One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 194 The Country of Wano

Early the next morning, Ace said goodbye to Sabo and others, boarded his speedboat, and left the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

After leaving White Earth Island, Ace was not planning to go to Sun Island immediately, but was planning to go to Wano Country.

Because there, the original person still had an unfinished agreement, waiting for him to fulfill it.

Wano Country is a very special place. This country is a special area even in the New World, because Wano Country is divided into two areas: the outer sea and the inland sea. There is no coast around the outer sea, and the entire country is surrounded by cliffs. And waterfalls, ships cannot land in the normal way. In addition, the sea area around Wano Country is surrounded by very bad weather and extreme currents all year round, so generally almost no ships will come to Wano Country.

In addition, Wano Country itself is an extremely xenophobic country and one of the few countries in the world that has not joined the World Government, so Wano Country has formed a state of blockade.

Two years ago, during his adventure, Ace's original body passed through the waters of Wano Country and was involved in a shipwreck. He was accidentally washed to Wano Country by the current.

It was also at that time that he met a little girl named [Xiaoyu] here and promised her that he would definitely return to this country at some time in the future. At that time, If Xiaodama has become a 'voluptuous' female ninja, he will take her to leave Wano Country and go on adventures in the outside world together.

The current situation in Wano Country is very delicate, because the only heir of the Kozuki Family, Kozuki Momonosuke, has been arrested and is about to be publicly executed in the Flower Capital. As a result, the remnants of the Kozuki Family twenty years ago are ready to be rescued. My own young master.

The Black Carbon Orochi and the Beast Pirates are also waiting for these people to fall into the trap, ready to catch them all.

The country of Wano has been ruled by the Kozuki family since ancient times. The Kozuki family is served by five families: [Tenzuki], [Frost Moon], [Fugetsu], [Ugetsu], and [Black Tan].

The Kozuki family is also known as the "Mason Family" by the world. The "Historical Text" handed down 800 years ago was written by the Kozuki Family. At the same time, the Kozuki Family is also one of the few in the world who can interpret the "Historical Text" inscribed on it. One of the ancient writers.

More than twenty years ago, the Kuotan family conspired to rebel. Kuotan Orochi and Kuotan Muchan secretly killed the then Wano General Kozuki Sukiyaki and seized the rule of Wano, making Kuotan Orochi become The ruler of the country of Wano.

Later, Black Carbon Orochi cooperated with Kaido of the Beast Pirates, turning Wano Country into the headquarters of the Beast Pirates, specializing in producing weapons for the Beast Pirates.

Kozuki Oden, who later ran away, returned to the country of Wano and wanted to take back the country from the hands of the Black Carbon Orochi and the Beast Pirates. The two sides fought a battle, but just when Kouzuki Oden was about to defeat Kaido , the previous [Imitation Fruit] ability user Heitan Muchan used his own ability to become Kozuki Oden's son, causing Kozuki Oden to be distracted, and was seriously injured and defeated by Kaido's [Thunder Bagua], and was later executed and died.

Before his death, Kozuki Oden's wife Kozuki Toki used her own power to send her son Kozuki Momonosuke and three retainers to twenty years in the future, and left a prophecy that predicted what would happen twenty years later. Later, his son will return to the Kingdom of Wano with the [Nine Red Scabbard Heroes] to end the rule of the Black Carbon Orochi and Kaido over the Kingdom of Wano.

Unfortunately, Kozuki Toki did not expect that Ace would be a variable in the world twenty years later, so when Kozuki Momonosuke and his three retainers were sent to twenty years later, it happened to be When Ace launched a crusade against Doflamingo, he was almost dead. The place where this kid appeared happened to be the battlefield between the two sides, so that Momonosuke and the others had just been sent over, and before they could figure out what was going on, Jack, who was informed, was beaten by mistake.

Kinemon, the leader of the Nine Red Scabbards, was killed on the spot. Kozuki Momonosuke himself was captured by Kuotan Kanjuro, the traitor arranged by Kuotan Orochi among the Nine Red Scabbards, and was directly sent to Kuotan Orochi and Kai In front of many.

Originally, when Kaido and Kurotan Orochi caught Momonosuke, they planned to execute him immediately and completely end the [Prophecy] left by Kouzuki twenty years ago. However, after the two thought about it, they felt that Kouzuki It's not enough to execute Momonosuke Kozuki, they also need to use Momonosuke to lure out all the remnants of Kozuki hiding in Wano Country, and completely end the legend of Kozuki family in Wano Country.

When Ace landed in Wano Country, it was the day before Momonosuke Kozuki was about to be executed.

"Interesting, do you want me to witness the moment of that kid's death?" Ace suddenly laughed when he heard in the Kuri District of Wano that tomorrow was the day when Momonosuke would be executed. He immediately decided to go to Huadu first. Watch with your own eyes how that kid Momonosuke died, and then go to Fugasa Village to pick up Xiaotama and leave Wano Country.

With this thought in mind, Ace left Jiuli District and flew towards the Flower Capital.

In the Capital of Flowers, where the gangster [The Kuangshilang Family] is stationed, the boss of the Kuangshilang family, a man known as the [Sleeping Kuangshilang], is kneeling in front of a charming woman.

This woman, on the surface, is [Oiran Murasaki] who is famous in the flower city, but her true identity is the daughter of Kozuki Oden and Kozuki Toki, that is, the sister of Kozuki Momonosuke, that little pervert. Light, moon and sun.

Twenty years ago, she was rescued by Denjiro, who had the pseudonym "Kuaishiro", and then under his protection, using the name Xiao Zi, she swaggered and survived under the nose of Orochi.

"Hiyori-sama, no matter how much you beg me, I will not let you step out of here!" Kuangshiro, or Denjiro, said in a deep voice: "Whether it's Asura Boy or Kawamatsu, even if It’s Raizo, Neko Viper and Inuarashi who are far away from overseas, and they can’t be Kaido’s opponents. They have no hope of rescuing Young Master Momonosuke. If you, Hiyori-sama, are also exposed at this time, Then the Guangyue family will really be finished."

"But... I can't just watch my brother being killed by Kaido and Orochi in front of me!" Hiyori Kozuki said with tears streaming down his face.

"I can't do it!" Denjiro raised his head, looked solemnly at the woman sitting in front of him with his slender eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness Hiyori, tomorrow I will arrange for you to leave the Flower Capital quietly. , it is best to leave the country of Wano, please be patient, even if it is another twenty years, as long as you are still alive, you will definitely find a chance to defeat Kaido and Orochi."

"On the contrary, this time I will take action and die together with the Red Sheaths and His Highness Momonosuke." After finishing speaking, Denjiro knocked his head heavily on the ground and begged: "Your Highness Hiyori, please do it. Please live with the hope of the Kozuki family!"

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