One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 140 Promote the city infiltration plan (please subscribe)

"Uncle, thank you!" Ace thanked sincerely.

"Ku la la la la, you bastard brat, there is no need to express gratitude among family members." Whitebeard laughed, with a hint of murderous intent suddenly showing on his face, and said: "Besides, that bastard Tiqi will also Will you be there? I will take off his head with my own hands to pay homage to my dead idiot son, Sage."

"Well, we will definitely not let him leave alive this time." Ace also said in a deep tone.

After hanging up the phone, Ace looked at the phone bug in his hand and sighed: "Now, I owe you a huge favor."

Ace did not expect that Whitebeard's support for him would be so strong. In order to give himself a legitimate reason to attack Malinfando, he even found a reason to kill Blackbeard to avenge the death of Thatch.

Ace knew very well that Whitebeard's words about taking Tikki's head with his own hands to pay homage to his dead son were just an excuse to leave Sabo in order to fully help him.

"In any case, the plan to join forces with Uncle Whitebeard to attack the Navy Headquarters has been finalized." Ace put away the phone bug in his hand and said: "As for the debt owed, I can only find a way to repay Uncle Whitebeard in the future. "

"Then, the next step is to confirm where Sabo is being held." Ace thought for a moment, took out a small phone bug from his backpack, and dialed.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Kerla." Kerla's voice came from the phone bug, asking: "Ace-kun, what's the matter?"

"Kerra, your revolutionary army should be able to get information about the Navy Headquarters, right? Can you help me find out where Sabo is being held now?" Ace asked directly.

"Where Sabo is being held? Just wait for me." After finishing speaking, Kerla hung up the phone.

"The Revolutionary Army's intelligence system should be able to confirm where Sabo is being held." Ace said while looking at the phone bug in his hand.

For Ace, the most important thing right now is to confirm where Sabo is imprisoned. If Sabo is imprisoned in Impel Down, we may have to wait until the day of his public execution to save him, because Ace doesn't have anything yet. There is no way to invade that place. After all, Impel Down City, known as the "Iron Wall Prison", has no record of being invaded from the outside. And the location of Impel Down City makes it impossible to break through forcefully. The most likely possibility is that even the door is None can be found.

If the place where Sabo was imprisoned was Marinefando, it would be much easier to deal with it. You could directly contact Uncle Whitebeard to attack and rob him.

If it was confirmed that Sabo was imprisoned at the Navy Headquarters, he wouldn't wait until the Navy was ready for battle before delivering food. Wouldn't it be better to attack him in advance and catch him off guard?


Five minutes later, the phone rang. After Ace picked up the phone, Kerra's voice came from the phone's mouth.

"Ace-kun, the intelligence we have here can confirm that Sabo is currently imprisoned in the World Government's deep-sea prison - Impel Down City." Kerra paused and said, "Ace-kun, if you want to sneak into If you want to rescue people in Impel Down City, we can provide some help here."

"Oh? Can you help me sneak into Impel Down City?" Ace asked in surprise.

"Sneaking in is not possible, but if you can get in, Ace-kun, we can provide you with some help inside Impel Down City," Kerra said.

"Inside Impel City? Is it the 'Monster King' Ambrio Ivankov?" Ace immediately thought of the weird guy who created the 5.5-level people in Impel City. Is he really already in contact with the Revolutionary Army? ?

If you can enter the Impel City, the help of the Human Demon King will indeed play a big role, but the prerequisite is that you can enter.

"I will try to see if I can invade Impel Down City, but before that, I want to meet with your leader." Ace said.

"Okay, when I get back to the headquarters, I will explain it to the leader immediately and we will keep in touch."

"Well, keep in touch anytime."

After saying that, the two hung up the phone one after another.

"Is it true that Sabo is imprisoned? If possible, we should try to see if we can enter Impel Down. If we can directly rescue Sabo there, that would be the best." Ace said, He picked up the newspaper in his hand again, trying to find some useful information from it.

"This is..." When Ace turned over the newspaper in his hand, a news item on the north side of the newspaper caught his attention.

"Krokdal was arrested?" Ace looked at the back of the newspaper, which read the news that Crocodile was deprived of his Shichibukai title and arrested during the Alabasta incident.

Although it wasn't written in the newspaper, Ace knew that the Straw Hats must have taken credit for defeating Crocodile.

"Counting the time, after the Alabasta incident, Luffy and the others should have gone to Sky Island by now. I wonder if that kid will meet Enel, ho ho ho ho." Thinking of the encounter between Luffy and Enel Ace couldn't help but laugh at the scene.

After laughing, Ace's face became serious again and said: "If you were on Sky Island, you probably didn't know about Sabo, right? That's fine. Luffy is not qualified to participate in this war yet, but …”

Ace looked at Crocodile's photo in the newspaper, and an idea suddenly came to his mind, and then he smiled: "Maybe, I have a way to enter Impel Down."

As an important prisoner at the Shichibukai level, there is no doubt that Crocodile will be sent to Impel Down for detention. The warship escorting Crocodile is still on the way. If he can sneak into this ship, perhaps You might be able to enter Impel Down City, and you might be able to hook up with Crocodile on the way.

Being able to become a member of the King's Shichibukai, there is no doubt about Crocodile's strength. Although this person is not on Ace's companion invitation list, he should agree to cooperate at this time, right?

At this time, the war between Ace, the Whitebeard Alliance and the Navy Headquarters is about to break out, and Crocodile is deprived of the title of Shichibukai and becomes a prisoner. At this time, if Ace rescues him and invites him to cooperate, I believe it is unlikely that Crocodile will refuse.

"That's it!" Ace looked at Crocodile's photo in the newspaper and immediately confirmed his plan to infiltrate Impel City.

"But before that, there is one more thing to do." Ace raised his head, looked at the sky, and murmured: "It's time to call Enel down from the sky island, and make his debut on a stage like the war on the top, then The guy should be very satisfied.”

What Ace didn't know was that just when he was thinking about calling Elnilu down from the Sky Island, Elnilu had already left the Sky Island with another group of people he didn't expect and came to Qinghai.

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