One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 160 Battle against the Shichibukai (third update, please subscribe)

"Kids, where is your captain, [Fire Fist] Portcas D. Ace? Where is he? Why hasn't he shown up yet!" Moria looked at the members of the Spade Pirates and asked in a deep voice. road.

"Guess!" Gumby posed and said jokingly, then turned to his companions and said, "Leave this guy to me and you continue to move forward."

"Okay!" The companions glanced at Gumby, nodded seriously, and then continued forward.

"Shadow cut!" Of course Moria would not let them leave. He directly took out his big scissors and cut off the shadows of Wores and others.

"Crazy Qi - New Moon!"

Gambi swung his sword, and a strike like a crescent moon flew out from the blade of the sword in his hand, slashing at Moriah, forcing Moriah back.

"I said, your opponent is me, Moonlight Moria!" Gambi said in a deep voice, blocking behind his advancing companions.

"You?" Moria glared and shouted, "Do you want to hold me back by yourself?"

"I don't want to hold you back!" Gumby shook his head, held the broad sword in his hand across his chest, and said seriously: "But I want to defeat you!"

"You said, you want to defeat me?" Moriah looked solemnly, took out his big scissors, and asked coldly.

"That's right!" Gambi looked at Moriah and said without fear: "Ace said that your strength can only be ranked at the bottom among the Shichibukai. If you can't defeat me, it means that I My strength has not improved much in the past year, this is not good, I will be laughed at by those guys!"

"Furthermore, our captain is a man who wants to reach the top of the sea. As his companion, if he can't defeat even the mere Shichibukai, how can he have the honor to claim to be Ace's partner!" Gambi said loudly.

"In order to become stronger, I must defeat you here, Moonlight Moria!" Gambi pointed his sword at Moria and said in a solemn voice.

"Hehehehehe, the pinnacle? Defeat me? I've been underestimated too!" Moria's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he waved his big hand, and the big scissors in his hand swept towards Gambi.

clang! ~

Gambi resisted with a horizontal sword and turned around to kick Moria, but was blocked by the shadow that emerged from behind Moria.


Gambi looked at the shadow that blocked his attack, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Ace had long told them about the abilities of some powerful people in the sea, including Moria in front of him.

Moria is a shadow person who has eaten the superhuman shadow fruit. He can freely control his own shadow and the shadow of his opponent, which is a very difficult ability to deal with.

"Shadow Mage!"

Moria stood behind his shadow, controlling the shadow to attack Gambi, and then followed closely, waiting for Gambi to reveal his flaws and wait for an opportunity to attack.

"Crazy Qi - Moon Wheel!"

Gambi swung his sword and made a slash, directly cutting off the attacking Shadow Mage from the waist, but the Shadow Mage's severed body recovered immediately.

"Hehehehe, even if the body is cut off, Shadow Mage will not be injured." Behind Shadow Mage, Moria laughed sharply.

Hearing Moria's words, Gambi's frown suddenly spread, his hand holding the sword tightened, he released his armed domineering energy and wrapped it around the broad sword in his hand, and then slapped the shadow mage with the blade of the sword.

Snapped! ~

Gambi Shadow Mage was knocked away by Gambi's sword, and then suddenly rushed towards Moria's body. After approaching Moria, he slashed out with a sword!

"Crazy Qi——Shuoyue!"

The sword energy roared, and a moon-like slash struck through the air, aiming at Moria's body!

clang! ~

Moriah used the big scissors to block the blow. At this time, Gambi's figure had already rushed in front of him, and he chopped off his head with the broad sword in his hand!

"Shadow Mage!"

Moriah waved, and the Shadow Mage, who had been caught in the distance by Gambi's sword, suddenly appeared from behind Moriah and punched Gambi.

Moria's shadow mage's punch was not really meant to attack Gambi, but to force him back, because if Gambi continued to attack Moria's body, the shadow mage's fist would also fall on him. That would be a lose-lose situation for both parties.

But Moriah doesn't understand Gambi. With the attributes of a berserker, when has he ever been afraid of getting hurt?

Trade injury for injury? Gumby’s favorite way of fighting is this!

Gambi grinned, completely ignoring the shadow mage's fist, and continued to exert force with the hand holding the sword, and the broad sword in his hand slashed at Moria even more fiercely.

"Kid, are you crazy?" Seeing that Gambi continued to attack him despite completely ignoring the shadow mage, Moria's expression changed slightly, then he changed his gestures and shouted: "Shadow Revolution!"


The shadow mage's arm suddenly stretched out, and before Gambi's sword touched Moria, Gambi was blown away hard.

Gambi, who was flying upside down, turned his wrist and stopped his retreating figure with the broadsword in his hand. Then his legs suddenly exerted force, and he ejected and rushed towards Moria quickly.

"Crazy Qi - New Moon!"

Gambi swung his sword vigorously, and struck Moriah with a crescent-like slash.

"Shadow wall!"

The shadow mage's body changed and turned into a shadow wall blocking Moriah!


The shadow wall blocked the Crescent Slash, but was immediately cut away by Gambi who rushed up with his sword, and then swung his sword fiercely at Moria!

Clang, clang, clang! ! ! ~~

Gambi attacked wildly, completely abandoning his moves, and only used brute force to swing his sword. Moriah retreated and blocked with scissors.

Although Gambi did not have an advantage over Moriah in terms of size, the brute force of his sword swing suppressed Moriah, who was nearly seven meters tall.

"Shadow Mage!"

Moria shouted deeply, and the shadow mage not far away shook his body, and then quickly rushed towards him from behind Gambi.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola!!~~"

Gambi didn't care at all about the shadow warriors attacking behind him, and attacked Moria's body even more crazily, and the power of his sword swing became stronger and stronger.

"Shadow Warrior!"

When the Shadow Mage rushed behind Gambi, Moriah's eyes narrowed. In a trance, his body suddenly exchanged with the Shadow Mage not far away. Gambi's attack became the Shadow Mage, and Moriah's The real body replaced the Shadow Mage and appeared behind Gambi.

The attacking Gambi suddenly stopped, and then turned around suddenly. The scissors in Moria's body had already pierced his body.

Bah! ~

The big scissors in Moriah's hand penetrated Gambi's shoulder directly, and then kicked him away.


The kicked Gambi hit the wall of the port heavily, and his left arm hung weakly because his shoulder was penetrated, and he seemed to be unable to lift it.

On the other side, a new powerful enemy appeared in front of Wores and others who had just rushed to the harbor.

Standing in front of them was Kizaru, one of the three most powerful generals in the Navy Headquarters!

PS: Please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes, please say important things three times.

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