One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 161 Endless famous scenes (first update, please subscribe)

Navy Headquarters, Marinevando!

The Spade Pirates in the bay are facing an unprecedented crisis.

In the battle against one of the Shichibukai, Moonlight Moria's Gambi was severely damaged. Vores and others in front of the bay encountered the strongest obstacle, the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters - Admiral Kizaru.

"Hehehehehe." Moriah swaggered in front of Gambi and said with a sarcastic smile: "You said you want to defeat me, but this is the only result?"

Moriah said, picked up the big scissors in his hand, strode towards Gambi, then bent down to grab Gambi's shadow.

On the other side, in front of everyone from the Spade Pirates, General Kizaru was not the only one blocking the way. There were also three remaining members of the Shichibukai under the King standing on the bay, but the Shichibukai didn't seem to be interested in the people from the Spade Pirates. Interested, even though the members of the Spade Pirates had already rushed in front of them, these few had no intention of taking action.

"Hey, you are also a combat force specially invited by the World Government. Is it okay to just watch like this?" Kizaru stood on the bay and said to Hawkeye, the Empress and the Bear who were still watching the excitement.

"The Ai family doesn't want to move yet." The empress leaned on her pet Salome and said lazily.

"I have no interest in these brats." The bear said expressionlessly.

"..." Hawkeye didn't say anything. He stood up directly, came to the edge of the bay, and then pulled out the sword on his back, [Black Sword Night], but the target of the sword he drew was not the members of the Spade Pirates. But Whitebeard on Moby Dick.

"Oh, are you going to attack Whitebeard? Hawkeye!" Kizaru said with a surprised look on his face when Hawkeye drew his sword on Whitebeard.

Not only Kizaru, Hawkeye's action of drawing the sword against Whitebeard attracted the interest of almost all the strong men present.

But this is normal. Everyone is interested in the famous scene where the [World's Greatest Swordsman] draws his sword against [The World's Strongest Man].

"Hehehehe, Hawkeye, are you finally going to challenge Whitebeard?" Moriah, who was walking towards Gambi, also stopped and turned his attention to Hawkeye.

"It's not a challenge, I just want to test the real distance between that man and us who seems very close!" After Hawkeye finished speaking, he raised the black knife Ye in his hand high, and then pointed towards Mo Mo standing there. The white beard on the Bidik was chopped off with a single blow.

Zheng! ~~

Along with the dazzling brilliance, the world's number one slash was released from the black knife in Hawkeye's hand, and with an edge that seemed to be able to split anything, it slashed straight at the Moby Dick.


Just when Hawkeye's slash was about to land on the Moby Dick, a figure jumped off the ship with a roar, blocking Hawkeye's slash with his own body.

boom! ~

The tall figure was like an impenetrable wall, standing in front of Moby Dick and Whitebeard, blocking Hawkeye's slash and then blasting it into the sky.

"The world's best slash... was blocked!"

"It's the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Diamond Jozi!"

"Oops, I was blocked, the best slash in the world!"

Kizaru, who was standing on the bay, seemed to be a little bit shy. He actually left the Spade Pirates alone and turned into a flash of light and flew over the Moby Dick.

"...Kizaru is gone, what should we do?"

"Nonsense, of course I'll rush over!"

In this way, the Spade Pirates took advantage of the gap between Kizaru's attack on Whitebeard and boarded the bay. When they passed by Hawkeye, Bear and the Empress, these three Shichibukai did not Any movement, as if not seeing them.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

In the sky, Kizaru's body emitted a dazzling light, and lasers fell like a shower on the white beard on Moby Dick.

"Here comes General Kizaru's attack!"

"Hey, this is too dazzling." Faced with Kizaru's attack, Whitebeard just complained in a low voice without any other action.

Uh-huh! ~

A figure flew out from behind Whitebeard, using its body of burning blue flames as a shield, blocking all of Kizaru's eight-foot magatama.

"Who is that? His body is wrapped in blue flames!"

"Admiral Kizaru's attack was blocked!"

"It's the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix Marco!"

"How could I let you take action against our 'King' in the first place!" Marco looked at Kizaru in the blue flames and said with a smile.

"It's so scary, the Whitebeard Pirates!" Kizaru said calmly, and then shot another eight-foot magatama at Marco.

The dazzling light jade constantly penetrated Marco's body, but the latter was immediately reborn in the burning blue flames.

"How could it be possible? Mr. Kizaru's attacks were all hit, but he was not hurt at all!"

"It's not that he was unscathed, but he has recovered. He really has that legendary ability..."

"No matter what kind of damage is suffered, he can be reborn in the flames. That is the ability of the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates..."

"Rare than the natural type, the animal type, the phantom beast species!"

【Phoenix Marco】

"It hurts so much!" Marco said with a relaxed expression.

"Stop lying!" Kizaru curled his lips and said while focusing the laser, "I have never seen such a bird before!"

"Drink!" Marco shouted deeply, and then his whole body turned into a real phoenix in the surging green flames, flying towards Kizaru.

During the flight, Kizaru's flashes of light kept attacking Marco, but it had no effect!

"Ha!" Marco, who was close to Kizaru, turned over in the air, turned his body back into a human, and then kicked Kizaru.


The kicked Kizaru's body turned into a flash of light, fell from the air, and hit the wall of the bay heavily, just in front of the Spade Pirates and others.

"..." Being stopped by Kizaru again, the members of the Spade Pirates uttered sweet scents.

"Oops, I meet you again, this is really..." Kizaru's figure flashed and appeared in front of Wores in an instant, kicking him.


Walles was kicked away.


When their companions were attacked, Kukai and Kaku were furious and attacked Kizaru at the same time.

"Kewaii!~" Seeing Kukai and Kakus attacking him, Kizaru's body turned into a flash of light and appeared behind the two of them in an instant. Then he raised his legs and touched his chin. It was so scary. Kicked two people away with a light speed kick.

"Speed ​​is power. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

Bang bang! ! ~~

Not surprisingly, Kakus and Kukai were kicked away one by one by Kizaru.

Although the place and the person were changed, the famous scene of Kizaru kicking a supernova was finally recreated.

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