One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 186 My era is over (third update, please subscribe)


Whitebeard punched out, and the terrifying earthquake force bombarded the darkness on the ground. However, this terrifying power, which was enough to sink an island, only made the darkness tremble slightly.

"No, these darkness seem to be able to absorb all forms of attacks and cannot be broken." Whitebeard shook his head, then turned around and shouted loudly to the outside of the surrounding wall: "Oz!"

"Oh!" A deep voice came from outside the wall, and then a figure even bigger than the giants appeared outside the wall of the bay.

Oz Jr. is a descendant of the ancient [Giant of Fortune] Oz. He is extremely large and can easily lift a warship. He is one of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Everyone, get on the boat!" Seeing little Oz appear, Whitebeard immediately shouted to his pirates: "Get on the boat, Oz will take you beyond the darkness."

The darkness caused by Blackbeard only covered the area in the bay that was blocked by the surrounding wall. Beyond the surrounding wall was the safe zone.

"Quick, listen to dad, everyone get on the boat!"

Under Whitebeard's orders, the pirates boarded the pirate ships in the bay.

"Oz, get the full boat out of the bay!" Whitebeard ordered to little Oz outside the surrounding wall.

"Understood, leave it to me, daddy!" Little Oz received the order, and stretched his huge arm directly into the bay, easily lifting a pirate ship full of pirates, preparing to 'release' it into the surrounding area A safe zone outside the wall.


Just when Little Oz was about to send the pirate ship in his hand out of the surrounding wall, tentacle-like things suddenly stretched out from the darkness on the ground and entangled Little Oz's arm and the pirate ship in his hand.

"I won't let you escape!" Blackbeard's distorted voice came from the darkness, and then those dark tentacles suddenly exerted force, directly dragging Little Oz's arm and the pirate ship in his hand into the darkness. .

"Damn it, that guy Teach is still alive!" Marco shouted angrily.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, a large number of dark tentacles suddenly stretched out from the darkness on the ground, entangled all the pirates who had not been swallowed by the darkness, and dragged them away into the darkness.

"Are the targets only pirates?"

The three generals and some powerful navy men who stood above the darkness as if nothing had happened looked at the pirates in the bay who were entangled by the tentacles extending out of the darkness, and some of them actually had smiles on their faces.

"Do you think you can trap me like this? You underestimate me, Teach!" Whitebeard roared angrily, his whole body shook, and he shook away all the dark tentacles wrapped around him, and then he jumped up , jumped near the pirate ship that was about to be engulfed by darkness, waved the naginata in his hand, cut off the tentacles wrapped around little Oz's arm, and then grabbed the edge of the pirate ship that was about to be engulfed with one hand, and suddenly Using his strength, he actually pulled the pirate ship out of the darkness.

"Oz, catch it!" Whitebeard used his strength again, and he actually threw the huge pirate ship up with just the strength of one arm.

"He actually...threw a pirate ship out with one hand!~"

Everyone was dumbfounded by Whitebeard's monster-like and inhuman operation. This scene was much more shocking than the scene in the original plot where he stopped the ship with one hand.

"Get on the boat!" The white-bearded tiger's body trembled, and a deep shout woke up all the stunned people, and then the pirates continued to rush towards the pirate ship.

Then, Whitebeard once again performed the shocking operation of throwing a ship with one hand, sending pirate ships filled with pirates out of the area covered by darkness.

"The time has come, all of you, come and bury me with me!"

"Dark Water·Infinite Black Hole!"

Suddenly, as Blackbeard's distorted voice came again, a more powerful suction force came from the darkness, targeting Whitebeard, his captain and Ace.

This time, the bound Ace, Whitebeard and others not only had to face the powerful gravity of darkness, but their Devil Fruit abilities were temporarily deprived of themselves by the Darkness Fruit's ability. For a while, they were unable to break free from the shackles of darkness. .

"Damn it, I can't break free!" Marco, who had been stripped of his abilities, looked at Whitebeard anxiously and asked, "Dad, what should I do?"

"..." Whitebeard was silent. He struggled a few times, but it seemed that he could not escape the shackles of the darkness. He could only watch helplessly and along with everyone else, slowly being swallowed up by the darkness.

"Your Excellency, General!"

"Master Marshal!"

"Save us!"

The navy was also helpless against the darkness, and some sailors wailed for help from the three generals, Sengoku and other powerful men.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a person's ability. I don't believe I can't break free!"

"Open it!" Ace shouted angrily, and the powerful overlord-colored domineering energy in his body exploded, sweeping through the darkness, causing the powerful gravity in the darkness to pause for a moment.

"It can be done!" The moment he felt the gravitational pull beneath his body, Ashton was overjoyed, and then shouted loudly to the people around him: "Everyone, use domineering force!"

"That's right, the only power that can resist ability users is Haki!"

For a time, everyone bound by the darkness, whether they were marines or pirates, as long as they were strong men who had mastered their Haki, after hearing Ace's cry, they unleashed their Haki without reservation.

Sure enough, with an unknown number of people bursting out with all kinds of domineering energy at the same time, the gravity of the darkness seemed to be suppressed. Everyone seized this opportunity and took the opportunity to break free from the darkness.

There are only two people who are still firmly bound by the darkness and still sinking, Ace and Whitebeard!

"It's just you, I will never let you go if I have you!"

In the darkness, Blackbeard's distorted and hateful voice kept coming, and the gravity on Whitebeard and Ace became stronger and stronger, and they were about to be completely swallowed up.



Seeing this scene, the captains under Whitebeard and the members of the Spade Pirates rushed forward, trying to rescue the two from the darkness.

"do not come!"

Whitebeard shouted, stopping everyone who wanted to rush over. Then he looked at Ace beside him, suddenly stretched out his hand, and grabbed Ace's shoulder.

"Uncle, what are you going to do!" Ace immediately guessed Whitebeard's intention, immediately shook his head and shouted: "No, I can break free on my own, I don't need your help, stop it!"

"Boy Ace, my era is over, and your era is next." Whitebeard looked at Ace, and after a while his old face recovered with a kind smile, and said: "Don't you always want to surpass Luo Jay? Take my sons and climb to the top together."

PS: Hehe, Blackbeard is dead. Guess if Whitebeard will die?

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