself into his arms and cried, "Save Sabo quickly, Sabo is in danger."

"Saab!" When Ace heard Kerla's words, all the words he originally wanted to care about Kerla were thrown out of his mind, and he immediately asked: "What's wrong with Sabo?"

"Saab...Saab was captured." Kerla said anxiously.

"Who!" Ace's anger caused his body to unconsciously burst into flames, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who did it!"

"It's Blackbeard!" Kerra wiped her tears and said, "That day after Sabo fought with Navy Admiral Kizaru, although he repelled Kizaru, he was seriously injured. At this time, Blackbeard The beard suddenly appeared from the sky and targeted us."

"Saab was injured and was no match for Blackbeard, but he could have escaped. Because of me, it was all because of protecting me that Sabo was caught." Kerra looked at Ace with tears in her eyes and begged. : "Ace, I can't contact the headquarters right now. Can you help me save Sabo Sabo?"

Although Sabo solemnly warned Kerra not to tell Ace what happened to her when he asked her to leave, the only person Kerra can turn to for help now that she cannot contact the Revolutionary Army is Ace. Only Ace has the ability to save Sabo, so after Kerra saw Ace, she told Ace what happened to Sabo without hesitation.

"Don't worry, Kellsbo is my brother, of course I will save him." Ace suppressed the anger in his chest and comforted: "It's you, you are seriously injured, you need to receive treatment quickly!"

With Ace's comfort, Kella was taken down for treatment, and Ace vented the anger in his chest.


The flames roared into the sky from Ace's body, forming a huge fire pillar whose top could not be seen. Ace's angry roar came from the pillar of fire: "Blackbeard!"

After the roar, the huge pillar of fire slowly disintegrated and then disappeared. Along with the pillar of fire, Ace's figure also disappeared.

"Ace is gone." Wores looked at the sky and said solemnly.

"Damn it, at this time." Kukai said with an angry look.

"What should we do? Are we going to chase Ace?" Yanliu asked.

"No, we have to stay and prepare for the war with the Navy Headquarters." Gambi said with a serious face: "It is enough to leave the matter of saving Sabo to Ace alone."

In the sky, Ace, who had calmed down, held Sabo's life card in one hand and flew quickly towards the direction guided by the life card.

Ace was a little surprised that Sabo would meet Blackbeard. The guy had disappeared since he was defeated by him on the Island of Darkness a year ago. Now he reappeared and caught Sabo. This may be an accident, but more importantly Most likely it was premeditated, after all, Ace gave Sabo the power that guy longed for most.

There is also the strength of Blackbeard. If Blackbeard a year ago met Saab today, he would definitely be beaten. So what Blackbeard encountered at that time may have been seriously injured just after the battle with Kizaru. Sabo, but even so, if Blackbeard did not gain new power, he would not be Sabo's opponent. Therefore, Ace guessed that Blackbeard should have gained some new power during this year, and it was still very powerful. The kind of powerful one, otherwise he would not be able to catch Sabo who had eaten the Dark Fruit, even if Sabo was injured at the time.

"Blackbeard will reappear. He must have obtained some kind of powerful power that he thinks is enough to realize his ambitions. And the timing of his appearance coincides with the exposure of my identity. In order to eliminate this hidden danger in me, the World Government did not hesitate to fight with Whitebeard." When the uncle starts the war. With Blackbeard's style, after he captures Sabo, he will definitely use Sabo to exchange for the privilege of becoming a Shichibukai from the World Government as in the original plot, and then take advantage of the war to find a way to enter Impel Down City and find Powerful companions enter the new world to compete for the throne.”

"If Blackbeard hands Sabo over to the World Government, then after the World Government knows about my relationship with Sabo, it will definitely use Sabo to lure me to the Navy Headquarters. I am sure that Wuhan University and the Navy Headquarters will compete, so Uncle Whitebeard will definitely not stand idly by. , when the time comes, this war will break out at the Navy Headquarters just like the Summit War in the original plot, and Blackbeard will take advantage of the chaos to sneak into Impel Down City, and everything will return to its original trajectory."

"However, if things develop like this, it will be the best outcome. At least there will be a chance to rescue Sabo."

"The most important thing is, I don't know if the means by which Blackbeard can seize other people's fruit abilities comes from the Dark Fruit or because of his own special physique. If this means comes from Blackbeard himself, then that's okay, then he gets it from Sabo. After taking away the ability of the Dark Fruit, we still need to use Sabo to trade with the World Government to complete his plan."

"If that ability comes from the Dark Fruit, it means that Blackbeard cannot peel the Dark Fruit from Sabo's body, then Sabo will be in danger."

"Given how much Blackbeard desires the power of the Dark Fruit, that guy will definitely kill Sabo and let the power of the Dark Fruit reappear in the sea."

"Damn!" Thinking of this, Ace couldn't help but curse and gritted his teeth: "Blackbeard, if anything happens to Sabo, no matter what power you get, I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

Ace lowered his head and looked at the life card in his hand. Sabo's life card could still guide the direction, which meant that Sabo was still alive, but the life card was being depleted, which meant that Sabo was seriously injured, but as long as he was still alive, there was hope.

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