One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 159 [Whitebeard] Edward Newgate (Second update, please subscribe)

"Tiqi, where are you?" Whitebeard slammed the naginata in his hand and shouted loudly: "Come out quickly, I'm here to take your head!"

Whitebeard's domineering voice echoed in the sky above Marine Fando, and the navy elites in the square couldn't help but swallow their saliva nervously.

"Huh? Aren't you here? Then..." Whitebeard, who didn't get a response, stood the naginata in his hand beside him, then made fists with both hands and bowed his body, taking a stance. White arcs of light condensed on his fists!

"Just sink you all to the bottom of the sea!" Whitebeard smiled solemnly, and then punched the void with both fists!

Boom~kakaka! ! ~~~

The atmosphere where the fist fell was shaken into spiderweb-like cracks, and for a moment, the sea... no, the whole world seemed to start to shake violently, but it soon returned to calm.

"What's going on? What did Whitebeard do?"

"A bluff?"

"Shut up, he just shattered the atmosphere. How could such a powerful attack be a bluff!"

"Yes, a man like Whitebeard cannot do unnecessary things. He must have done something with the attack just now. Don't relax, I have a bad feeling!"

"What are you afraid of? No matter in terms of numbers or combat power, we all have the advantage. Even if the opponent is that white beard, Justice will never lose!"

"Don't relax!" At this time, the voice of Warring States came from the huge radio phone in the square. He said in a solemn tone: "Even if we have an absolute advantage in numbers, don't think that we can guarantee victory."

"If we take it lightly, we may be the ones who are defeated."

"Because that man, the earthquake man with the ability of [Shock Fruit], [Whitebeard] Edward Newgate, has terrifying power that can destroy the world!"

Boom! ~~

As the voice of Warring States fell, a strong vibration suddenly came from a distance, and then on both sides of Marinevando, two tsunamis with a height of tens of meters suddenly appeared. The dark waves were like two mountains, mercilessly heading towards the navy. Headquarters is coming.

"Look, it's a tsunami, it's so huge!"

"I see, the sea earthquake set by the previous attack has now become a tsunami sweeping over it?"

"Hehehehe, with this kind of ability, he is indeed worthy of being a legendary monster!"

Just when the huge tsunami on both sides of Marinefando was about to hit the navy headquarters, Aokiji, one of the [Three Generals], moved on the seat under the execution platform.

call out! ~

Aoki jumped up high, spread his hands in the air, and used his palms to face the tsunami on both sides with two blasts of cold air. Almost the moment the cold air came into contact with the tsunami, the tsunami that was tens of meters high was completely frozen and turned into There were two icebergs standing on both sides of Malinfando.


"As expected of the general, he actually froze a tsunami of that magnitude in an instant. This kind of power is really reassuring."

"Qing brat." Whitebeard looked at Qing Pheasant in mid-air, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ice Cube·Two Thorn Spear!"

After the blue pheasant in mid-air froze the tsunami, he waved his hands, and the cold air condensed four ice spears around him, and they shot towards Whitebeard.

Boom! ~

Whitebeard turned sideways and punched Qing Pheasant. His powerful ability shattered the air, instantly shattering Qing Pheasant and his two thorn spears.

The shattered Aoki Pheasant fell from mid-air and landed on the sea surface of the bay. It instantly froze the entire sea surface in the bay. At the same time, the shattered body quickly regrouped and appeared to be completely unscathed. Hurt look.

The attack and defense between Aoki Pheasant and Whitebeard took place in an instant, but their confrontation completely kicked off the war.

"The sea surface in the bay is completely frozen, and our ship cannot continue moving forward."

"Then just rush across the ice!"

"That's right, just rush over and let the navy see how powerful we are!"

"Come on!"

Outside the bay, the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates and the Spade Pirates abandoned their ships one after another and rushed into the bay from the sea frozen by Ao Pheasant.

"Don't let them come, fire quickly!"

"Same in the bay. Turn the guns and destroy the Moby Dick and the Spade."

Facing the pirates rushing over, the navy also responded immediately. Countless heavy artillery fires were fired from the bay, and the sky was full of cannons, hitting the pirates outside the bay and the Moby Dick inside the bay.

Whoosh whoosh! ~

Several figures flew up and blocked all the incoming cannonballs from different directions. They were all members of the Spade Pirates, all dispatched.

"With Ace not here, it's up to us to rescue Sabo."

"Yes, this is our family's business. We can't trouble the allies of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Then, rush over, everyone!"


Thirteen members of the Spade Pirates, including Carols, rushed toward the square aggressively, but they were quickly stopped.

Standing in front of them were the lieutenants of the navy headquarters, and each of these lieutenants was a more powerful master than Vergodu a year ago.

However, even in the face of such a lineup, the members of the Spade Pirates showed no fear.

"What's worse now, it's the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters."

"Don't talk nonsense, just rush over."

Then, the members of the Spade Pirates fought against the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters who blocked their way.

"Ku la la la la, these brats, like their captain, are all stupid." Looking at the members of the Spade Pirates rushing towards the square, Whitebeard laughed, and then turned to the captain beside him. They said: "You should go there too, don't let those little devils die."


"Leave it to us, Dad!"

Following Whitebeard's order, all the captains on the Mobydick, except Marco and Jozi, also appeared on the scene, followed by the members of the Spade Pirates and rushed towards the square.

"Kids, leave the lieutenant generals to us. Don't you want to save people? Come over quickly!" The captains picked up the opponents of the Spade Pirates and said to them.

"Thank you, seniors!"

“I’ll buy you a drink when I go back!”

Gambi and others thanked the captains who came to support them, and then continued to rush towards the square.

"Kids, stop!"

Just when Gambi and others were about to rush to the coast of the bay, a huge figure fell from the sky and blocked them.

"It's him!"

Gambi and the others looked at the tall figure blocking their way, and their faces became serious.

Because the man standing in front of them is a member of the famous Shichibukai - Moonlight Moria!

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