One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 181 I will come to take your life soon (1st update, please subscribe)

Time is back on track, and the location is the battlefield of the war on the top.

The bay of Marinefando, aboard the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

After Ace finished speaking, he glanced at the sky, then looked at Qiao Ellie Bonnie who was still eating and drinking, and asked: "Bonnie, are you ready?"

"Not even close." Qiao Ellie Bonnie replied while stuffing food into her mouth: "If you want to turn a strong man like Whitebeard back to his younger age, you need a lot of physical strength and energy from eating. 'That's not enough, just wait for me for a while."

"Girl, how much longer will it take?" Whitebeard asked in a deep voice.

"Ten minutes, just give me ten more minutes!" Qiao Ellie Bonnie answered while speeding up her eating.

"Very good!" Upon hearing this, Ace looked at Whitebeard and said, "Uncle, please bear with me for another ten minutes. Only when you return to your best condition can you ensure that you kill that guy Teach in one go. So, don't I’m anxious!”

"Don't worry, kid. I still know the importance of things." Whitebeard looked at Ace and said, "Besides, you are a million years too early to teach me how to do things."

"Hey, aren't I afraid that you will be impulsive?" Ace scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

"Tch, annoying brat." Whitebeard rolled his eyes at Ace with disdain, then sat cross-legged on the deck, looked at Blackbeard's group, and said, "Forget it, just let me see, that bastard got it After his so-called 'power', how arrogant he will be."

"Thief hahahaha!" Blackbeard controlled the wreckage of the fortress, flew in front of the Moby Dick, and then challenged Whitebeard on the ship: "What's wrong, dad, didn't you say you wanted to kill me with your own hands? Now that I'm in front of you, why don't you take action!"

"What are you waiting for?" Blackbeard stared at Whitebeard and said with a ferocious smile: "Or are you already stabbed by one of your own people and so seriously injured that you can't move anymore? Ah!"

"..." After hearing Blackbeard's words, the expression on Whitebeard's face became more and more gloomy. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and directly activated his ability and punched in the direction of Blackbeard.


The 'air shock' caused by Whitebeard's punch directly shattered the remains of the fortress beneath Blackbeard's and others' feet, and the members of the Blackbeard Pirates standing on it also fell from the air one by one.

"Thief hahahaha!" Blackbeard landed on the edge of the square and looked at Whitebeard on the Moby Dick, his eyes full of greed, "This is it, what an intoxicating ability!"

"Soon, this ability will belong to me!" Blackbeard said with great excitement, holding his hands empty.

"Damn it, that guy Tikki!" Marco on the battlefield saw Blackbeard's arrogant look, his face full of anger. He flew to the frozen Jozi and kicked the frozen Jozi into pieces. Zi's ​​ice cubes, and then said to him: "Jozi, come back to daddy with me!"

"Okay!" Jozi moved his somewhat stiff body, and then he and Marco rushed towards the Moby Dick quickly in the air and on the ground.

Under the instructions of the two generals Aokiji and Kizaru, the navy not only did not stop them, but instead made way for them.

Kizaru looked at the menacing Blackbeard Pirates and said calmly: "This Blackbeard Pirates actually released so many terrible guys from Impel Down City. Although I don't know what his purpose is, but His current target is obviously Whitebeard, and the best strategy at this time is to let them kill each other first, and then let us clean up the mess."

"..." Aokiji didn't speak, but his thoughts were obviously similar to Kizaru's, otherwise he wouldn't have watched Marco rescue Jozi who was frozen by him.

"They are all just scum on the sea. I will execute them all!" Akainu came to the two of them and said with a cold face.


When Marco and Jozy arrived on the Moby Dick, they immediately came to Whitebeard's side and asked anxiously: "Are you okay?"

"That guy Scuyard dares to do such a thing, I will definitely kill him!" Marco said with an angry look.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Whitebeard shook his head at the two of them, then looked at Blackbeard and the others, and said, "The most important thing now is to kill that bastard Teach."

"Leave it to us, Dad!" Jozi said in a deep voice, then jumped off the Moby-Dick and rushed directly towards Blackbeard's group.

"Tikki, take your life!"

Jozi, who activated his ability, was like a diamond-encrusted tank, charging towards Blackbeard fiercely.

"Drink!" Just when Jozi was about to rush in front of Blackbeard, a burly figure jumped out from behind Blackbeard and punched Jozi. He was a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, [Fighting Champion] 】Gizas Badjis.


At this time, Badgers was far from being a match for Jozi. He just met him and was knocked away by Jozi, slamming into the wall surrounding the bay.

Boom boom!

At this time, two more figures stood in front of Jozi, blocking him.

"[The King of Evil] Abalo Pizarro and [Big Wine Barrel] Basque Choate." Jozi looked at the two people blocking him with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Hiccup!~" The big wine barrel burped, and his clothes looked drunk.

"Hahaha, it's such an honor that the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates actually knows me." The King of Evil said to Jozi in a voice that was very inconsistent with his vicious appearance.

"..." Jozi said nothing and attacked the two of them again, and then the three of them fought together.


At this time, there was an angry roar in the sky, and it was Marco who transformed into a phoenix and swooped down from the air toward Blackbeard.

Zheng! Zheng!

Two figures rushed out from both sides of Blackbeard, and each slashed at Marco who was swooping down. Although Marco was not hurt, they also stopped him.

"[Hiryu of the Rain], and [Xuanyue Hunter] Katrin Diemei!" Marco looked at the two people who stopped him, with anger flashing in his eyes, and then continued to rush forward and fight with the two. together.

"Thief hahahaha, dad, aren't you going to kill me to avenge that loser Thatch? What are you waiting for? I'm already standing in front of you!" Blackbeard looked at Whitebeard on the Moby Dick. Beard said with a wild and provocative look.

"..." Whitebeard looked at him with murderous eyes, but made no move.

"He's going to kill you soon, you disgusting fat pig!"

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