One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 146 Encounter on Judiciary Island (first update, please subscribe)

Judiciary Island, in front of the waterfall between the main island and the Judiciary Tower.

The six Straw Hats stood on the stone pillars on the roof of the trial house, lined up in a row, looking at the Justice Tower opposite. Behind them was Bruno, who was defeated by Luffy.

On the Tower of Justice, the CP9s headed by Rob Lucci stood on the Tower of Justice, looking down on the six Straw Hats with contempt in their eyes. They seemed not to take them seriously at all, even if this group of pirates kept breaking in. The same goes for arriving here and defeating fellow CP9 Bruno.

"Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you can't get rid of the huge enemy, that is the World Government. They are like a curse. The more I want to be with you, the more danger I will bring to you. Last time it was Aoki, and this time!"

"I no longer want to bring you any more danger. If this continues, no matter how much you like me, you will get tired of it sooner or later, and you will abandon me again."

"What I fear most is this outcome, so let's end it here!"

"I'm going to die sooner or later anyway, and I choose to die here now, so please don't come to save me, please!"

On the Tower of Justice, Robin, who was chained by sea-floor stone handcuffs, cried loudly to the six Straw Hats with tears streaming down his face.

"Wow hahaha." Spandam, the head of CP9, looked at Robin and laughed: "You are so right, Nicole Robin. The pursuit of the World Government is a curse for you. You are like this. No one will think of you as a liability."

"Pirates, I'm afraid you still don't know what kind of organization this woman is facing. Raise your head and look at that flag!" Spangdam looked at the Straw Hats and pointed at the flag hanging on the Justice Tower. The flag at the top of the tower said with a arrogant expression: "That flag represents the 170 national alliances on the four oceans and the great route."

"That symbol represents the whole world!"

"Facing the whole world, you should understand how small you are." Spangdam said loudly.

"Phew, I finally know Robin's enemies." After listening to Spandam's words, Luffy raised his head, looked at the flag representing the World Government, and said in a deep voice: "Sniper King, take down that flag. Lose!"

"Copy that!" Usopp, who was wearing a mask, nodded, then opened the huge slingshot in his hand and aimed it at the flag on the top of the Tower of Justice.

"New weapon: huge slingshot, let you see the power of my new weapon!"

"Must-kill Firebird Star!"

boom! ~

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the flying firebird directly penetrated the flag representing the world government.

In order to regain their partners, the Straw Hats, with only a few members, formally declared war on the World Government under the watchful eyes of CP9 and everyone on Judiciary Island!

"Robin, I haven't heard you say it yourself!" Luffy yelled at Robin in the Tower of Justice: "Tell me, you want to live!"

"Luffy..." Hearing Luffy's roar and looking at his friends opposite who were even willing to be enemies of the world for themselves, Robin felt the meaning of life for the first time.

"I... want to live!" Robin shouted at the top of his lungs to his friends: "Take me with you to the sea!"

"Hey!" After receiving the response, everyone in the Straw Hats truly felt the significance of this battle at this moment, and their eyes became sharp.

"Let's go!" Luffy ordered, and the six of them jumped off the roof of the trial court together.

Below the trial court, Rocket Man, the train that sent the Straw Hats to Judiciary Island, also completed the last sprint of his life, taking them all over the bottomless waterfall and sending them to the Tower of Justice.

The battle between the Straw Hats and CP9 was fierce and difficult, but with the strong belief in regaining their companions, everyone in the Straw Hats showed their extraordinary strength and finally defeated the powerful enemy.

During the battle, Spandam, that idiot, accidentally pressed the golden phone bug given to him by General Aokiji, and launched a demon-slaying order on Judiciary Island.

Five lieutenants from the Navy Headquarters and ten warships came from the Navy Headquarters through the Gate of Justice and conducted indiscriminate bombardment on the Justice Island, which was called the front of the direct government.

Although the Straw Hats successfully escaped from the siege of the Demon-Slaying Order with the help of the Merry, they happened to encounter the warship escorting Crocodile when they were preparing to escape from the waters of Judiciary Island.

"How could it be possible? Why is there a warship here!"

The Straw Hats looked at the warship in front of them and their headquarters Lieutenant General Ghost Spider standing in front of the warship, and despair suddenly rose in their hearts.

"Luffy...have they actually arrived at Judiciary Island?" Ace, who was hiding on the Ghost Spider warship, saw the Merry ship blocked by the Ghost Spider and was extremely confused.

At this time, the three main members of the Straw Hats were exhausted after the battle between Judiciary Island and CP9. Captain Luffy could not even move a finger. The Straw Hats in such a state would not be able to cope with the competition in terms of strength. CP9's strongest Rob Lucci is only as strong as Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, and has no chance of winning.

"So, is it the Straw Hats who captured Judiciary Island?" After listening to the report from his subordinates, Ghost Spider, who was standing on the warship, also confirmed the identity of the pirates on the ship in front of him. He pulled out his saber and said: "Now that we have met, let me send you both to Impel Down City together."

"Damn it, it seems that the plan to sneak into Impel Down City can't be continued." Seeing the Ghost Spider preparing to attack Luffy and the others, Ace couldn't hide any longer.


Just when Ace was about to show up and save the Straw Hats, the phone bug on Ghost Spider suddenly rang. What came on the phone was the order from General Aokiji, telling Ghost Spider not to capture Straw Hat Luffy here. A gang.

Although Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was confused about Aokiji's order, he still accepted the order and let the Straw Hats go.

"Huh!~" Although he didn't know what was going on, the ghost spider suddenly stopped, which made Ace sigh in relief. No matter what the reason was, if he didn't need to be exposed here, he could continue his plan to sneak into Impel Down City.

"However, we still have to say hello to that kid Luffy, otherwise with his character, he will definitely make a big fuss after learning about Sabo." Thinking like this, Ace stood beside the warship and acted like a warship. When passing by the Meili, he released his aura (overlord color haki) towards Luffy on the Meili, and then took off his hat in Wang Luffy's surprised eyes.


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