One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 173 The ability taken away

"Brother of Straw Hat, you must rescue your brother safely." After throwing Sabo out, Von Clay gave Ace a thumbs up on the execution platform, and then was overwhelmed by the shock wave of the Warring States Period. .

"...Von Clay!" Ace caught Sabo who was thrown over, and then looked at the mermaid who was drowned by the shock wave of the Warring States period along with the execution platform, his eyes trembling slightly.

Ace really didn't expect that Von Clay would appear on the execution platform, and even helped him rescue Sabo at the last moment.

"I hope you can survive." Ace glanced at the collapsed execution platform, said softly, and then flew towards the bay with Sabo.

"I won't let you rescue people so easily!" With a dazzling light, Kizaru suddenly appeared in front of Ace and attacked him with an eight-foot magatama.

"Get away!" Sabo had already been rescued. Ace didn't want to get entangled with the general at this time, so he directly forced Kizaru back with a fire punch, and then quickly rushed towards the bay.

"Frozen time capsule!"

As soon as Ace forced Kizaru back, Aokiji's attack came towards him from another direction. When he avoided Aokiji's attack, Aokiji himself had already jumped in front of him.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to fight you anymore." Ace shouted to Qing Pheasant.

"Ah la la, that won't work. If you rescue the prisoner like this, we will really become the laughing stock of the world." Qing Zhi shook his head, and the cold air released from his body condensed into a 'two-thorn spear' beside him, and said to Throw it at Ace.

"Haohuo Rising Sun Fist!"

Ace punched out, and purple fire was released from his fist. The hot temperature instantly melted the two spines of Aoki Pheasant and shattered half of Aoki Pheasant's body.

"Ah la la, this is a terrifying flame, it's hard to deal with now." In a lazy tone, Aokiji's body fell from the air, and then reorganized on the ground, but it was no longer possible to stop Ace.

After being blocked by two generals, Ace finally flew across the square with Sabo. To his surprise, Akainu was not seen among those who blocked him.

"I'm sorry, Ace, for causing you trouble." Sabo said to Ace.

"You guy." Ace looked at Sabo, shook his head, and said, "We are brothers, there is no need to apologize or thank you, and I believe that if I was the one who was executed today, you would do whatever it takes to save him. mine."

"Yes." Sabo nodded heavily, and then said to Ace with a serious face: "By the way, there is one more thing, I have to tell you, the ability you gave me was taken away by Blackbeard!"

"Sure enough, doesn't that guy's method of stealing other people's abilities come from the Darkness Fruit?" Hearing Sabo's words, Ace not only felt a chill in his heart, but also became more determined to get rid of Blackbeard. That guy is really too powerful. It's dangerous.

"Do you know that guy has such an ability?" Sabo asked unexpectedly after hearing Ace's words.

"There are some speculations. After all, that guy was an alien when he was still on Uncle Whitebeard's ship." Ace said.

"I see." Sabo nodded, and then said: "However, being able to separate other people's Devil Fruit abilities from the body, and being able to hold two abilities at the same time, is not just as simple as being an alien, that guy is simply a monster."

"Whether it's an alien or a monster, that guy dared to attack you, Sabo. If I meet him again, I will definitely kill him!" Ace said in a deep voice.

"Haha, you can definitely do it now." Sabo smiled, and then said a little lonely: "It's just a pity that you gave me the ability."

"It doesn't matter if all your abilities are taken away, as long as you can survive, that's more important than anything else." Ace comforted.

"By the way, before that guy took away my ability, it seemed that he already had the ability of the Golden Lion, a strong contemporary of Whitebeard. If you fight him, you must be careful." Sabo suddenly said.

"Is it the ability of the golden lion?" After hearing Sabo's words, Ace nodded and said, "No wonder he would come out to make trouble at this time. It turns out that he has the ability of the golden lion."

"But don't worry, no matter what kind of abilities he has gained, as long as he dares to appear in front of me, I will definitely kill him!" Esman said with murderous intent, and then said to Sabo: "You are very good now. You are weak, take a rest first, I have brought a very reliable doctor, and when you get to Uncle Whitebeard's ship, let him treat you."

"Yeah." Sabo nodded, and then didn't speak anymore. He was too weak now.

After returning to the Moby-Dick, Ace immediately handed the weak Sabo to Luo and warned: "Luo, I will leave Sabo to you."

"Don't worry!" Luo took the weak Sabo, nodded solemnly, then untied the box behind him and opened it, which contained Sabo's hands and feet that were severed by Blackbeard.

It was precisely because he thought of Luo's ability that Ace carefully kept it after finding Sabo's hands and feet. Luo's surgical ability should be able to reattach Sabo's severed limbs intact.

"If you want to do surgery, take him to the cabin." Just when Luo was about to connect Sabo's hands and feet, Whitebeard suddenly said, "The navy prisoners have been rescued, and they will definitely attack at all costs. It’s not a good idea to operate on deck at this time.”

"It's better to go to my ship. The equipment there is more complete." Luo thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Ace nodded, and then said, "Just in case, I will help you open the way in a while, and you can take Sabo directly and leave the waters of Marinefando in your submarine."

"Right!" Ace suddenly thought of something, called Luo again, and whispered a few words in his ear. After Luo listened, he nodded with a smile, and then left the deck with Sabo. , went to the lowest cabin of the Moby Dick, where his pirate ship was hidden.

"Boy Ace, why hasn't that beast Tiqi shown up yet?" After Luo left, Whitebeard suddenly asked Ace.

"I don't know." Ace shook his head and said, "Maybe he is recruiting partners in Impel Down, or maybe he is hiding in the dark and watching this war."

"By the way, Sabo just told me that Tikki got the ability of the Golden Lion, and also took away the ability of the Dark Fruit that I gave to Sabo. He may now be the only person in the world with both abilities. Monster." Ace said in a deep voice.

"Golden Lion? Has Shi Ji's Piao Piao Fruit ability been taken away by him?" Whitebeard also showed a surprised expression when he heard this.

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