One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 158 The battle at the top - opening (first update, please subscribe)

A few hours later, the location was the Navy Headquarters, and the time was ten o'clock in the morning.

The Marine Headquarters, where almost all of the Navy's elite combat forces have been assembled, is now filled with Marine's elite soldiers.

In response to this war, the small town behind Marinevando Fortress had received a war evacuation warning before the war began, and is now deserted.

At this time, although more than 100,000 people had gathered in the square, not a single extra sound was made, and the entire square was filled with a dignified atmosphere.

At this time, Marshal Warring States stepped onto the execution platform. Behind him were two guards holding long knives escorting a person.

The one who was sent to the execution stand was the criminal who would be publicly executed in front of the whole world this time, the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Sabo!

Under the execution platform are the three most powerful generals in the Navy Headquarters, Akainu (Sakaski), Aokiji (Kuzan), and Kizaru (Porusariro).

The crescent-shaped harbor and the entire island are now surrounded by 50 warships. On the shore of the harbor, countless heavy guns are ready.

Looking from the front of the port, we can see that standing at the forefront of the army is one of the three major forces in the world that may affect the situation of this war - the King's Shichibukai!

Although there are only four people present now, the sense of oppression emanating from them still makes it difficult for the sailors standing near them to breathe!

Different from the original plot, the person who was publicly executed this time was not Ace, but Sabo, so the Warring States Period did not tell the soldiers below about the importance of this war, because they already knew it before the war started. This execution was merely bait to attract the real enemy.

At this time, a soldier suddenly hurried to Warring States and reported to him in panic: "Reporting to Marshal Warring States, I just received a notice that the door of justice was suddenly opened without any instructions."

"Moreover, we are now unable to contact the control room."

"What?!" Although Warring States was surprised, he immediately regained his composure and said loudly: "Don't panic, this is expected."

"This is a war with that man. No matter what accident happens, it is not worth making a fuss about." Warring States waved his hand to the soldier, asking him to retreat, and then said loudly to the loudspeaker phone in his hand: "Everyone enters the battle. Get ready, that man, Whitebeard... is coming!"

At this time, directly in front of Marinefando, pirate ships flying different flags slowly appeared on the sea level. There were dozens of them. They were under the command of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Spade Pirates. A large pirate fleet composed of pirate groups.

"[Lei Qing] Macugai, [Ice Witch] Huidibei, and [Big Vortex Spider] Skuad... and [Wandering Knight] Doma, [Massive Dog] George Salin... Hai There are a total of 51 pirate ships, which is a large pirate fleet composed of the pirate groups under Whitebeard and Spade."

"There is no doubt that each of these people is a great pirate who has made a great name in the new world."

"Hurry up and confirm the locations of [Whitebeard] and [Spade]. Where are they?"

"Report, the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Spade Pirates are not found in the pirate fleet."

"They are already within range, are they going to attack?"

"No, [Whitebeard] and [Spade] haven't appeared yet. They must be nearby, closely monitoring the sea, waiting for them to appear to launch an attack."

"Hehehehe, as expected of Whitebeard, he has assembled an amazing lineup."

At the front of the bay, among the Shichibukai team, Moonlight Moria stood up, looked at the pirate fleet slowly approaching in the distance, and said excitedly: "Come over quickly, Whitebeard, I can't hold it in anymore." Got it!"

Gulu gulu~~

At this time, a gurgling sound suddenly came from the sea in Marineland Bay, attracting everyone's attention.

"...No way!" Warring States looked at the water bubbles that kept popping up in the bay, and suddenly realized something, and his face became ugly.

"It really appeared from an unexpected place!" From behind, Garp said expressionlessly.

"It seems we set up the wrong formation." Granny He said.

"Is it really the wrong formation?" Garp raised his head, looked at Warring States on the execution platform, and murmured.

At this time, in the bay of Marinefando, accompanied by the sound of huge water waves, in everyone's shocked eyes, several huge black figures floated up from the bottom of the sea.

"It turns out that they coated all the ships with film and sneaked over from the bottom of the sea..."

The first one to surface was the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, then the Spade of the Spade Pirates, and finally the other two auxiliary ships of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Moby-Dick shows up!"

"And the Spade number!"

With the sound of bubbles popping, the figures on the Whitebeard Pirates' Moby Dick and Spade also clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

On the Moby Dick, standing at the forefront are the fourteen captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, headed by [Phoenix] Marco, and behind them are the members of each team.

Standing at the forefront on the Spade are all the members of the Spade Pirates, headed by [Crazy Swordsman] Eboli Gambi.

Dang, Dang, Dang! ! ~

On the Moby Dick, with the sound of heavy footsteps, Whitebeard's tall figure slowly walked forward, but what was surprising was that behind Whitebeard, there were two figures, a man and a woman.

"That's... [Death Surgeon] Trafalgar Law and [Glutton Girl] Joelle Bonny. Aren't they the captains of the pirate group under [Spade]? Why do they appear in the Whitebeard Pirates?" On the ship of the regiment, and also appeared together with Whitebeard!"

Luo and Qiao Ellie Bonny appeared behind Whitebeard, which puzzled many people, but those who knew their abilities all changed their faces.

"Trafalgar Law and Joelle Bonny...this is terrible!" Warring States, who was standing on the execution platform, saw the two people following Whitebeard, and his expression suddenly turned ugly.

As the marshal of the navy, Sengoku naturally knew the abilities of these two people, and what Sengoku represented when they appeared next to Whitebeard was even more clear.

The abilities of these two people may change the final outcome of this war!

"Kula la la la!~" Whitebeard came to the front of the Moby Dick and stood there, looking at the Sengoku on the execution platform in the distance, and laughed: "I haven't seen you for decades, Sengoku."

"I heard that the traitor Tiqi on our ship is here with you. Where are the others?" Whitebeard's eyes scanned the whole place and said loudly: "Let him come over, I'm here to take his head!"

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