One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 141 Enel and the Straw Hats (Part 1)

Time goes back to a week ago, and the location is Sky Island.

On this day, the Straw Hats met Wenbrand Couric, the descendant of the great talker Wenbrand Rolando four hundred years ago. After Luffy learned about the existence of Sky Island from Couric, he immediately became interested in it. That legendary place aroused a strong interest, and after a series of friendly (funny) exchanges, the Straw Hats, with the help of Wenblan Couric, successfully found a through-train upsea current that could lead directly to the Sky Island. , and successfully arrived at the legendary Sky Island.

Of course Eniro knew about the arrival of the Straw Hats, but he originally didn't want to pay attention to the Straw Hats. However, the Straw Hats were really capable of causing trouble. In just a few days, the entire Kingdom of Gods was in turmoil. The chickens and dogs were restless, and after they heard the story of the Sandians, Luffy, who had a strong sense of justice, said on the spot that he would beat up the 'god' of Sky Island and help the Sandians regain their lost home, and then... nothing Then.

You must know that at this time, Enel has not only learned armed domineering, but also developed the ability of the thunder fruit to be much more powerful than in the original plot, and his strength is more than one and a half times stronger than when he met the Straw Hats in the original plot. , encountering Enero in this state, the fate of the Straw Hats can be imagined.

If Luffy hadn't seen Ace's photo on the wall of the Shrine of Gods and called out Ace's name, Sky Island might have been the last stop on the Straw Hats' journey.

"Hahahaha, it turns out you are Ace's partner." After learning that Enel was actually Ace's partner, Jiraiya Luffy directly grabbed Enel's neck and laughed.

"A guy like you is actually Ace's younger brother?" Enelu pushed Wang Lufei away with one finger and said with a look of disgust.

Such a weak, ignorant, and reckless guy. If it weren't for the fact that he had used his Haki to detect that Luffy was not lying, Enel couldn't believe that this guy in front of him was actually Ace's younger brother.

Ace is obviously so powerful.

"Well, don't be like this." Luffy, who was pushed away, hugged Enel tightly and said with a silly smile on his face: "Since you are Ace's partner, you are no different from my partner. Come and join me." Tell me, how is that guy Ace doing now? I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

"I don't know, I haven't seen him for a year." Enel pushed Luffy away again, and then said: "Also, your partner is about to die in the hands of my subordinates, is it okay?"

During this year, Enel not only learned Armament Haki himself, but also taught the four priests under him. Therefore, not only Enel, but also the strength of the four priests under him are much stronger than in the original plot. Moreover, Coupled with his unique fighting style, apart from Luffy, Zoro, the strongest among the Straw Hats, cannot defeat any of the four priests even with all his strength.

Not to mention the others, except for Sanji who could resist for a while, the rest of them would be hung up and beaten directly when they encountered any of the four priests.

"What?" Luffy was shocked when he heard Enel's words, then let go of Enel and ran out.

"When you run over, at least half of your companions will die...forget it, I'll do it." Enelu shook his head, then raised his arm and pointed at the sky.

Boom! ~

Along with the roar of thunder, Enelu's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, somewhere on the Island of Gods, a bolt of thunder suddenly flashed in front of the timid trio of Straw Hats who were being chased around by the God's Guards. Enel's figure flashed in the thunder and appeared in the sky. In front of the three people.

"Hey, was that thunder just now?" Usopp saw Enel coming with the thunder, and his legs became weak with fear.

"Yes, yes, we all saw it. This person appeared with Thunder. X2" Nami and Chopper said at the same time.

"Lord God!" The members of the God's Guard who were originally chasing the timid trio with ferocity saw Enel coming, and immediately knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

Enel didn't even look at them. He flashed in front of the three Usopps, grabbed the three of them, and then his body turned into a thunder, and disappeared with the three of them.

At the God's Shrine, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and Enel's figure appeared in front of Luffy again. Of course, along with Enel there were the trembling and timid trio.

"Luffy! X3"

The timid trio who were taken away by Enel thought they were dead. When they saw Luffy, they immediately rushed towards Luffy, and then all hid behind Luffy.

"Luffy, be careful, this person is very dangerous." Nami stuck her head out from behind Luffy, looked at Enel in horror, and said cautiously.

"Well, don't be afraid, this guy is not an enemy." Luffy said casually.

"What? One of our own?" When the timid trio heard this, the fear on their faces was instantly wiped away. Then the three of them came to Enilu's side and circled around him, not knowing what was going on. What to study.

Enelu glanced at the three of them doubtfully, raised his hand again, released a bolt of thunder from his fingertips, and then his figure disappeared along with the thunder.

"Sure enough, this is the ability of the Devil Fruit, and it is of the natural type." Nami looked at the place where Enel disappeared and murmured: "The power of thunder, even among the natural types known as the 'strongest' , is also one of the most powerful forces."

"Such an ability, if it is an enemy, it will really make people desperate." Nami said, suddenly turned her head, looked at Wang Luffy, and asked: "Luffy, you just said that guy is one of your own ,How is this going."

"That guy is Ace's partner, so he is one of our own." Wang Lufei replied.

"Who is Ace?" Usopp asked this time.

"Ace is my brother." Wang Lufei replied.

"Brother?! Isn’t it called Portcas D. Ace?”

"Well, Ace's full name is correct." Wang Lufei nodded seriously, indicating that he would not remember his brother's full name incorrectly.

"Then...that...the world-famous great pirate, 'Fire Fist' Portcas D. Ace, is actually your brother! X3" The timid trio were extremely surprised.

"Ah, Ace is my brother, yes, he is very powerful." Although Wang Lufei didn't know Ace's fame in the new world, he still couldn't stop his admiration for Ace and said with a proud look on his face. : "That guy is very strong. I never beat him in a fight when I was a kid."

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