One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 162 Everyone is in panic (Second update, please subscribe)

"Hey, even Karkus and turns out that there is such a big gap in strength between us and the admiral!"

When Ganliu, Fenamore and others saw the three of Walles, Kakus and Kukai being kicked away by Kizaru, the expressions on their faces all became ugly.

"Oh, I hate to say this, but you are all newcomers with great potential. If you continue to grow, you may become very formidable opponents in the future." Kizaru walked towards them unhurriedly and said, "The most important thing is What is surprising is that you are all gathered under the captain who has the blood of the Pirate King and has even more terrifying potential."

"Such a terrifying and huge potential threat must be removed as soon as possible!" Kizaru raised his finger, the light on his fingertips gathered, pointed at the people of the Spade Pirates, and said: "So, I can only apologize to you. They all died here.”

"Damn it, are we done here?"

"Sabo-kun, I'm so sorry that I couldn't rescue you!"

"I haven't seen Ace ascend the throne with my own eyes, so I feel so resigned!"

Facing Kizaru, Cornelia, Pai Bonsi, Aki, Iwa, Fenamore, Skaar, Seba and the Barry brothers, as well as Carols, the crew members of the Spade Pirates They gathered together, each with their own expressions of dissatisfaction, but no fear or regret!

"Marco!" On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard looked at Marco, indicating that he should save the crew of the Spade Pirates.

"I got it, Dad!" Marco understood, and immediately jumped up from the Moby Dick, turned into a phoenix and flew towards Kizaru, who was about to kill the crew of the Spade Pirates.

"Two-thorn spear!"

However, before Marco could fly very far, he was struck down by Aoki Pheasant with its two-thorn spear.

"Ah la la, although I really don't want to do this, those people are the 'seeds of evil' that must be eradicated as soon as possible." Qing Zhi stopped Marco, a cold air came out of her body, and said lightly: "So, Please don’t stay here and don’t hinder Polusarijo, Captain Marco.”

"Ao Pheasant!" Marco, who was reborn from the ashes, looked at the Ao Pheasant standing in front of him, and his expression became extremely ugly.

"Jozi!" Marco shouted towards the battlefield knowing that he could not get rid of Aoki in a short time.

"Oh oh oh oh!!~~"

At this time, a tall figure ran wildly on the battlefield, rushing towards Kizaru's position quickly.

"It's the captain of the third division, Diamond Jozi, stop him quickly!"

The navy tried to stop Jozi, but no one, whether they were colonels, major generals or lieutenant generals, could stop Jozi even for a moment.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant." At this time, a giant lieutenant general wearing a huge T-shaped metal mask appeared in front of Jozi, and the huge battle ax in his hand struck Jozi hard.


The huge tomahawk struck Jozi, causing a large crater to burst out of the ice beneath Jozi's feet, and the flying ice fragments obscured his vision.

"Oh oh oh~ As expected of a giant, he actually knocked down the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates with one blow!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Lunds is so reliable."

"Knocked down? Are you kidding?" In the ice pit, the ice chips fell away, and Jozi's figure reappeared in everyone's eyes. What was even more shocking was that Jozi was raising his arm with one hand at this time. He blocked the battle ax of Giant Lieutenant General Longzi.

"Don't underestimate me! Navy!" Jozi used his arms hard, and a huge strange force exploded, directly smashing the battle ax in the hand of the Giant Lieutenant General. Then he jumped up and punched the Giant Lieutenant General in front of him. past.


Jozi punched the Giant Lieutenant General in the face, and the powerful force directly shattered the metal mask on the Giant Lieutenant General's face, knocking him to the ground!

"Are you kidding? Those are giants, and they were beaten away!"

"How could it be possible? Lieutenant General Longzi was knocked down...and only with one blow!"

"Hey!" Jozi grinned, and then continued to rush towards the location of the Spade Pirates.

Bang bang bang! ! ~~

However, at this time, several giant marines descended from the sky and blocked Jozi again.

"On the basis of the reputation of the giants, we will not let you take another step forward, Diamond Jozi!" Several giants stood in front of Jozi aggressively and shouted in a deep voice.

"..." Jozi's face darkened when he heard this, and then he punched the ground with his fist. The huge force caused a huge circle to crack on the ice.

Jozi squatted down and grabbed the crack in the ice with both hands!

Click, click, click! ! ~~

Amidst the deafening sound, a huge ice block with a diameter of tens of meters was lifted directly from the ground by Jozi, and then was thrown towards the giant navy.

"How could it be possible? This is too big! This kind of ice... no, it's an iceberg!"

Rumble! ! ~~~

Ice blocks several times larger than the giants fell from the sky. When they fell, both the sound and the sight were frightening.

"If you have the guts, just stop and try, giant navy!" Jozi shouted in a deep voice.

"No, I can't stop it!"

This is the voice of all the navy under the ice, including those giant lieutenants.

"Really!" Just when the navy was about to escape from the place where the ice fell, under the execution platform, among the three generals, Akainu, who had not yet taken action, stood up.

"If we all leave, who will guard this place!" Akainu looked at the huge ice cube falling from the sky, his arm began to glow red, and then hot magma flowed out.

Boom! ~~

The sound of hot lava flowing from Akainu's arms was like the sound of a volcano erupting.

"Big fire-breathing!"

Akainu punched the sky, and hot magma erupted from his arm, like a huge fist, hammering hard on the huge ice block thrown up by Jozi.

Rumble! ! ~~

The ice block, which was bigger than the mountain, was first shattered by the huge force of the volcanic eruption under Akainu's 'Big Eruption' attack, and then evaporated instantly by the high temperature of the magma, disappearing without a trace.

Not only that, after Akainu released the magma that shattered the ice, the condensed magma exploded in the sky and shattered into countless hot magma blocks, raining down towards the battlefield in the bay.

In an instant, a natural disaster-like scene appeared in front of everyone.

"Hell, it's magma!"

"Run away!"

The pirates were embarrassed by the falling lava, and the navy was in a morale formation. The navy who originally wanted to retreat stood in front of Jozi again.

"Damn it!" Looking at the expressions of the marines standing in front of him, Jozi knew that he could not break through their defense in a short time, and his face became ugly.

In this way, the last hope of saving the Spade Pirates from Kizaru was blocked again.

Facing Admiral Kizaru, everyone in the Spade Pirates fell into despair again!

Everyone in the Spade Pirates is in emergency!

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