One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 147 I want to go! (Second update, please subscribe)

"What's going on? They... don't seem to be planning to arrest us?"

Looking at the warship that passed by, several people on the Melly all breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone seemed to have a feeling of surviving a disaster.

"They must have been frightened by my aura, ho ho ho ho!~" Usopp (King of Snipers) put his hands on his hips and said coquettishly.

"Really? The sniper king is so awesome!" Chopper, unable to move, said with adoration in his eyes.

"You really believe it, Chopper!" Nami said, holding her forehead.

"Shut up, the person standing on that ship is the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. If he takes action, he will definitely not be our opponent in our current situation." Zoro said in a deep voice.

"That's right, they must have something important to do before they let us go..." Sanji analyzed wisely, but mid-sentence, he suddenly noticed something was wrong with Luffy's expression and immediately asked: "Luffy, what's wrong with you? !”

"Ace!" Luffy, unable to move, twisted his body and shouted, "I saw Ace on that ship!"

"What did you say?! X7"

"Luffy, are you sure you read this correctly?" Sanji lit a cigarette, looked at Luffy and asked.

"That's right, your brother, Ace is a big pirate. How could he appear on a navy ship? Luffy, you must have seen it wrong," Nami said.

"You can't be wrong!" Luffy looked at his companions and said with certainty: "That is definitely Ace, and he deliberately showed off his aura to let me notice him. He is Ace, and I will never look at it. wrong!"

"How is it possible? Can a person's aura be released against a certain person?" Sauron shook his head, but looked at his companions uncertainly and asked, "Can anyone really do such a thing?"

Everyone was silent, indicating that they had never heard of such a thing.

"Yes!" At this time, Robin, who had seen the world, said, "In the second half of the Grand Line, those who have strong strength can do this kind of thing."

"Someone can really do such a thing!" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were extremely surprised, while Sanji and Zoro remained silent.

"Your brother must have some purpose for appearing on that warship." Robin thought for a moment, then looked at Luffy and asked: "Luffy, you said it was your brother who deliberately made you notice that he was on that warship." On the ship, so did he pass on any message to you?”

"Hmm..." Luffy thought for a while and said, "The look in Ace's eyes at that time seemed to be telling me not to do unnecessary things."

"Don't do unnecessary things?" Robin raised his hand to support his chin, recalled the details of the warship passing by just now, and then said: "If I read correctly, the warship just now should be escorting something important. Prisoner, so the destination of that warship is probably the World Government’s prison, Imperial. So your brother is lurking on that warship, and his target is probably that place!”

"Imperton!" After hearing Robin's words, Nami suddenly realized and said, "I know."

"Luffy, isn't your other brother Sabo about to be publicly executed by the World Government? Ace was lurking on the warship heading to Imperial, and he must have wanted to sneak into the underwater prison. Before the public execution, Rescue Sabo," Nami said loudly.

"Indeed, it is very possible!" Sauron nodded.

"Hey, what are you talking about? When did Luffy get another brother?" Usopp and the others, who didn't know Sabo, asked with doubts on their faces.

"That's it..." Nami told her companions about Sabo. After learning Sabo's identity, everyone was surprised.

"I see." Zoro sat down next to Luffy and said calmly: "Luffy's two brothers, one is a big pirate with a bounty of more than 1 billion, and the other is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army. If I won’t be surprised if someone tells me in the future that Luffy’s grandfather is a navy marshal.”

"That's right! X3" Nami and the others nodded in agreement.

"Luffy!~" Robin was even more moved when he learned that Luffy chose to save him first after learning that his brother was about to be publicly executed.

"It's not just that!" At this time, Frankie came over, put the newspaper in front of everyone, and said, "Look at this!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at the newspaper in Franky's hand at the same time, and then several people's faces showed shocked expressions at the same time.

"Hai...the son of the Pirate King!" After Usopp (King of Snipers) saw the news that Ace's identity was revealed in the newspaper, he immediately looked at Luffy with shocked eyes and said loudly: "Your brother is the Pirate King's son!" Son, so Luffy, your father is also the Pirate King!"

Everyone else looked at Luffy lying there in shock, especially those who just said they wouldn't be surprised, with the most exaggerated expressions.

"No." Luffy said calmly, "Ace and I are not the same father."

"Huh! X7" For some reason, everyone felt relieved when they heard Luffy's answer.

"The alliance between Luffy's brother and the big pirate Whitebeard is about to go to war with the World Government. This is really something incredible!"

"Well, after knowing this information, everything has become clear now. Since Luffy's brother Ace is the bloodline left by Pirate King Roger, the World Government wants to eradicate him, so it launched a war.

As the initiator of the war, the Navy Headquarters, which was the combat force of the World Government, should have taken the initiative to attack the alliance of Whitebeard and Ace. However, in this way, the location advantage of the war would be in the hands of Whitebeard and Ace. So the World Government captured Luffy's other brother and wanted to lure Ace there, so that the location advantage of the war would also be occupied by the Navy Headquarters. "Robin analyzed.

"That's why Ace lurked on that warship, trying to rescue Sabo from Imperial before he was publicly executed!" Nami added.

"But can Ace successfully rescue Sabo?" Sanji took a puff of cigarette and said, "The place where Sabo is imprisoned is a large undersea prison known as the iron wall."

"Whether it succeeds or not, the war between Luffy's brother and the Navy Headquarters is inevitable." Zoro held the knife in his hand, looked at his captain, and asked: "Luffy, what do you want to do?"

Everyone in the Straw Hats also looked at Luffy at the same time, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Thinking about it now, the look in Ace's eyes just now must have been telling me not to get involved in this matter, but..." Luffy struggled to sit up, looked at his friends, and said in a deep voice, "I Want to go!”

At this time, there are still 28 hours before Sabo is publicly executed!

If nothing else, it will be the third update today. Please support me in any way.

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