One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 148 The painful drama of Impel City (third update, please subscribe)

In the windless zone, on the exclusive sea current of the World Government, Ghost Spider's warships sailed rapidly on the sea riding on the current.

The warship has been sailing for six hours from the Gate of Justice on Judiciary Island into the exclusive current area. At this speed, the warship will arrive at Impel City in about three hours.

On the bottom floor of the warship, in the cells where prisoners are held.

"How are you going to sneak in after arriving at Impel Down City?" Crocodile looked at Ace sitting outside the cage and asked.

Although Crocodile was still in the cage, his handcuffs and shackles had long been removed, and what he now wore was nothing more than a decoration to hide his eyes from others.

"I'm thinking about it too," Ace said with a frown.

Navy soldiers cannot enter Impel Down City without permission, and they do not need to be escorted. Therefore, after the warship escorts Crocodile and the others to Impel Down City, they only need to hand them over to the jailers in Impel Down City. Task.

So the question is, how can Ace sneak into Impel Down City quietly?

Ace thought for a long time but couldn't think of a way.

"Otherwise, when the warship arrives at Impelton and the gate to the impel city opens, we can just remove the disguise and break in," Ace said.

Ace calculated and found that the two strongest combat forces in Impel Down are Magellan and Shiliu. Among them, Shiliu's combat strength is temporarily unknown, but Magellan is a genuine general-level combat power.

Although this guy's ability to fight for ten minutes and defecate for two hours is rather poor, and he lost to someone when competing for the position of general, there is no doubt about his strength at the general level.

Shiliu's strength may be slightly weaker than Magellan, at least at the level of Crocodile. In addition, if they are exposed at the entrance of Impel City, the enemy they need to face will also be the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters. .

Although Ace is confident that he can defeat Magellan, his strength is at their level. If they fight, the winner will definitely not be determined in a short while. The fight may last for a day or two. During this period, if he attacks the impel city The news reached the Navy headquarters, where it would only take a few hours to send support.

Based on the importance that the Navy Headquarters attaches to him, if they find out that he appears in Impel Down City, they will definitely be crazy with joy. They will immediately close the door. At that time, it will be impossible for Ace to escape. Then the Navy Headquarters will directly send the three generals. Then he will still be there. If Sabo is not rescued, he will have to stay here, so a strong attack will definitely not work.

This option is eliminated directly.

"Yes!" Ace suddenly thought of one of Crocodile's men. With his ability, he might be able to enter Impel Down City silently.

Yes, the person Ace was thinking of was Von Clay, the human demon with the ability to imitate the fruit.

Von Clay's ability to imitate the fruit allows him to perfectly transform into anyone he touches. As long as Ace releases him, and then lets Von Clay transform into a sailor and lurk on the warship, he will He can be taken into Impel Down as a prisoner.

Just do what he said, Ace got up directly, went to the place where Von Clay was imprisoned, and told him his plan. This man wanted to hear that Ace risked his life to save his brother. , Crocodile didn't even need to come forward, and agreed to Ace's request without saying a word.

Then Ace put on a prisoner outfit and was dressed like a transvestite by Von Clay. He was locked up in a cage instead of him. Von Clay turned into a sailor on a warship and lurked in the prison. on this warship.

(PS: Don’t complain, I believe everyone who has seen it will know what the disguise of One Piece World looks like)

Three hours later, the warship arrived at Impel Down City.

Because the prisoner was as dangerous as Crocodile, Impel Down City took it very seriously, and Director Magellan personally came to receive him.

Because of the perfect disguise that Von Clay dressed up for Ace, Ace was successfully taken into Impel Down City as a prisoner. When Ace passed the sailor that Von Clay imitated, how affectionate was he? ' The look in his eyes made Ace's skin crawl all over the place, and he was almost exposed on the spot.

I have to say that the emotions of shemales are really rich.

After entering Impel Down City, Magellan and the jailers escorted Crocodile and Ace into the prison tower where the prisoners were held.

The baptism before imprisonment took two hours.

The prison tower has six floors in total. The prisoners on the six floors are in order of danger from top to bottom. Mortals on the upper floors are less dangerous. The most dangerous sixth floor, the Infernal Hell, is full of terrible prisoners. Among the prisoners present, only Crocodile was qualified to be imprisoned in the sixth level of endless hell.

Under the escort of Magellan, Ace and others took the large elevator down from the ground floor. Mr. 3 was taken down on the second floor. He was only qualified to be locked up on the second floor.

Of course Ace, disguised as Von Clay, is not qualified to be imprisoned on the sixth floor, so he will be taken down when the elevator goes down to the third floor, but the place where Sabo is imprisoned must be on the sixth floor. , so Ace’s goal is the sixth level.

Just when the elevator stopped at the second floor and Mr. 3 was taken down, and Ace was thinking about how to legitimately go down to the sixth floor, the side effects of Magellan's ability suddenly occurred.

"Hannibal, these people are under your escort. I have to go to the bathroom!" Magellan told Deputy Director Hannibal, and then hurriedly ran down the elevator.

There is no other way. This guy is rushing to have diarrhea. If he moves slowly, he may have diarrhea in his pants.

"Ah, you diarrhea director, you better die of collapse as soon as possible, so that I can take over as director." Hannibal looked at Magellan's back and said.

After the guy finished speaking, he realized that everyone in the elevator was looking at him. He immediately covered his mouth and said in shock: "Oops, I just said what I was thinking."

"..." Everyone was speechless, and then the elevator door closed and continued downward.

When the elevator went down to the third floor, the jailers looked at Ace and were about to take him to the cell on this floor, but Ace suddenly spoke and said: "I heard that our BOSS will be imprisoned in Impel Down Legends On the sixth floor, I heard that the prisoners imprisoned there will never have a chance to come out again. I wonder if the deputy director can let us watch the BOSS’s last journey and imprison us when he comes back?"

"Of course not. Only the director has the right to do such a thing, you scum!" Before Hannibal could speak, the prison warden Saludes directly refused.

"Oh, only the director has the right." Ace glanced at Hannibal with regret, then threw Crocodile down with tears and runny nose and was about to attack Crocodile. He cried bitterly and said: "BOSS, I can't see you off in person. It’s such a shame that this is the last journey, let’s see you in the next life.”

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