One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 180 Bucky the Clown’s Prison Break Adventure (Part 2)

"I don't want it!" Bucky refused Blackbeard's invitation without even thinking about it. He waved his hand to him disdainfully and said, "Who do you think you are? You also want to win over me. Hurry up and get it from there." Get out of the way, or say, you want to have a fight with me here!"


As soon as Bucky finished speaking, a thunderous slash flashed from behind Blackbeard, slashing straight through him, directly cutting Bucky in half.

"Who is it!" Bucky, who was innocent, pointed at Blackbeard in confusion, and yelled angrily: "Which grandson attacked me secretly!"

"Hey, Shiliu, don't take action casually!" Blackbeard looked at Bucky who seemed to be fine, and said with a heavy look: "This guy is the same as the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors. The same goes for people who have been on Roger's ship, and if I remember correctly, he and Shanks should be close friends. We haven't achieved our goal yet, so we can't start a war with such people casually."

"Oh, is there such an origin? No wonder Teach would invite him." "The King of Evil" Abarro Pizarro said.

"But, this guy doesn't look very strong." Shiliu said nonchalantly.

"People should not be judged by their appearance, Xi Liu, never underestimate anyone, and the attack you just made didn't hurt him, right?" Blackbeard said.

"Okay!" Xiliu sheathed the [Thunderstorm] in his hand and said expressionlessly: "You have the final say. Anyway, it is still uncertain whether we people will truly become a group."

"Hahaha, thief, don't worry, my plan is foolproof." Blackbeard smiled confidently.

"Hey, no, why are these people here!" Mr. 3 looked at the Blackbeard Pirates and was so frightened that his legs weakened.

"3, do you know these guys?" Bucky turned around and asked.

"Ah, the new Shichibukai, 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach and his Blackbeard Pirates, as well as the guys around him, are all prisoners imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel Down. They are all Incredible guy."

"If these people go out from here, there will definitely be a huge storm in the world." Mr. 3 replied tremblingly.

"Shichi...Shichibukai!" Upon hearing Blackbeard's identity, Bucky was frightened and trembled. But he had already pretended to be fake. If he gave in now, he would probably die faster if the other party saw it, so Bucky Ji then plucked up the courage and said loudly to Blackbeard: "Hey, guys over there, what do you really want? Do you really want to have a fight with me here?"

"Hahaha, thief, of course not. We are not enemies yet, are we? And I have more important things to do, and I have no intention of starting a war with you here." Blackbeard said with a smile, and then He led his friends and left in front of Bucky and the others in a swaggering manner.

"Hey, did you hear that just now?"

"Yeah, I heard it."

"Not only does it make the Shichibukai and those notorious guys extremely afraid!"

"And has such a strong background!"

"It turns out that our boss is actually a crew member of the Pirate King, and he is also close friends with the Yonko's own 'red hair'. This is simply too dreamy!"

"Boss Bucky, we will follow you for the rest of our lives! X400+"

"Hahahaha, you can't understand how powerful I am. What four emperors? What Shichibukai? They are all just kids playing house. When I get out of here, I will definitely give them a lesson one by one. , let them know how powerful I am."

"Young men, tell me who is the boss in this world." Bucky said coquettishly.

"Who is the boss in this world?"

"Of course it's our Captain Bucky! X400+"

Then, the conversation with Blackbeard perfectly allowed Bucky to complete the ultimate pretense of "appearing as a saint in front of others" in front of his gang of prisoners, and harvested a large number of loyal and powerful subordinates.

When Bucky and his brothers came out of the Impel Down City, the [Burning City] left by Ace had been extinguished, and Blackbeard was troubled by the fact that San Juan Wolf's huge body could not board the warship.

"Forget it, use my ability to use the Wolf as a ship, and go directly to the Navy Headquarters." In this way, Blackbeard used his Fluttering Fruit ability to make the huge body of San Juan Wolf float directly. Then they all stepped on San Juan Wolf and left like this, and the only warship they left behind was of course Captain Bucky who took advantage of us.

"Those guys left the warship behind because they were afraid of fighting Captain Bucky, right?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

Under Bucky's confused expression, the boys made his figure even taller.

After boarding the warship, according to Bucky's idea, of course he would stay away from Impel Down City immediately, and then find a place to hunt for treasure. However, luck was always against Bucky. Not far from Impel Down City, they encountered another terrible scene.

"Hey, that ship can't be..."

"It's absolutely correct. As a pirate, I will never mistake that sign and the flag flying on that ship!"

"That ship is definitely..."

"One of the legendary four emperors, the Red-haired Pirates' [Red Foss]!"

"But why does the red-haired pirates' ship appear in a place like this?"

"Whatever, our boss, Bucky, is a close friend of the Yonko, the 'red-haired' Shanks!"

"That's right, bring the boat over!"

The prisoners shouted excitedly.

"Hey, hey, you guys need to understand the situation clearly." Mr. 3 brought the hot-headed prisoners back to their senses with just one sentence, and then pointed at the ship opposite the Red Foss and said: "Red The current form of the Fat Pirates doesn’t look like they can entertain us.”

"Yes, what is the origin of the ship that is confronting the Red Foss?"

"Then...that flag is unmistakable, it is the revolutionary army!"

"Revolutionary Army?" Bucky was stunned. He turned to look at Mr. 3 and asked, "Why are the Revolutionary Army's ships confronting the Red-Haired Pirates here?"

"How do I know!" Mr. 3 went a little crazy and yelled at Bucky: "Aren't you and Red-haired Shanks close friends? Go and ask yourself!"

"Forget it, nothing good will happen if we get together at this time." Bucky thought for a moment, waved his hand and said: "Young boys, turn around and let's get out of here!"

In the distance, on the Red-haired Pirates' Red Voss, Vice-Captain Ben Beckman put down the telescope in his hand and said to Shanks beside him: "They are the prisoners who escaped from Impel Down. The boat they were on, and their leader seemed to be the Buckina boy.”

"Oh? Bucky!" Hearing this name, the red-haired man smiled on his originally serious face and said, "Is Bucky still alive? I really miss him."

"That's right. I won't miss that kid's red nose." Ben Beckman smiled and said, "That kid seems to have noticed us, but he doesn't seem to want to see you, so he recognized us." After getting on the boat, we turned around and left.”

"It's okay to leave. Our current situation is not suitable for saying hello to him." The red-haired man smiled, then looked at the ship confronting them on the other side and said, "I still can't figure out why the revolutionary army wants to Prevent us from heading to Malinfando!”

It was a large ship with a dragon-shaped bow, just like their Red Forth. On the bow, a man in a green cloak looked at them expressionlessly.

"I have clearly said that I went to Marinefando to stop the war, but they still firmly stopped us." Shanks's face became serious, he looked at the ship opposite and said in a deep voice: "Beckman, what on earth do you think the Revolutionary Army people are going to do?!"

"Who knows." Ben Beckman followed Shanks' gaze, stared at the man standing on the bow of the opposite boat, and said in a deep voice: "Even the mysterious leader of the revolutionary army came in person. It seems that They probably won’t let us pass easily.”

"What are you going to do?" Ben Beckman looked at Shanks and asked.

"..." Shanks didn't answer, he just looked at the man on the ship opposite quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

PS: It’s the third update. Please subscribe and support me, so that I can have the motivation to continue to update the third update. If any reader please give me a reward. (*^▽^*)

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