One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 157 Burning the City (Third update, please subscribe)

Impel Down City, sea level one.

Little Sadie and his jailer beasts who were ordered by Magellan to guard the gate of Impel Down City have been defeated. The gate of Impel Down City has also been breached. Not only that, even the main control room has been occupied by Lightning Inazuma and the shemale. They occupied and took over the controller that opened the door to justice.

Advancing outside the city, most of the dozens of warships guarding the deep-sea prison had been sunk by Crocodile and Jinbe, and they also successfully captured an intact warship as they headed to the Navy Headquarters Tool of.

The plan to escape Impel Down City was all ready, and now they just had to wait for Ace to come out of Impel Down City before they could set sail for Marineventor.

"Yina-chan, it's okay, open the door of justice!" Ace and Ivankov came out of the Red Lotus Hell and passed by the main control room on the upper floor. Ivankov faced Yi who was guarding the main control room. Nazuma shouted.

"Understood, Lord Ivan!" Upon hearing Ivankov's voice, Inazuma immediately activated the mechanism that opened the door to justice, then quickly left the control room and came to Ace and Ivankov's side. , and fled with them towards the gate of Impel Down City.

"BOSS, the Gate of Justice is open." On the warship, Daz Bonis saw the huge Gate of Justice slowly opening in the distance, and reminded Crocodile who was standing on the bow of the ship.

"It seems that the plan is going well." Crocodile, who was holding a cigar, gently touched the golden hook on his left hand and said, "The next step is to go to the Navy Headquarters and personally remove the head of Whitebeard."

"..." After hearing Crocodile's words, Jinbei, who was standing next to him, glanced at him sideways and said nothing.

Jinbei told himself in his heart that this guy was still a friendly force and could not attack him. When he got to the Navy Headquarters, if he really dared to attack his father, it would not be too late to kill him.

boom! ~

At this time, there was a sudden roar at the gate of the city, and then Ace, Inazuma, and Ivankov with a huge face rushed out of the gate one after another.

Behind them was Magellan's huge roar.

"Stop, Portcas D. Ace!" Riding the huge poisonous giant, Magellan chased behind the three Aces and roared: "Even if it means risking my life, I will not let you If you run away from here, stop!"

"I don't want it!" Ace grabbed Ivankov and Inazuma, lifted them up one by one with one hand, and then flew directly up. He turned to Magellan and said loudly: "I don't want any more in Impel Down." You have saved someone, so I won’t continue to entangle you here, Magellan!”

"Goodbye!" After Ace said that, he caught Ivankov and Inazuma and flew towards the warship where Jinbe and the others were.

"Even if I catch up to the Navy Headquarters, I will wash away the shame of the past with my own hands." Looking at Ace's leaving figure, he also thought of the scene in Impel Down City where he was too scared to move when Ace passed by him. Magellan took out a phone bug with a gloomy face, dialed and said directly: "Send me a warship, I'm going to chase them!"

"Okay." On the other end of the phone, the Vice Admiral replied.

After hanging up the phone, Magellan looked at the warship where Ace and others were riding, and said in a deep voice: "At the risk of Impel Down City's honor and my life, I will personally take off your head!"

"Portcas D. Ace!"

"Brother Ace, Magellan seems to be preparing to chase after you!" Jinbei, who was at the helm, said in a deep voice when he saw Magellan and others at the gate of the Impel Down City.

"We won't let him catch up!" Upon hearing this, Ace put the hat on his back on his head, then came to the edge of the warship, and his elemental body jumped up and flew into the sky.

"Ace BOY~ What do you want to do?" Ivankov asked in confusion when he saw Ace flying in the air.

"I don't know." Jinbei raised his head, looked at Ace flying in the sky, and said, "However, I feel that Brother Ace may be doing something terrible."

"Great Flame Ring!"

Suddenly, Ace, who flew into the sky above the Impel City, shouted loudly and released a large amount of flames from his body, forming a huge circle in the sky.

"Burn the city on fire!"

Ace pushed down with both hands, and the flames in the sky fell quickly, like a city wall falling from the sky, surrounding the entire Impel City.

"Hip..." Ivankov looked at the spectacular flame wall that surrounded the entire Impel City, his eyes almost bulged out, and he said in shock: "Ace BOY~ This is a city wall built with flames. Impel Down is surrounded!"

"Hahahaha." Jinbe also laughed in surprise, then gave a thumbs up and said: "As expected of Brother Ace, what an amazing ability!"

"..." Crocodile and Daz Bonis were also extremely surprised, but the cold-hearted two people remained expressionless even though their hearts were turbulent.

Ace returned to the warship, looked at his masterpiece, and said with a smile: "The thickness is 20 meters, the height is 100 meters, it can keep burning for six hours, and even the navy's fleet can defend it. Even Magellan, I'm afraid it won't last for a while." I can’t get out either.”

"Except for someone with abilities like Aokiji, it is almost impossible to break through such a defense," Jinbei said.

"Hey!" Ace smiled proudly, but in fact, when he built this wall of flames, the person he wanted to defend the most was not Magellan, but Blackbeard.

The real decisive battle at the Navy Headquarters is about to begin. Ace knows that the guy must have come towards Impel Down City from somewhere now, but Ace has no time to stop him now, so he leaves this flaming wall behind. Even if it can't be blocked, it can at least cause him some trouble and preserve most of the combat power for Impel Down.

You know, those who were trapped in the Impel City area by Ace using [Burning the City], but there are still more than a dozen warships and several lieutenant generals. If these people get together, they will be a considerable fighting force, even if they block If you don't control Blackbeard, you can at least cause him a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, Ace didn't know that Blackbeard gained the ability of the Golden Lion and could fly with the ship, so the flame wall he set up was essentially useless to Blackbeard.

After passing the Gate of Justice, the warship boarded the World Government's exclusive sea current and sailed quickly towards the Navy Headquarters.

Although there is a dedicated sea current acceleration, it will still take more than a few hours to reach the navy headquarters at the fastest.

On the warship, Ace and others are taking this time to recover their strength as much as possible. After all, when they arrive at the Navy Headquarters, what they have to face is the real war.

PS: So what? I’ve got double monthly tickets. Readers who have tickets can vote for me.

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