One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 193 Bear and the Revolutionary Army

"Kid Ace, after this battle, my health is completely gone. Next, I want you to inherit the Whitebeard Pirates and become the captain of my bunch of idiot kids. What do you think?" Whitebeard suddenly said He looked at Ace and said seriously.

"Uncle, now is not the time." Hearing this, Ace shook his head, then looked at Whitebeard and said, "I have a plan, which will probably take one to two years. When the time is right, I will do it in one fell swoop. Pull down all the current four emperors, completely break the current structure of the new world, and start a new era."

"So, uncle, just be happy for a while and continue to sit in the position of [Four Emperors] for another year or two." Ace said with a chuckle.

"Start a new era?" Whitebeard heard this, looked at Ace deeply, and then laughed and said: "Ku la la la la, it's a very good ambition, then I will continue to sit here and wait and see. What will your so-called new era turn this world into?"

"Hehe, just wait and see." Ace held up his wine glass, raised it high to his white beard, and said confidently: "The new era will definitely not let you down!"

After leaving Whitebeard, Ace stayed on the Sun Island for a few more days. After making sure that the World Government would not take any action against him for the time being, he and Sabo embarked on a voyage to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

Sabo's hands and feet that were severed by Blackbeard have been reattached by Luo using the power of the Surgery Fruit. After a week of training, the injuries on his body have almost recovered. Although he no longer has the ability of the Dark Fruit, the strength of Sabo who has fully recovered is not weak. , at least at the Shichibukai level.

If before talking to Whitebeard, Ace was still thinking about finding a way to get the Dark Fruit back for Sabo, or looking for a powerful ability to give him, but when Whitebeard told him that Roger's After saying "Don't believe too much in the devil's abilities", Ace gave up on this plan.

The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is on a white island in the New World called [White Earth Island]. When Ace and Sabo came here, most of the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, including the leader [Dragon], gathered on this island. On the road, Ace even saw a bear.

"Saab-kun!" As soon as Ace and Sabo landed on the island, a figure ran directly into Sabo's arms.

"Kirra-chan... um, I'm fine." Although he was already very familiar with Kerra, Sabo was still a little at a loss when faced with Kerra's embrace. It's held high and I don't know where to put it.

Kella pulled Sabo's face, buried his head in Sabo's arms, and sobbed: "Saab-kun, it's really great that you are okay."

Hearing Kerla's sobs, Sabo's eyes softened. He put down his hand and caressed Kerla's back, and said softly: "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Sabo's safe return made everyone very happy, and the entire Revolutionary Army headquarters became lively. As Sabo's brother, Ace, who had cooperated with the Revolutionary Army more than once, naturally received a warm welcome.

At night, in the Revolutionary Army's conference room, Ace and Long gathered with many Revolutionary Army cadres.

"Ace Boy, you are completely famous this time." The Demon King Ambrio Ivankov spoke first and said to Ace: "Identity, status, strength, this time in the top battle, your Your strength is finally fully displayed in front of the world, but at the same time, your name has also been included in the list that must be eliminated by the world government, so you have to be careful in the rest of your life, because you may be killed by the world government anytime and anywhere. The secret agent assassination oh, hip-hop!"

"If it's so easy to be killed, then it means that I can only do this, hahahaha." Ace laughed indifferently, then looked at the bear and said sincerely: "Mr. Xiong, I have I've wanted to say something to you for a long time, but I never had the chance, and now I finally have the chance to say it."

"I like you very much. Come to my ship and become my partner!" In front of all the cadres of the revolutionary army, Ace extended an invitation to Xiong sincerely.

"..." Upon hearing Ace's sincere invitation to Xiong, the conference hall was silent at first, and then all the cadres of the Revolutionary Army burst into laughter.

"Well...even though Ace-kun's attitude is very sincere, why does it sound a little wrong?"

"That's right, this tone doesn't feel like inviting a partner, but like an idiot confessing his feelings to the girl he likes."

"Mr. Xiong, for the sake of Brother Ace being so sincere, just promise him, hahahaha."

"That's right, Big Bear, for the sake of Brother Ace being so sincere, just promise him, ho ho ho ho."

What surprised Ace was that no one in the revolutionary army present, including Long, objected or persuaded the bear to refuse Ace's invitation. Most people even persuaded the bear to accept Ace's invitation, and Ace could see that these The people were not joking or making sarcastic remarks, they sincerely hoped that the bear would agree to their invitation.

Es originally thought that his sudden invitation to Xiong might lead to fierce opposition from the cadres of the revolutionary army, but he did not expect such a scene to occur.

Even Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, smiled as he watched the cadres jokingly persuade Xiong to accept Ace's invitation.

This situation actually made Ace a little confused.

On the contrary, Xiong remained expressionless and just nodded apologetically to Ace, declining Ace's invitation.

Ace's sincere invitation was declined by Xiong Wusheng, and then Ace and everyone in the Revolutionary Army began to talk about his true purpose of coming to the Revolutionary Army headquarters this time.

This was a secret conversation that lasted for three hours. What Ace discussed with everyone in the Revolutionary Army had far-reaching significance for both the future and the world.

"Ace-kun, are you surprised? Everyone really hopes that Mr. Xiong can agree to your invitation?" After the rebound, Sabo and Kerra found Ace, who whispered to Ace: "Actually, everyone is very I like Mr. Xiong. Think about it, for someone as gentle as Mr. Xiong, how could anyone be willing to let Mr. Xiong leave, but with Mr. Xiong’s current situation, it might be a good thing if he could leave the revolutionary army.”

"So, if Mr. Xiong can really become Mr. Ace's partner, everyone will be sincerely happy for him." Kerra said, tears flowing down unconsciously.

"Is it because of the deal between Mr. Xiong and the world... no, with Vegapunk?" Ace asked in a low voice.

"That's right." It was Sabo who answered Ace this time. He whispered to Ace with a serious expression: "After Mr. Xiong came back from the World Government last time, we all felt that something was wrong with him. Although he came back from Vega, Punk brought back a lot of things that are very useful to us, but the tone of his words gave people the feeling of explaining the aftermath, which was very wrong."

"Are you going to tell me about your funeral...?" Upon hearing this, Ace turned his head and took a deep look at the bear standing behind the dragon not far away, frowned, and then said softly to Sabo: "Do you have Mr. Bear here? It’s a life, if you have one, give me one.”

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