One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 144 Luffy’s Determination (Second update, please subscribe)

The first half of the Grand Line, Water Seven (City of Seven Waters).

Because the Merry was severely damaged when it came down from the air, Luffy and others came to this island with the world's best shipbuilding technology to repair the damage to the Merry.

Well, Wang Lufei also wanted to find a boatman as a partner on this island.

However, not long after landing in the Seven Waters, the Straw Hats began to have problems. First, it was found that the keel of the Merry was broken and could not be repaired. Captain Luffy decided to abandon the Golden Merry here and find a new ship to continue sailing. , but Usopp disagreed, and then the two dueled, and Usopp quit the Straw Hats.

Later, the Straw Hats were targeted by CP9 who was lurking on the island. Robin, who had just gained a sense of belonging to the Straw Hats, did something that confused the entire Straw Hats under the threat of CP9. The operation successfully made everyone in the Straw Hats become wanted criminals on the island.

First, Usopp left the team, and then was betrayed by his trusted companion. The Straw Hats were greatly shocked, and were almost wiped out by CP9 on this island.

Fortunately, after many twists and turns, the Straw Hats finally figured out Robin's purpose of doing this, which was to protect all of their lives.

When Nami heard the words from Bingshan's mouth, "As long as they can survive, it doesn't matter to me even if the world is destroyed." The entire Straw Hats were resurrected directly on the spot with full health.

However, just as the entire Straw Hats were preparing to attack Judiciary Island with high spirits and snatch back their companions, Nami suddenly read from the newspaper a few days ago that Ace's life experience was revealed and that he was about to go to war with the Navy Headquarters. .

As for the news that Sabo will be publicly executed at Marine Headquarters Marineford a week later, Nami ignored it. After all, Nami did not know the relationship between Sabo and Luffy.

After Nami was shocked, she handed the newspaper to Luffy. When Luffy saw the news in the newspaper that Sabo would be publicly executed, he was stunned.

"Sa... Sabo, he's still alive!" Luffy's eyes widened as he looked at Sabo's photo in the newspaper and the news that he was about to be publicly executed by the World Government, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

"Luffy, what's wrong with you?" Nami couldn't help but ask when she saw Luffy's appearance.

"Saab... Sabo, he is also my brother." Luffy said with difficulty as his hand holding the newspaper was trembling.

Luffy is in pain now. On one side is his brother, and on the other side are his companions who want to sacrifice themselves to gain a chance of survival for them. Who should he save?

"Hey~ what did you say?" Nami and the others were also surprised when they heard Luffy's words. They didn't expect that Luffy had an older brother besides Ace, and the origin of this older brother was no worse than Ace's.

Nami and Zoro couldn't help but take another look at the introduction of Sabo's identity in the newspaper [the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, one of the most vicious criminals in the world]. What kind of family did their captain have?

"Luffy..." Nami stepped forward, ready to persuade Luffy, but was stopped by Zoro.

Nami looked at Zoro in confusion, who just shook his head slightly at him, and then pulled Nami out of the room, leaving Luffy alone.

"Zoron, what are you doing? Why don't you let me persuade Luffy?" Nami, who was pulled out by Zoro, said to Zoro dissatisfied.

"How do you persuade me?" Zoro looked at Nami and said, "One is risking his life to save our partner, and the other is his brother. Who do you want Luffy to save first?"

"I..." Nami was speechless, then looked at Luffy in the room with worried eyes, and said heartbrokenly: "Luffy must be in pain right now."

"There's nothing we can do about it. He can only make his own decision about this kind of thing, and only he can make the decision." Zoro said solemnly.

"Saab...Robin." In the room, Luffy held his head, looked at the newspaper in front of him, and murmured: "Who can tell me what I should do!"

"Ah!~" Luffy's painful cry came from the room.

"Luffy~" Hearing Luffy's painful cry from the room, Nami also bit her lip, with tears of heartache flashing in her eyes.

"..." Hearing Luffy's shout, Zoro also looked at Luffy's room with a heavy expression.

A few hours later, Luffy walked out of the room with a relaxed look on his face. He looked at Zoro and Nami who were guarding outside the room with a smile on his face and said, "Let's go, let's go rescue Robin."

"Luffy..." Nami was a little surprised when she saw Luffy with a smile on his face, but when he heard him say that he was going to save Robin, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Luffy!" Zoro shouted at Luffy, then he came to Luffy's side, put his right hand on Luffy's shoulder, and said seriously: "Although you are our captain, you are not Whatever you need to do, you have to bear it all by yourself. You can leave Robin's rescue to us. You can go and save your brother."

"Zoro!" Luffy looked at Zoro with a serious face and said in a deep voice: "Both Robin and Sabo are very important people to me, so I have to save them both! "

"That's right." After hearing Luffy's words, Nami's eyes suddenly lit up, she clapped her hands and said, "Sabo's execution will be in three days. As long as we rescue Robin before Sabo's execution, we can go rescue her together." Saab won’t do it!”

"Huh?~" Hearing Nami's words, Luffy and Zoro were stunned at the same time. When they reacted, they suddenly realized, and they slapped their palms at the same time and said, "Yes, it turns out it can still be like this."

"Nami, you are so smart!" The two gave Nami a thumbs up at the same time.

"Okay, this is not a difficult problem to solve in the first place, it's just that we were too anxious and didn't notice it before." Nami waved her hands and said: "Then, the most difficult problem is solved, let's discuss how to solve it. Robin."

"You don't have to think about it!" Luffy raised his arms and said solemnly: "Of course, attack directly and get Robin back!"

"That's right!" Sauron agreed.

"You two, don't you know where Robin was taken?" Nami looked at these two fools and couldn't help showing a sad look on her face, and said: "That's the Justice Island, the facade of the World Government, where There must be a strong garrison of troops.”

"So what!" Luffy looked at Nami and said seriously: "Even if it is hell, I will rescue Robin."

Nami held her forehead, she suddenly didn't want to speak anymore.

At this time, Chopper suddenly ran in with a phone bug. From the phone, several people learned that Sanji had sneaked into the sea train escorting Robin. Then, with the help of everyone in the Capital of Seven Waters, the Straw Hats Boarded another sea train and embarked on the journey to save Robin.

PS: If nothing else, there will be three updates today. Readers please vote monthly.

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