One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 149 Jinbei’s request (first update, please subscribe)

"It's okay to drink!" Hannibal suddenly said, with tears streaming down his face: "What a touching friendship, you have touched me. I am so gracious to you, the deputy director, to let you watch Crocodile being raped with your own eyes. Just be imprisoned in the endless hell."

"Hey, Hannibal, don't do unnecessary things, the director will be angry." Saludes reminded.

"Who cares about that guy who only has diarrhea? Sooner or later, the position of director will be mine." Hannibal showed a disdainful expression and said, "The deputy director also has the right to do this."

"Look, their friendship is so touching!" Hannibal pointed at Ace and Crocodile and said with a moved face.

"..." Saludes was speechless, but did not stop Hannibal.

Because in his opinion, even a man like Crocodile couldn't make any trouble after being imprisoned in Impel Down City.

In this way, Ace succeeded in not being taken down on the third floor, but went to the sixth floor with Crocodile.

"Battle of Bitterness - Success!" Inside the elevator, Ace raised his head, looked at Crocodile, and gave him a thumbs up!

"...Stay away from me." Crocodile pushed Ace away with a look of disgust.

Since the elevator can only go down to the fourth floor, after reaching the fourth floor, they need to take the stairs to the sixth floor.

After reaching the sixth level, Ace's eyes became sharp. He quickly scanned the entire Hell, but did not find Sabo.

"How could it be? Why isn't Sabo here?" Ace's face suddenly turned gloomy when he didn't see Sabo's figure.

"Saab? Are you talking about the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army who is about to be executed? He was sent to the Navy Headquarters three hours ago." Hannibal said.

"Damn it, it's still too late!" Ace said bitterly.

"Yes, you only need to come a few hours earlier to see him." Hannibal nodded in agreement.

"Shut up, Hannibal!" Saludes looked at Ace warily and shouted: "There's something wrong with this guy!"

"What are you talking about!" Hannibal, who was still out of state, didn't notice anything unusual at all, and wanted to introduce the sixth level of hell to Ace, until Crocodile and Daz Bonis removed their hands. The decorative handcuffs, and then he reacted.

Bang! ~

The sound of the handcuffs of Crocodile and Daz Bones falling to the ground made Hannibal stiff. When he turned to look at the two of them, the jailor beside Crocodile had already fallen to the ground. .

"You... why... what is going on!" Hannibal pointed at Crocodile with a horrified look on his face. The ambitious deputy director had already begun to speak incoherently.

"Obviously, we have been tricked!" Saludes took out his weapon and said in a deep voice: "Contact the director quickly, we have a big problem here..."

Before Saludes finished speaking, a scorching temperature suddenly hit them from behind. When they turned around, they saw only a wave of white fire coming towards them fiercely.

"Jing Yan - Fire Fist!"


The scorching flames engulfed the two of them, and then hit the wall of the sixth-floor prison fiercely. The weaker Saludes passed out directly, and the deputy director was already crumbling.

"Who...are you!" Hannibal stood up unsteadily and looked at Ace, panting and asking.

Ace was silent.

"Boy, what should we do next?" Crocodile looked at Ace and asked.

"That goes without saying!" Ace, whose clothes on his face had been washed away by the scorching flames and whose eyes were flashing with scorching flames, looked at the entrance to the sixth floor and said in a deep voice: "Of course, go to the Navy Headquarters. , rescue Sabo!"

"Do you want to go?" Crocodile heard this, laughed, and said: "Haha~haha~, the opportunity to take off the head of the old man with white beard has finally come!"

"If you dare to attack uncle, I will kill you!" Ace said nonchalantly.

"If you can do it, you can give it a try, you arrogant brat." Crocodile responded without showing any signs of weakness.


At this time, a deep voice suddenly came from a cell, calling Ace.

Ace turned around and looked at the cell. When he saw the people in the cell, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face and asked, "Jinbei, why are you locked up here!"

"It's a long story." Jinbe didn't explain anything, but just said to Ace with a pleading look on his face: "If you are going to the Navy Headquarters, please take me with you."

"Even if I die in battle, at least let me do something for my father." Jinbei lowered his head heavily to Ace and said, "Please, Brother Ace!"


Ace directly punched open the door of the cell where Jinbe was imprisoned, strode in, and came to Jinbe's face.

"If it's you, you should be able to come in handy." Ace easily took off the chains on Jinbei's body, turned around and said, "And since you are aware of your mortality, then just follow him."

"Hey, are you kidding? Those are the gates and chains made of seastone, but they can be opened so easily!"

"Then let us out too."

"Yes, we are also people who hate the World Government very much. If you let us out, we will fight for you with the consciousness of death!"

"That's right, that's right. Each of us has a very powerful fighting force. We will definitely help you promise to the Navy Headquarters... no, to defeat the World Government."

Seeing that Ace could open the prison door and chains, the entire Hell was boiling. The prisoners made various promises to Ace, hoping that Ace could open the doors and chains for them.

"Shut up!" Ace glanced sideways, and the astonishing overlord-colored domineering energy was released from his body, sweeping across the entire Hell. The powerful domineering energy that could affect reality made all the cell doors rattle.

In an instant, everyone in the Infernal Hell fell silent, and even Crocodile looked at Ace differently.

Deep in the cell, the prisoners who had remained silent from beginning to end looked at the domineering Ace with different eyes. Some laughed, some appreciated, some disdainful, and some had no change in their expressions from beginning to end.

These people are the truly strong ones, and some of them even have powerful beings who were erased from history by the world government because what they did was so bad.

"What an amazing domineering look." Jinbei looked at Ace and said in surprise: "Brother Ace, you have become stronger again."

"Compared to Uncle Whitebeard, I'm still far behind." Ace shook his head, and then prepared to leave here and go to the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, there were still 16 hours left before Sabo's public execution.

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