One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 184 The Betrayed Blackbeard (1st update, please subscribe)

" a lie!"

"Even the clouds... no, even the sky was shattered!"

"Hehehehe, is this the power that Whitebeard had in his youth? He is indeed a monster!"

Seeing the sky shattered by Whitebeard's punch, both the navy and the pirates were shocked by the power displayed by this man.

"Is this the power that Whitebeard had in his heyday? It's really awesome." Kizaru said slowly, looking at the sky.

"..." Akainu was expressionless and didn't speak. He was thinking, if he releases [Meteor Volcano], will he be blocked so easily by Whitebeard?

"..." Qing Pheasant was silent.

"Tikki!" After smashing all the falling islands with one punch, Whitebeard aimed at Blackbeard again. He saw his hands grabbing in the void, and the space seemed to have wrinkles that were caught in Whitebeard's hands. , and then pull it down hard!


For a moment, the whole world seemed to tilt suddenly, and countless faults appeared on the sea surface. The Blackbeard group floating in the sky were directly pulled down from the sky by this strong tearing force.

Tap tap tap! ~~

After pulling Blackbeard's group down from the sky, Whitebeard pulled out the cloud cutter beside him and rushed towards them with large strides.

How strong is Whitebeard who is twenty years younger? It was a terrifying and desperate experience that those who had never fought against him would never experience.

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was ready to attack Whitebeard, but in front of Whitebeard in this state, even the King of Evil and others who escaped from the sixth floor of the Impel City and powerful men like Shiliu, They also seemed completely vulnerable in front of him, or in other words, none of them had the courage to face Whitebeard, who was twenty years younger, so that Whitebeard punched one of the children and knocked them all down.

In fact, if these people can join forces wholeheartedly, they may not be unable to fight Whitebeard. After all, whether it is Shiliu or [Evil Government King] Abaro Pizarro, they all have the top strength in this sea. The strength of the ranks.

But it had only been a few hours since Blackbeard brought them out of Impel Down. It was impossible to say how loyal they were to Blackbeard, so they would definitely not risk their lives to fight Whitebeard for Blackbeard's sake. Beard fighting.

Especially when facing a powerful enemy of Whitebeard's level, the fragile alliance between them immediately cracked, and with just a little force, it would completely collapse.

Therefore, except for Poison Q, Lafitte, Van Oka and Gizas Badges who have been following Blackbeard for some time, Shiliu and the others did not go all out to fight Whitebeard. will.

"Hey, Shiliu, Diemei!" [Evil Government King] Abaro Pizarro suddenly looked at Shiliu and said, "Are you really prepared to fight monsters like Whitebeard here? This is the heyday. His white beard!"

After hearing what Abaro Pizarro said, Shiliu, who was about to rush towards Whitebeard, stopped, turned to look at him, and asked, "Oh? What are you going to do?"

"The plan that Teach told us has failed now, right?" Abaro Pizarro looked at Whitebeard, who was torturing Blackbeard's gang, and said: "Whitebeard in this state, let alone seizing With his abilities already in place, it’s hard to say whether he can survive, so I’m not going to fight anymore.”

"Yes, facing the current Whitebeard, we have no chance of winning." [Xuanyue Hunter] Katrin Diemei also nodded and said.

"What should we do? Are we going to break up here?" [Big Wine Barrel] Basque Choate asked.

"Originally, we joined the Blackbeard Pirates because that guy Teach vowed that he could take away Whitebeard's ability, and he also promised to get us the power that would make us stronger, but now we don't When it comes to taking away Whitebeard's ability, it's hard to say whether he can survive, so I'm not going to sacrifice my life for him." Aballo Pizarro said directly.

"Yes, Whitebeard's target is obviously Teach. If we leave him alone now, no one will stop him." Katrin Diemei nodded in agreement.

"Then let's do it!" Hearing this, Shiliu also sheathed the [Thunderstorm] in her hand, then glanced at the Blackbeard group who were being hammered by Whitebeard, and said: "In that case, then we are here Let’s break up, if Teach can survive Whitebeard, then consider whether to continue teaming up with him.”

"If he dies here, there will be nothing to say. Everyone can do their own thing." Xiliu said.

"Very good, let's do it!" Aballo Pizarro nodded in agreement.

"I agree!" Katrin Diemei also agreed with Xi Liu's statement.

"I have no objection, hiccup~" Basque Choate also agreed with Shiliu's statement, hiccupped, then pointed at the San Juan Wolf behind the Navy Headquarters Fortress, and asked: "Where is that big guy? "

"I'm not interested in him. If you want to take him with you, go find him yourself." Xiliu glanced at the huge body of San Juan Wolf, shook his head, and then turned and left.

"I'm not interested either." Katrin Diemei also expressed that she was not interested in San Juan Wolf, then turned and left in the other direction.

"Hey, Choate, I have a plan, do you want to come with me?" After Shiliu and Katrin Diemei left, [Evil Government King] Abalo Pizarro suddenly asked [Big Wine Barrel] Ba Sk Choate extended the invitation.

Basque Choate looked at Aballo Pizarro, was silent for a while, and then asked: "Do you have any wine there?"

"Of course!" Hearing Basque Choate's answer, Abaro Pizarro knew that he had agreed to his invitation. He immediately put his arm around Basque Choate's shoulders and laughed: "The two of us Together with that guy San Juan Wolf, I can definitely realize my plan..."

In this way, Abalo Pizarro told Basque Choate his plan while walking towards San Juan Wolf.

"Marshal, are we just going to watch those gangsters leave like this?"

Seeing the prisoners who escaped from the impel city leaving in a swagger, a vice admiral asked Sengoku unwillingly.

"Ignore them for the time being." Warring States pondered for a while and said: "Those people are not weak. To capture them, we need to disperse a large number of combat forces. We cannot disperse our forces for them at the moment. When we win this war, we will clean up It’s not too late for them.”

"Remember, for us, the most important thing now is to win this war!" Sengoku said with a serious face.

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