One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 183 I have a white beard (third update, please subscribe)

puff! ~

Accompanied by the sound of the blade cutting flesh, Blackbeard's shoulder was cut with a deep wound by Cong Yunqie's blade, and large amounts of blood spurted out from his shoulder.


The beheaded Blackbeard fell to the ground, wailing in pain!

tread! ~

Whitebeard stepped on Blackbeard's right hand, then used Cong Yunqie's tail to punch Blackbeard's right palm. With his free left hand, he pinched Blackbeard's chin and pinned him to the ground. .

"Even the Golden Lion himself doesn't dare to directly use his ability to block my blade. You kid actually wants to use his ability to block my knife. It's simply arrogant!"

"I will send you on your way now, and use your life to pay tribute to my dead son, Sachi!" Whitebeard said coldly, and then pinched Blackbeard's chin with his left hand to activate the earthquake force, which would directly shatter Blackbeard's jaw. head.

"No, dad, stop it!" The frightened Blackbeard noticed Whitebeard's murderous intention and immediately begged for mercy loudly: "Are you really going to kill me? I am your child too!"

"Shut up! It's just you. I will never admit that you are my son!" Whitebeard shouted lowly, and then launched the power of earthquake without hesitation. The terrifying shock erupted directly on Blackbeard's head, knocking it out. He shook directly into the ground, and then shattered the entire ice surface.

"Damn it, damn it!" Blackbeard struggled to crawl out of the broken ice. The half of his face that had directly endured the force of Whitebeard's earthquake had become bloody and bloody. He lay on the ice like a dead dog, violently panting.

Van Oka and Lafitte immediately ran over, helped Blackbeard up, and asked with concern: "Captain, how are you!"

"I almost died!" Blackbeard looked at Whitebeard with a ferocious face, and said with hatred: "That old man really wanted to kill me!"

"Of course it is!" Ace, who was standing on the Moby Dick, squatted on the bow of the ship, looked at Blackbeard, and said sarcastically: "You are the one we must kill. Are you still fantasizing in your heart? Will the man with the white beard show mercy to you?"

"Ace!~" Blackbeard stared at Ace fiercely, and the bloody half of his face made his appearance even more ferocious.

Indeed, based on Blackbeard's understanding of Whitebeard, if he shamelessly pleads with Whitebeard at the last moment, Whitebeard will most likely relent.

Because Whitebeard attaches too much importance to the relationship between family members, especially after getting old, he treats every family member as a treasure, even if he has betrayed or even committed an unforgivable crime, as long as he begs for mercy in the end, Baibeard will Beard must have had a moment of soft-heartedness.

In fact, Whitebeard did soften up for a moment just now. If it was like in the original plot, when Whitebeard was only breathing his last breath, this moment of softness might have allowed him to seize the flaw, but now he is two years younger Ten-year-old Whitebeard, even if Marco wanted to stab him, he could easily avoid it.

"Dad, you are actually not injured, right?" Blackbeard suddenly looked at Whitebeard and asked in a deep voice.

Whitebeard didn't speak, just looked at him indifferently, but Ace jumped off the Moby Dick and answered for Whitebeard: "Yes, being stabbed by one of our own people is just a show for you. If the uncle never takes action, even if your old body is standing there intact, with your personality, I'm afraid you won't show up easily, so we made a show for you, asking you to take the initiative and obediently send it to In front of uncle."

"Hahahaha, are you acting?" Blackbeard looked at Whitebeard, laughed loudly, and said, "I never thought that a man like you, dad, would be able to use tricks like acting. It seems that you have really changed. ah!"

"Always stay with interesting young people, and your mentality will inevitably become lighter." White Beard said lightly, then raised the Cong Yunqie in his hand and said to him: "Okay, Are these your last words? Teach! If that's the case, then I will seriously start from you, Teach."

"Last words? Thief hahaha!" Hearing Whitebeard's words, Blackbeard suddenly laughed and said, "I admit that I made a miscalculation today, but it's not that easy for you to kill me." As he said, Blackbeard raised his left hand and said loudly: "Even if you are Dad, don't underestimate me. I am Blackbeard now!"

"The mountains have fallen!"

Blackbeard shouted loudly, and then pulled down his raised left hand. The next moment, something huge seemed to be pulled down by Blackbeard in the distant sky, getting closer and closer, and finally with a deafening sound. With the sound, a large group of mountain-like islands fell from the sky above Malinfando like meteorites.

As a man with a deep heart like Blackbeard, how could he enter such an important battlefield without leaving a way out for himself? Those islands in the sky were the back-ups he set up before coming to Marinefando. They were originally Just in case, I didn't expect to actually use it now.

If these islands were allowed to fall, all of Marinevando would disappear.

He believed that in such a situation, neither the pirates nor the navy would be able to prevent him from leaving while protecting their own personnel.

"Hahahaha, dad, this is my farewell gift to you, accept it well!" A large piece of ice at Blackbeard's feet slowly floated up under his power, and then faced Whitebeard below. Laughing loudly: "As for the ability of the Zhenzhen Fruit, it will be stored in you for the time being. One day, I will get it with my own hands!"

"Goodbye, daddy!" After Blackbeard said, he controlled the ice under his feet and flew away quickly. On the way, the members of the Blackbeard Pirates also jumped on the ice one by one and joined him. stand together.

White Beard looked at Black Beard with a proud look on his face, then looked up at the rapidly falling island in the sky, smiled brightly, and said: "You want to escape from me with just this method, you underestimate me. , Tiqi!" After saying that, Whitebeard punched the Cong Yunqie in his hand to his side, then bent sideways and punched the sky diagonally.

"I have a white beard!"


A punch blasted out, a powerful concussive force penetrated the void, and the atmosphere in the sky was shattered inch by inch under the terrifying force of the earthquake. The scope was so large that it almost covered the entire sky above Malinfando. The unparalleled power not only directly smashed those in the sky. The fallen island was shattered into rubble, even leaving a huge hole in the sky.

Looking from below, it looks like a piece of the sky has been shattered, which is shocking.

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