One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 139 Public Execution (Please subscribe)

Half a day later, Ace arrived at a deserted island in the direction guided by Sabo's Life Card.

But Ace found no trace of Sabo here, but he found a hand in the place guided by the life card, a palm soaked in a jar filled with light blue potion.

The place pointed by Sabo's life card is where this hand is, so it is not difficult to guess who the owner of this hand is.

Ace looked at the palm in the jar, his eyes immediately became bloodshot, and he said sternly: "Blackbeard, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

Because the potion in the jar kept the palm alive, the life card would guide it to where the palm was, so Ace carefully put away the jar containing Sabo's palm. When he took out Sabo's life card again , this time, the life card jumped, and then pointed in another direction.

One day later, under the guidance of the life card, Ace found another deserted and uninhabited island.

Ace was hovering in the air, looking at the uninhabited island in front of him and hesitated. He looked at the life card in his hand, and was a little afraid to set foot on the island in front of him, because he was afraid that he would not find Sabo himself on the island. , what he found was another part of Sabo's body, which would drive him crazy.

call! ~

Taking a deep breath, Ace stepped onto the island and came to the place guided by the life card. When he saw what appeared in front of him, his eyes instantly turned red.

"Ah~!" A heart-wrenching cry resounded through the island. Regret, self-blame, hatred, and murderous intent filled Ace's mind, making him almost collapse.

The screams of pain and regret lasted for a long time. Ace, with red eyes, carefully put the jar with a foot in front of him into his backpack, then took out the life card and continued searching.

At this point, Ace has given up hope of finding Sabo. He just wants to find Blackbeard and kill him with his own hands!


At this time, the phone bug on Ace suddenly rang. He put away the life card in his hand and took out the phone bug. After the phone was connected, Kerra's anxious voice came from inside.

"Ace, where are you? Quickly read today's newspaper."

"Newspaper?" Ace was stunned and said, "I don't have a newspaper around me now, what's wrong?"

"Saab was handed over to the World Government by Blackbeard, and they are going to publicly execute Sabo at the Navy Headquarters." Kerra said quickly.

"Huh!~" After hearing the news, Ace breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, he was at least sure that Sabo was still alive. He said, "I understand. If you wait for me to come back at Sun Island, I will definitely bring Sabo back." Saved, trust me.”

"Well, I believe you, Mr. Ace." Kerra on the other end of the phone nodded with tears in her eyes, and then said: "But I can't stay on Sun Island anymore. I have contacted the headquarters, and the leader also knows. The news that Sabo-kun will be publicly executed and actions have already been launched, I will rush to meet with the leader and the others."

"Are the Revolutionary Army already in action?" Ace heard this, his eyes flashed, and then said: "That's fine, Kerra, if possible, I hope to meet with your leader."

"Well, I will report to the leader, and I believe he will agree to see you." Kerla nodded, and then the two agreed on a time to contact each other again and hung up the phone.

"It's great that Sabo is still alive!" After hanging up the phone, Ace pressed the brim of his hat and tears couldn't stop flowing down, but this time it was not sadness, but happiness.

No one knows the anger and sadness that Ace felt in his heart when he found one hand and one foot that belonged to Sabo one after another under the guidance of the life card. Therefore, now knowing that Sabo is still alive is the greatest good news for him.

Now that we know that Sabo is still alive and has been imprisoned by the World Government, the next thing will be easier to handle.

After calming down, Ace left this uninhabited island and came to a nearby inhabited island, where he immediately found a newspaper.

Sure enough, the headline of the newspaper was the news about Sabo [A force affiliated with the World Government, the new Shichibukai member 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach captured one of the most vicious criminals in the world, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army Sabo, the World Government He will be publicly executed in Marineford, the Navy Headquarters, in a week's time].

"That bastard Blackbeard really used Sabo to exchange the title of Shichibukai with the World Government." Ace looked at Blackbeard's triumphant look on the newspaper, and smoke started to appear in the hand holding the newspaper, and he almost became angry. Light the newspaper.

"Will the execution be in a week?" After calming down, Ace looked at the time in the newspaper that Sabo was about to be publicly executed, and began to think about how to rescue Sabo.

"Saab is most likely being imprisoned in Impel Down, known as the Deep Sea Prison. It would be great if we could just break in and get out of Sabo."

"But how to get into that place is a problem, and the World Government will arrange for Sabo to be publicly executed at the Navy Headquarters, most likely with the intention of luring me there. Maybe they will directly detain Sabo in Marineland. So you need to make two plans first.”

"Besides, this matter must be discussed with Uncle Whitebeard." Thinking like this, Ace took out a phone bug with a crescent-shaped beard like Whitebeard from his backpack. This could directly contact Whitebeard. Ace hesitated for a moment and finally chose to call the phone bug.

"Moxi Moxi." After the phone worm dialed, Whitebeard's voice sounded from the phone worm's mouth.

"Uncle Whitebeard, it's me, Ace." Ace said to the phone bug.

"Oh, you're a kid, what's the matter?" Whitebeard asked.

Ace organized his words and said: "Uncle, something happened when we went to war with the Navy Headquarters. They captured my brother and will publicly execute him in a week, so I may not be able to wait for them to come to attack." Yes, I want to attack the Navy Headquarters."

"Is that the brat named Sabo? I already know it." The phone bug frowned and said, "Using your brother to lure us to attack and move the battlefield to Marinevando is really what happened in the Warring States Period. What a guy’s style.”

"Ku la la la la." Whitebeard suddenly laughed and said: "Boy Ace, if you want to save people, don't hesitate. Just do whatever you want to do. Don't say it's the Navy Headquarters, even if it's the Navy Headquarters, Holy Land Mariejoia, I will also help you defeat it."

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