One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 185 Darkness without Borders (Second update, please subscribe)

"Captain, those guys seem to have abandoned us, cough!" Gizas Badges saw the Xiliu people parting ways and said angrily: "Those guys, if we hadn't brought them out of the Impel City , they are still prisoners who have never seen the light of day, and now they have betrayed us like this, which is really infuriating."

"Hahahaha, thief, don't be resentful, Badgers!" Blackbeard laughed and said: "Although we brought them out, I have not fulfilled any of their ambitions, and I may die now. Here, it is expected that they will betray me now. However, I am really not willing to die here like this."

"Hey, navy above, do you plan to keep watching like this?" Blackbeard suddenly raised his head, looked at the navy on the bay, and said loudly: "As long as you help me kill this old guy Whitebeard now, I am willing to continue How about when the Shichibukai work for you?"

"Sorry, you no longer have this value, Blackbeard!" Warring States glanced at him indifferently and said indifferently.

"Hahahaha, thief, am I worthless?" Blackbeard laughed, then looked at Whitebeard, and said loudly: "Dad, do you really want to kill me here? Why don't you let me help you? How about defeating the Navy Headquarters here?"

"Are these your last words? Teach!" Whitebeard looked at him indifferently and said indifferently.

"Hahahaha, no one is willing to accept me anymore? What a big failure!" Blackbeard laughed, then raised his hands, tried his best to fully unleash the power of the Dark Fruit, and said loudly: "In this case, then Let everyone on this island come and bury me with me!"

"Dark acupoint!"

Blackbeard slapped his right hand hard on the ground, and a large amount of darkness poured out from his palm, then quickly spread in all directions, soon covering the entire bay.

"Hahaha, thief, let you see the horror of darkness!" Blackbeard laughed crazily, and with all his strength, the darkness released by the Dark Fruit covered the entire bay, and even climbed up the bay and continued to spread. , there are strong signs of engulfing the entire Malinvando.

"This guy, what does he want to do?" On the bay, watching the darkness released by Blackbeard spreading under his feet, Warring States suddenly had a bad feeling, and ordered to the three generals beside him: "Kuzan, Saka Ski, Polusalijo, please pay attention, if Blackbeard does anything wrong, you will take action together and kill him!"

"Dad, what does that bastard Tikki want to do?" Marco flew to Whitebeard's side and asked with a solemn expression.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling." Whitebeard frowned, then raised his fist, activated the ability to shake the fruit, and punched Blackbeard from a distance.


The terrifying force of the earthquake bombarded Blackbeard's body, causing him to spurt out blood, but Blackbeard's palms still pressed tightly to the ground.

"Thief hahaha." Blackbeard raised his head, looked at Whitebeard, and said with a ferocious smile: "Don't worry, dad, no matter how hard you attack, you can't kill me. Since I have no hope of living, then you can't kill me anymore." Wait a minute, I will show you the most luxurious funeral in the world, my own funeral!"

"Blackbeard...has he gone crazy?" Ace looked at the ferocious Blackbeard, frowned, then raised his fist and released a fire punch at Blackbeard.


The hot flames engulfed Blackbeard's figure. Although Blackbeard's body was burned, the flames were quickly swallowed up by the darkness on his body.

"Uncle, I have a bad feeling. Let's do it together and kill him!" Ace turned his head and said to Whitebeard and the others.

"Okay!" Whitebeard pondered for a while, and then shouted: "Young men, the target is Tiqi. Those who have long-range attack capabilities, come with me." After saying that, Whitebeard took the lead in posing, holding tightly The strongest earthquake force in history was gathered on his fist, and he hammered Blackbeard hard.

"The sky shook and the earth shattered!"

"Phoenix Seal!"

"Rose Dance!"

"Haohuo Rising Sun Fist!"

The attacks from Whitebeard, Ace, Marco and most of the captains were gathered together, and they fell overwhelmingly on Blackbeard. I believe no one in the world could face such an attack head-on, but Blackbeard still refused to do anything. Moved.

"Oh, if you want to attack our captain, at least defeat us first, you bastards!"

Just when the overwhelming attack was about to fall on Blackbeard, Poison Q, Lafitte, Van Oka and Gizas Badges stood in front of Blackbeard and used their bodies to , blocking attacks that could destroy an island for Blackbeard.

"Everyone!" Blackbeard's eyes became moist when he saw his partner being submerged in the terrifying attack for him.

"Kuzan, Sakaski, Polusaliruo, take action!" On the bay, Warring States also ordered the three generals.

"Big fire-breathing!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

"Frozen time capsule!"

Cold air, flash, and magma, the three generals took action at the same time, and the natural disaster-like power was aimed at Blackbeard mercilessly. At this time, Blackbeard in the center of the darkness suddenly raised his head.

"Hahaha, it's too late. You can all be buried with me, you bastards!"

In a burst of wild laughter, Blackbeard's body suddenly turned into the extremely rich darkness and merged into the darkness on the ground.

"Darkness has no boundaries!"

In the darkness, Blackbeard's low shout echoed, and then the darkness covering the entire Malinvando suddenly erupted with a powerful suction force, seeming to swallow everything up.

"Ah, run away, get out of here, don't be sucked in by the darkness!"

As the gravity exploded in the darkness, some weaker pirates and marines began to be swallowed up, and the whole of Marinevando suddenly screamed.

People with the ability to fly and masters who could use the Moon Step began to soar away from the darkness on the ground. Only those with strong strength and special abilities on the ground could resist the gravity of the darkness.

The powerful navy and pirates began to attack the darkness on the ground, but no matter what kind of attack they used, they would be instantly swallowed up by the darkness.

As time went by, more and more people were swallowed up by the darkness. In the end, even the navy headquarters' fortress that symbolized 'justice' began to slowly fall into the darkness.

For a time, the entire Malinfando was plunged into an unprecedented crisis due to the explosion of Blackbeard's suicidal ability.

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