One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 174 Akainu’s failed rebellion

"Golden Lion? Has Shi Ji's Piao Piao Fruit ability been taken away by him?" Whitebeard also showed a surprised expression when he heard this.

As a powerful man in the same era as the Golden Lion, Whitebeard certainly knew how powerful the Golden Lion was, but when he heard that the Golden Lion's ability was taken away by Whitebeard, he was surprised, but it was more true. It's emotion.

"You can actually take away other people's abilities. That beast Tiqi really has incredible means." Whitebeard sighed, and then said with an evil look on his face: "But even if he has two abilities, it's okay. No matter how monster he is, if he dares to show up, I will kill him with my own hands!"

"Hehe, maybe it's because of your intimidation, uncle, that he doesn't dare to appear in this war." Ace smiled and said, "He may be watching this war secretly now, but uncle, you You haven’t made a move yet, but he might be afraid of your abilities, so if you want him to appear in front of us, we might have to put on a show for him!”

Ace has always had three goals in this top battle. The first is to get out of Sabo safely, and the second is to solve the hidden danger of Blackbeard, especially knowing that this guy has the ability to deprive others without relying on fruits. After using his abilities, the desire to get rid of him became even stronger.

Third, of course, it is to kill Akainu, but now this purpose has become dispensable in Ace's eyes, because at this time, Ace is fully capable of defeating Akainu, and he will become more and more capable in the future. As he gets stronger, Akainu is no longer a threat.

Now that Sabo has been rescued, what Ace wants to do most now is to kill Blackbeard!

"Oh?" After hearing Ace's words, Whitebeard suddenly became interested and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course it's a good show to make him think that you can no longer pose a threat to him, and lure him to show up!" Ace smiled and said, "After all, that guy really wants your abilities, uncle!"

"Ku la la la la, do you want to get my ability?" After hearing what Ace said, Whitebeard laughed and said, "Boy, you can arrange what you want to do. I will definitely cooperate with you and put on a show." Show that bastard a good show."

"Hehe, if you can cooperate, that would be great." Seeing Whitebeard agreeing to his proposal, Ace also laughed.

"Dad!" At this time, Scuardo, the captain of the Great Vortex Spider Pirates under Whitebeard, suddenly came to Whitebeard on the Moby Dick.

"Scuado?" Whitebeard looked at the big vortex spider coming forward in surprise, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Hehe, did Akainu find you?" Before Scuado could speak, Ace spoke first and said with a smile: "I asked why that guy didn't come out to stop me just now. It turns out he ran to find you secretly. , and you came at the right time, Scuado."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Ace and Whitebeard were discussing a scene to lure Blackbeard out, and the actors arrived.

"Hahahaha." Scuado also laughed when he heard this, and said: "Brother Ace, your prediction is exactly right, that Akainu guy really found me."

"What are you two idiots talking about?" The conversation between Ace and Scuardo made Whitebeard a little confused, so he asked.

"It's like this, dad, that guy Akainu just came to me, and then said a lot of bad things about you in front of me, trying to sow discord between us, but he didn't expect that his actions would have already happened Brother Ace expected it, but I was able to trick out some of their information, hahahaha." Scuardo said with a happy smile: "General, you are still being treated like a monkey by us."

In the original plot, Akainu used Ace's life experience to sow discord in front of Scuado, causing the idiot to stab Whitebeard. Of course, Ace would not let this happen again, so he had already Before the war started, he told this pirate who had a deep hatred for Roger about his life experience.

In fact, Ace and Scuado had no hatred, so with Ace's psychological and physical persuasion, the two successfully reached a friendly reconciliation, and with Ace's prior reminder, Scuado Of course he won't fall into Akainu's plan to sow discord.

"Oh?" Whitebeard looked at Scuado and asked, "What information did you get out of Akainu's mouth?"

"One is the 'special force' that just appeared. It is a [humanoid weapon] made by Vegapunk, a scientist from the World Government, based on Bartholomew Bear, a member of the Shichibukai. It is called [Pacifism]. These pacifists are equipped with the most advanced weapons of the world government, and each pacifist has the fighting power to fight against the '300 million' bounty pirates."

"Also, the navy has deployed a powerful metal surrounding wall in this bay. As soon as all our combat power enters the bay, they will immediately raise the surrounding wall and try to catch us all."

"Finally, the navy has a lot of troops hidden underground in Marineland. These troops are important combat forces that they want to use to hunt us down when we are defeated and flee."

Skuard told Whitebeard and Ace all the information he had extracted from Akainu in detail.

"Ku la la la la, you are worthy of the Warring States Period. We have even prepared the troops to chase us after we are defeated." After hearing Scuado's words, Whitebeard laughed, then looked towards the Navy Headquarters, standing there Warring States, who was standing next to the collapsed execution platform, whispered: "I wonder if he has thought about how it will end if they are defeated."

"Hehe, nine times out of ten I haven't thought about it. After all, no matter how you look at it, there is really no possibility that they will lose in terms of combat power." Ace smiled and said, "But this possibility is based on what they know. The result is based on the comparison of combat power and the intelligence on your physical condition. We still have many trump cards being used here."

"Ku la la la la, you kid is even more sinister than that guy from the Warring States Period, but I like it!" Whitebeard laughed, and then said: "Then, let's get started, and use the good show you prepared to put Di Odd that bastard came out."

"I can't hold my sword any longer!" Whitebeard's eyes darkened, and his cold murderous intent made Scuado shudder.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Scuardo looked at Whitebeard and Ace and asked in confusion: "What good show have you prepared? Also, is the guy Tiqi who killed his companions also here? ? Where is he, I want to kill him and avenge Sachi!"

"Don't worry, if I want Tiqi to come out, I still need your cooperation!"

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