One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 182 The white beard that restores youth (second update, please subscribe)

"He will come and take your life soon, you disgusting fat pig!" At this time, Qiao Ellie Bonny, who had finally finished eating, came to White Beard's side and put her hand on White Beard's. body, and then activated his own abilities.

Next, in everyone's shocked eyes, time on Whitebeard began to regress under the power of Qiao Ellie Bonny, and the originally old face began to regain its youth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

" can't be!"

Seeing the scene of time regressing on Whitebeard, everyone on the battlefield was shocked beyond measure, especially Blackbeard. Seeing Whitebeard slowly getting younger, he had the urge to turn around and run away immediately.

"Sure enough, this woman's ability... Is this what you have been waiting for? Whitebeard!" In front of the navy headquarters fortress, Warring States saw Whitebeard slowly regaining his youth, and the expression on his face became abnormal. Ugly.

"Hey, hey, this is not true. A monster like Whitebeard has regained his youth!" A rare look of surprise appeared on Kizaru's wretched face.

"So what, no matter how strong he is, he is just one person!" Akainu said still coldly.

"..." Qingzhi didn't speak, but his expression became serious.

On the Moby-Dick, under the power of Joelle Bonny, time seemed to be slowly moving backwards from Whitebeard's body, and his old appearance began to become younger bit by bit.

70 years old

60 years old

50 years old

Finally, after her age seemed to have regressed for twenty years, Qiao Ellie Bonny's abilities began to decline and finally disappeared. Qiao Ellie Bonny herself had become skinny and skinny, and her whole person seemed to have aged twice as much. Ten years old.

"Is it my eyesight? Dad... seems to be getting younger."

"No, you read that right, it's that woman's ability that makes dad young!"

"In that case, daddy will be back to his peak condition!"

"Hahahaha, marines, and that traitor Teach, tremble. You will soon see how terrifying the young father is."

Seeing the young Whitebeard, all the pirates went crazy. Only those who have seen how powerful the young Whitebeard is can know what it means to become a younger Whitebeard!

"Quick, give me food, I'm going to die!" Qiao Ellie Bonny said breathlessly.

"It's been prepared a long time ago!" Ace supported Qiao Ellie Bonny, and then brought her to a pile of food that had been prepared, and the latter immediately started eating frantically.

Qiao Ellie Bonny's ability is to freely control her own age and the age of others. The price is physical consumption. The consumption of controlling the age of an ordinary person and controlling the age of a top powerhouse like Whitebeard is definitely different between the two. Yes, in order to make Whitebeard younger, Qiao Ellie Bonique ate like crazy for three days to accumulate strength. Even so, it only set back Whitebeard's age by twenty years.

"Dad, how are you feeling? Have you returned to your peak condition?" Ace returned to Whitebeard and asked excitedly.

"Idiot, how can I return to my peak? My body's strength is not declining just because of age." Whitebeard looked down at Ace and cursed with a smile.

That's right, the real root cause of Whitebeard's decline in strength is not age at all, but illness.

Whitebeard's body has been tortured by the disease and has reached the point where it is almost exhausted. If he were an ordinary person, he would have died countless times. Even if Luo used his own ability to perform several surgeries on Whitebeard , it can only relieve his pain, but cannot cure him at all.

Can you imagine how strong a will it takes for an old man who even sleeps with a hanging bottle on him to drag his body full of pain onto the battlefield?

It is really hard to imagine how Whitebeard could fight Akainu and the others in the original plot with such a body.

Originally, Ace thought that with the abilities of Luo and Qiao Ellie Bonny, Whitebeard could at least show his peak strength for a short time. However, after Luo checked Whitebeard's body, this possibility became permanent. It's possible because Whitebeard's illness is too serious.

"However, this state will at least allow me to kill Teach with my own hands and avenge that idiot Thatch." Whitebeard said calmly.

"Uncle, my ability can only last for one hour on you, so don't forget it." Qiao Ellie Bonny suddenly reminded.

"Don't worry, it will only take ten minutes for me to deal with that bastard Tiqi!" Whitebeard chuckled, then stood up, looked at Blackbeard not far away, and laughed: "Ku la la la la, Ti Qi Qi, don't you want to get my ability? I will send it to you now, you must catch it properly!"

Tap tap tap, boom! ~~~

Whitebeard's huge body took a few steps on the deck of the Moby Dick, jumped high, landed heavily on the ice of the bay, and then rushed straight towards Blackbeard.

"Take your life, Tikki!"

Whitebeard rushed in front of Blackbeard, raised his left arm, concentrated the fruit-shaking ability on his fist, and punched him.

"Dark Water!"

Blackbeard released darkness with his right hand and met Whitebeard's fist head-on.


Whitebeard's earthquake power hit the darkness in Blackbeard's hand. Not only did it not release the huge earthquake that everyone imagined, but the earthquake power gathered in Whitebeard's fist was slowly destroyed by the darkness in Blackbeard's hand. Devoured.

"Hahahaha, dad, even if you have become younger, I now have the most vicious abilities in history. Any Devil Fruit ability has no effect on me!" Blackbeard blocked Whitebeard's earthquake power. After that, he laughed proudly and said: "With this ability, we still don't know who will win and who will lose, Dad!"

"The most vicious ability?" Whitebeard glanced at him disdainfully, then swung his right hand holding the naginata, and slashed Blackbeard with the sharp blade of the supreme sword [Congyun Kiri]!

"Lion Power·Earth Scroll!"

Blackbeard squatted down, put his left hand on the ground, and then activated the Piao Piao Fruit ability he took from the golden lion. A huge lion head suddenly appeared on the ground between the two of them, opening its mouth wide and trying to devour Whitebeard.

"Shi Ji's ability!" Whitebeard glanced at the huge lion head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he cut off the Cong Yunqie in his hand without hesitation, and cut the lion head at his feet into two halves with one knife, then chopped it open After grabbing the lion's head, the blade in Whitebeard's hand still fell on Blackbeard's body with unabated force.

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