One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 187 The Fall of the Hero

"Boy Ace, haven't you always wanted to surpass Roger? I believe you can do it!" After Whitebeard said, the arm grabbing Ace's shoulder suddenly exerted force and directly lifted him up from the darkness. He threw it high in the air, and then said loudly to all the pirates: "Idiot sons, my era is over. There is no ship that can carry me in the new world. You will follow Ace and join him in the future. Climb to the pinnacle of this era!”

"The old era will eventually be replaced by the new era. As a remnant of the old era, there is no more appropriate time to leave than now." Whitebeard raised his head and looked at Ace, who was being held high in the sky. A kind smile appeared on his face and he asked: "Ace, one last question for me. I am a competent elder, right?"

"Of course!" Ace shouted to Whitebeard, who was about to be swallowed up by the darkness: "There is no elder in this world who is more qualified than you, dad!"

"Ku la la la la, in the last moments, I finally heard your boy call me daddy, and I am satisfied!" Hearing Ace's last call to himself, a happy smile finally appeared on the white-bearded face. , and then his tall figure was completely engulfed by darkness.


Seeing Whitebeard's figure completely swallowed up by darkness, the pirates all cried sadly.

" he dead?"

When Warring States and others saw Whitebeard being swallowed up by the darkness, complex expressions appeared on their faces, but the sailors cheered.

"What's there to be happy about? It's not like we defeated Whitebeard." Akainu scolded the cheering marines with a serious look on his face: "If you want to cheer, at least wait until we catch all the pirates before celebrating. It’s not too late.”

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Kizaru looked down at the darkness at his feet and said slowly: "Don't forget, the threat left by Blackbeard has not been eliminated yet, Sakaski .”

"That's right, most of the pirates have escaped from the encirclement of the bay, and we are the ones trapped now." Warring States said with a serious face: "If the darkness left by Blackbeard is not lifted, if this continues, don't If we pursue the remaining pirates, the casualties on our side will be immeasurable."

"Ah la la, Blackbeard really left us with dangerous abilities!" Aoki Pheasant said lazily.

"Huh, no matter how dangerous it is, it's just one person's ability. I don't believe it can continue like this forever!" Akainu snorted coldly, and then said to Sengoku: "Mr. Sengoku, I think the most important thing now is The thing is to let everyone who is capable of action go after the pirates instead of just standing here wasting time."

"I think that Whitebeard is dead and the purpose of this war has been achieved. Now we should rescue those soldiers who are in danger first." At this time, Aokiji suddenly stood up and said that he and Akainu Completely opposite opinions.

"Kuzan, you are too weak. This is war. Deaths and injuries are inevitable. Defeating the enemy is the most important thing." Akainu stared at Aokiji and said coldly.

"You are too cruel, Sakaski. The goal of the war has been achieved. The most important thing now is to reduce our casualties." Aoki said without any sign of weakness.

Akainu and Qingzhi first looked at each other tit for tat, and then suddenly turned their gazes to Kizaru on the side.

"I don't care." Kizaru raised his hands, glanced at Sengoku and said, "I completely obey Sengoku-san's orders."

"Marshal Sengoku!" Akainu and Aoji looked at Sengoku at the same time.

"..." Warring States' face froze, and he was also struggling. On the one hand, he felt that Whitebeard was dead and the purpose of this war had been achieved, but he was unwilling to watch Ace and the others leave.

In the darkness, Whitebeard, who was swallowed up, was sinking. Just when he thought he was dead this time, and he was ready to welcome death calmly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Blackbeard.

"Dad, is it really worth it for you to do this?" Blackbeard looked at Whitebeard and asked.

"What about you? Do you regret it?" Whitebeard looked at Blackbeard and asked.

"Of course... I won't regret it!" Blackbeard suddenly laughed and said, "Thief hahahaha, for my own ambition, even if I lose my life, it is still my choice."

"Yes, it doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, good or bad, it's just that everyone will pay the price for their choices." Whitebeard looked at him and said lightly: "I just chose to bet my future on Ace. It’s just on my body.”

"How do you know that Ace must be the future!" Blackbeard's expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he asked Whitebeard: "If you choose to help me, I can be the future, dad!"

"It won't be you!" Whitebeard looked at Blackbeard and said calmly: "I'm not sure whether the future will be with Ace, but it will definitely not be you, Teach!"

"Can't it be me?" Hearing Whitebeard's words, Blackbeard suddenly became quiet. He was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head, looked at Whitebeard, and said loudly: "Since you chose Ace, then Go and see with your own eyes whether your choice is the right one.”

"I've come so far, but I've never regretted anything I've done!"

"Ace is right. Even as an enemy, I have to admit that you are a competent elder!"

"Finally, farewell, Dad!"

After saying that, Blackbeard raised his right hand, waved it hard, and threw Whitebeard's tall body out of the darkness.


Seeing Whitebeard's body suddenly flying out of the darkness, the pirates were overjoyed. Marco directly transformed into the Phoenix form and carried the thrown Whitebeard on his back.

"White beard!"

On the navy side, when they saw Whitebeard suddenly flying out of the darkness, their expressions changed greatly.

Warring States was about to order an attack, but the darkness beneath their feet suddenly burst out, and endless darkness suddenly enveloped Warring States and the three generals.

Warring States, which bore the brunt, was directly swallowed by darkness, while the three generals quickly retreated to avoid the invasion of darkness.

"Asshole, Blackbeard!" Warring States, who was swallowed by the darkness, transformed into the form of a shining golden Buddha, trying to break free from the darkness.

"Stop struggling. You alone can't break out of my darkness. Just accompany me on the road, Marshal of the Warring States Period. Thief hahahaha!"

Along with Blackbeard's arrogant laughter, the darkness that enveloped the entire Malinvando suddenly shrank, turned into a huge black ball, and finally exploded!

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