One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 163 Appearance (Third update, please subscribe)

Rumble! ! ~~

In the sky, magma like natural disasters continued to fall, and all the magma fell exactly where the pirates were. Even the auxiliary ship of the Whitebeard Pirates was sunk.

For a time, the pirates in the bay fled in panic, and the navy's morale was high!

A piece of lava hit the Moby-Dick, was pierced by Whitebeard standing on the bow, and then blew out in one breath.

"Is this preventing me from saving those brats?" Whitebeard immediately understood Akainu's intention with the magma, looked at him with disdain, and said: "Lava brat, your flames are only worthy of being on a birthday cake. Even if you light a candle, you still have a long way to go to shock me!"

"Huh huh huh!~" Akainu sneered and said, "Then try moving. I promise I will give you a gorgeous funeral!"

"Ku la la la la!" Whitebeard laughed, clenching the naginata in his hand, preparing to save Ace's friends from Kizaru.

"Huh?" Just when Whitebeard was about to take action, he suddenly seemed to sense something. He looked up at the sky and smiled strangely. Then he stopped and stood still, as if he had given up on fighting. Members of the Spade Pirates come to the rescue.

"Senior, you..." Luo, who was standing behind White Beard, saw that White Beard was not going to save people, his face suddenly turned ugly, and then turned around, preparing to save them himself.

Whitebeard blocked Luo with his naginata and said, "Kid, don't do unnecessary things."

"Senior!" Luo, who was stopped, glared at Whitebeard and said, "I don't ask you to take action, but at least let me save them myself."

Whitebeard glanced at Luo, said nothing, but gently retracted the naginata, and then looked at the sky with a little expectation in his eyes.

Luo followed Whitebeard's gaze and suddenly realized something, and said excitedly: "Could it be..."

"As I said, don't do unnecessary things." Whitebeard glanced at Luo, then looked at Qiao Ellie Bonny who was eating and drinking on the other side, and said calmly: "Compared to this girl, you are a little worse. Doctor brat.”

On the other side, seeing Whitebeard not moving, Akainu also sat down again.

Under the bay, everyone in the Spade Pirates was in pieces under Kizaru's attack.

"Everyone!" Under the bay, the seriously injured Gambi saw his companions being threatened by General Kizaru and struggled to get up.

"Shadow Mage!" Moria summoned the Shadow Mage, stepped on Gambi on the ground, and laughed: "Hehehehe, do you feel desperate when you see your companions in danger but unable to rescue them? !”

"But this is war!" Moriah grabbed Gambi's shadow, then lifted the shadow from the ground, put the big scissors in his hand at the connection between the shadow and Gambi's body, and said loudly: "Since you are here to participate In war, you must be prepared to face death, whether it is yourself or your companions!"

"Kid, please feel this despair. I will accept your shadow!" Moria said, about to cut out Gumby's shadow.

"Let me go, my comrades are going to be killed!" Wares, who was pinned to the ground by Lieutenant General Dauberman, struggled violently, but was held down by Dauberman.

"It's useless, pirate!" Dauberman put the blade in his hand on Wores's neck and said, "Both you and your companions will all be eradicated by justice!"

"Old woman, let us go quickly."

"Our companions are in danger, we have to save them!"

Kukai Kokakus, who was washed as soft as clothes by Lieutenant General Tsuru, yelled with tears streaming down his face.

"..." Lieutenant General He ignored them and frowned slightly as he looked at Carols and others who had been forced into a desperate situation by Kizaru.

"It's useless no matter how hard you struggle, you have no hope!" Kizaru looked at the members of the Spade Pirates lying on the ground, raised his hands, and dazzling light gathered in his hands, and said: "Sayu Nala, everyone of the Spade Pirates."

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

In the desperate eyes of the members of the Spade Thieves, the deadly dazzling light ruthlessly shot down on all of them.

"fire punch!"

boom! ~

The scorching fist of fire fell from the sky, blocking all Kizaru's flashes, and then the figure falling from the sky stood upright in front of his friends.

"Ace!" Looking at the figure standing in front of themselves and the others, everyone in the Spade Pirates felt extremely reliable.

"You stinky boy, we're finally here!" Seeing Ace's appearance, Whitebeard also laughed. Then he looked at those who broke into the battlefield with Ace and laughed: "Ku la la la la, this stinky guy is here." The boy seems to have brought a lot of powerful combat power!"

That's right, Ace certainly won't come alone. He will break into this battle on the top with him, and of course there will be the prison allies who came here from Impel Down together.

"Tang Caowa's fist!"

Under the bay, Jinbei punched away Moriah who was about to reduce Gambi's shadow from him.

"Jinbei, you bastard!" Moriah, who was blown away, looked at Jinbei and shouted with a ferocious expression.

"I'm sorry, Moriah, this person is Brother Ace's companion, I can't let you take away his shadow." Jinbei said calmly.

"Death Blink!"

With a death blink, Ivankov deflected Lieutenant General Dauberman who was about to cut Vores' neck.

"It's you, cadre of the revolutionary army, Ambrio Ivankov!" Dauberman, who was ejected, half-knelt on the ground with a knife in his hand, looked at Ivankov with a gloomy face, and shouted: "You... Why are you here!"

"Hip-hop, of course it's to save Saab BOY." Ivankov said loudly as he posed with the legion of shemales behind him.

"Granny Crane, can you leave these two people to me?" Crocodile stood in front of Lieutenant General Crane, pointing at Kukai and Kakus who were hanging there like clothes, and said seriously.

"I didn't expect you to come too, Sha Crocodile..."

"The situation of this war is becoming more and more unpredictable." Grandma He looked at Crocodile, pondered for a while, then turned and left. When she passed by Kukai and Kakus, she reached out and gently touched them. , the two people who have been washed instantly love you and return to normal.

"Thank you very much for saving us!" Kukai and Kakus returned to normal and thanked Crocodile.

"Thank you!" Crocodile ignored them and just whispered his thanks to Granny He's back.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Ace turned around and said sorry to his friends, then looked at Kizaru in front of him and shouted in a deep voice: "You actually bullied my friends while I was away. I'm very Angry!”


"But!" Ace turned around, looked at Sabo on the execution platform, puffed up his chest, took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly: "Saab, I'm here to save you!"

PS: It’s the last day of September. If you still have votes, please vote. If you can get a reward from a rich man, this month will be complete (*^▽^*)

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