One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 145 Alliance (third update, please subscribe)

The first half of the Grand Line.

The warship led by Vice Admiral Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters is sailing from the normal sea area to the windless zone.

This ship was escorting a group of very dangerous prisoners, the most famous of whom was Crocodile, one of the former Shichibukai.

The mission of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider was originally to forcefully recruit Crocodile to participate in the war between the Navy Headquarters and Whitebeard. Unexpectedly, Crocodile was defeated by the Straw Hats at this time, and his crime of instigating unrest in the Kingdom of Alabasta was exposed. , became a prisoner, and then Ghost Spider's recruitment mission became an escort mission.

He will escort Crocodile and his cadres from the Baroque Working Society to Impel Down and imprison them in this underwater prison.

If it were normal, Ghost Spider would send Crocodile and the others into the Impel Down City according to the normal route. However, the war between the Navy Headquarters and Whitebeard is imminent, and there is no time for them to escort him through the normal route. That's why Ghost Spider's warships are here. Enter the windless zone, and then enter the World Government's exclusive sea current from the windless zone, so that you can reach Impel Down City as quickly as possible.

The so-called exclusive sea currents of the World Government refer to the sea currents generated by the opening and closing of the Gate of Justice, the huge gateway established in the three places of Marine Headquarters, the Deep Sea Prison Impel Castle, and the World Government's Gate of Justice Island. After riding on these currents, you can quickly travel back and forth between three places.

It normally takes one week to reach the destination, but it only takes three days to take the exclusive current, which is very convenient.

Ghost Spider is currently closest to the Gate of Justice on Judiciary Island, so after entering the windless zone, he will first go to Judiciary Island, enter the Gate of Justice from Judiciary Island, and take advantage of the exclusive sea current to carry Crocodile and his men there. He was sent to the Impel City and then returned to the Navy Headquarters from the Impel City. In this way, the voyage that originally took more than a week was shortened to less than three days, and he could catch up with the war between the Navy Headquarters and Whitebeard.

Above Ghost Spider's warship, there was a figure following them from a distance in the sky. This figure was none other than Ace, who was pursuing them from the New World.

"Finally found it." Among the clouds in the sky, Ace looked at the warship below and began to figure out how to sneak in quietly.

Ace's purpose this time was not to hijack the ship, but to use the ship to invade Impel Down City, so he had to act secretly, otherwise his plan to sneak into Impel Down City would be ruined if he alerted the enemy.

Ace slowly descended from a high altitude and quietly came to the rear of the warship. While the sailors were changing shifts, he successfully sneaked into the warship. Then he found an opportunity to knock out a sailor, put on his clothes, and sneaked in. A warship patrol.

In the dark cell on the bottom floor of the warship, Crocodile sat cross-legged in the cage with his head lowered, looking a little sad.

"Tsk, tsk, the majestic Sand Crocodile of the Shichibukai has turned into this, it's really embarrassing."

A mocking voice came, causing Crocodile to suddenly raise his head, look at the direction of the voice like a falcon, and shouted: "Who is it!"

"That's the right look." Ace approached the cage and said in front of Crocodile: "People like you... shouldn't lose their will just because of one failure, Sand Crocodile."

"You are...Fire Fist!" Crocodile showed a surprised expression on his face after seeing Ace's appearance clearly, and asked: "Why are you here!\

,""My purpose can only be told to you if we can reach an agreement in the following conversation." Ace sat down cross-legged in front of Crocodile, looked at him with a smile, and said: "Sha Crocodile, let's make a deal Bar."

"I'll rescue you from here, and the reward is to make you my subordinate, how about that?" Ace looked at Crocodile and said.

"Are you kidding me, brat!" Crocodile looked at Ace with a gloomy face and said angrily, "Who are you? You deserve to have me as your subordinate."

"Only because I can release you from here." Ace took out a bunch of keys, waved them in front of Crocodile, and said, "Is bowing to me more important than your freedom?"

"Hahahaha." Crocodile looked at the key in Ace's hand and suddenly laughed. He looked at Ace with burning eyes and said, "I promise you, if you have the guts, let me out and try, kid. .”

"Haha." Ace put down the key in his hand, shook his head, and said, "You guy, even if you lie, please be serious. That look in your eyes clearly says, 'If you dare to let me out, you will be the first one. Kill you'ah!"

"Then let me put it another way." Ace threw the key directly into the cage and said, "I want to enter Impel Down City to save someone. I will let you out and you will help me. How about that?"

"Go into the Impel Down to save people?" Crocodile looked at Ace, used the hook of his left hand to pick up the key that Ace had thrown in, smiled sarcastically, then threw the key out and said, "I'm not interested. "

Although he was rejected one after another, Ace was not angry. He picked up the key thrown by Crocodile and said: "You rejected so simply, you probably don't know what is happening outside these days. If I tell you, The pirate alliance of Uncle Whitebeard and I is about to go to war with the Navy Headquarters, will you still be a prisoner?"

"What did you say!" Hearing Ace's words, Crocodile suddenly raised his head, looked at Ace sharply, and said in a deep voice: "Kid, say what you just said again!"

"The pirate alliance of Uncle Whitebeard and I will soon start a war with the Navy Headquarters." Ace approached the cage, handed the key to Crocodile, and asked: "After knowing this matter, what will you do? How to choose!"

"I promise you!" This time, Crocodile did not hesitate at all. He directly accepted the key handed over by Ace and said, "If what you said is true, I will form an alliance with you."

"Very good, the deal is done." Ace extended his palm to Crocodile and said, "Then let's discuss the plan to sneak into Impel Down City."

"Kid, I agreed in advance that my alliance with you will only last until the beginning of this war. On the battlefield, I can't guarantee that I won't become your enemy." Crocodile looked at the palm handed over by Ace and said calmly. He said in a loud voice: "It's still too late for you to regret it now."

"Don't worry, even if you become an enemy, I will spare your life for the sake of this alliance." Ace said with a smile.

"Spare my life? Hahahaha, what an arrogant brat!" Crocodile held Ace's palm and said with a grin, "Boy, I suddenly like you a little bit."

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