One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 192 Don’t believe too much in the devil’s abilities

After the war, the world's structure did not change much because the pirates' victory caused the World Government's plan to break the balance of the new world to abort.

If I have to say it, the biggest impact is probably because in this war, Whitebeard and the Ace Alliance, representing the pirates, defeated the Navy Headquarters, representing the world government, which caused the pirates in the world to become more and more rampant and unscrupulous. got up.

After the war, not only the Grand Line, but also the turmoil caused by pirates occurred all over the world, which made the World Government somewhat overwhelmed. The shortage of military strength was also the biggest reason why the World Government launched the [World Recruitment].

In addition to the [World Recruitment], the World Government's attention to the Shichibukai force began to plummet. However, the Shichibukai also failed to live up to expectations. First, Doflamingo was defeated by Ace, and then Crocodile was defeated by Lu. Fei was defeated, and then Jinbei rebelled. Finally, he was replaced by Blackbeard, who was still a traitor.

Currently, the Shichibukai, one of the three major forces in the world, only has four people, Hawkeye, Empress, Bear and Moria, supporting its facade. Moreover, after the war, the World Government does not seem to have any plans to recruit people to fill the vacancies. Obviously, The World Government no longer attaches great importance to the title of Shichibukai, and it may be banned at any time.

In the New World, after winning the War on Top, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Spade Pirates will certainly not do anything. After returning to the New World, they immediately clean up the naval bases near their sphere of influence. Once it was empty, the territory under his command expanded a lot.

The Spade Pirates only wanted one island, which was Thor Island among the islands at the beginning of the entrance to the new world, and handed it over to their [Thor] Pirates as their base camp.

That’s right, the [Thor God] Pirates are the pirate group composed of Enel, the priests he brought from Sky Island, and the members of the God’s Guard. Also, let me mention, Enel’s view of the environment of Thor Island. But quite satisfied.

The Isle of Thunder is to Elnilu just like the Island of the Sun is to Ace. It is an island where the environment is in perfect harmony with its own abilities. If such a favorable environment is used as the home ground for battle, Ace and Elnilu will be in such an environment. , able to bring out 200% of its own strength.

On the Moby-Dick, Ace and Whitebeard sit opposite each other.

"I can't believe that Blackbeard would do something like that in the end, choosing to drag Sengoku along with him to die together." Ace picked up the wine glass and shook his head slightly.

Although a week had passed since the war, he still couldn't believe it when he thought of Blackbeard's last actions.

"..." Whitebeard picked up the wine bottle next to him and took a sip, but said nothing.

"Uncle, do you know what kind of secrets Blackbeard hides? Why can he take away other people's abilities, and even break the restriction that one person cannot possess two Devil Fruit abilities at the same time." Ace asked.

"I don't know." Whitebeard shook his head and said: "I never ask about the past of the people on my ship, nor do I delve into their secrets, but the body of that boy Tiqi is different from ordinary people. He Even if he doesn't sleep for a long time, he is still full of energy, and he can recover quickly even if he is injured... Speaking of which, except that he doesn't need to sleep, that kid is quite similar to Roger in other places... Well, it seems that Garp is too In this way, the vitality is strong like a monster."

"Exuberant vitality? Speaking of which, it seems that all the clans with D in their names seem to be like this. You should have experienced this." Whitebeard looked at Ace and said lightly.

"[Clan of D]?" Ace thought about it for a moment. It seemed like a guy once said that if the Celestial Dragons were the [gods] in this world, then [Clan of D] would have another name, called 【Natural Enemy of God】.

However, Blackbeard’s ability to steal other people’s fruits should not come from this mysterious [D family]. Otherwise, although there are not many people with [D] in their names in the sea, they are also quite a lot. It is impossible to have only He discovered this method alone. As for the body that can accommodate the two devil fruit abilities, it may have something to do with [D].

‘Shall I try eating a fruit? 'Such an idea suddenly came to Ace's mind, but he quickly shook it out of his mind. Blackbeard's special physique may have something to do with [D]'s secret, but it is definitely not all. From the bloodline of [Clan D].

It's a pity that Blackbeard is dead, and there is not even a body left. Now his method of taking away other people's abilities and his physique that can accommodate both abilities will probably only be a mystery forever.

"Roger once told me that the secrets about [D] are hidden in Ravdru. If you are interested, you can go there and have a look." Whitebeard suddenly said.

"What you said is simple." Upon hearing this, Ace shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I guess, but my strength doesn't allow it."

"Baga!" Whitebeard scolded Ace and said, "Since you know that you are not strong enough, then don't think about those things and just work hard to become stronger."

When Ace heard this, his body trembled, then he laughed at himself, shook his head, and said: "You're right, I'm too persistent. As long as I become strong enough, no matter what [Clan D], the body alien will still be taken." The abilities and means are just a joke. That man didn’t even eat the Devil Fruit, so he became the Pirate King.”

"I swore to surpass him, how could I have a headache here over these boring things." Ace said with a firm gaze as he cleared away all the problems in his mind.

"Ku la la la la." Seeing Ace's appearance, Whitebeard laughed and said, "This is decent. He always looks hesitant, but he can't surpass Roger."

"By the way, when Roger met me for the last time, he wanted to tell me the [secret] he saw from Rafdru. After I refused, he said something." Whitebeard looked at it. Xiang Ace suddenly said very seriously: "Roger told me not to believe too much in the power of the devil."

"Although Roger said this to me, I always feel that that guy wanted to use me to tell this to someone else." Whitebeard looked at Ace and said lightly.

"Don't believe too much in the power of the devil?" Upon hearing this, Ace's eyes narrowed slightly and he said in a solemn voice: "The power of the devil refers to the ability of the devil fruit?"

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