One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 195 Master Yamato

In the end, Hiyori Kozuki was convinced by Denjiro. Not only that, but after making up his mind, Hiyori Kozuki made a decision that even shocked Denjiro.

"Denjiro, I agree to your request and will not be reckless, but you don't have to go and die." Hiyori Kozuki wiped away his tears, looked at Denjiro and said firmly: "Since there is nothing left to save my brother. Hopefully, there will be no need to make unnecessary sacrifices for this.”

"You should find a way to contact Raizo who is overseas and ask him not to let Neko Viper and Inuarashi bring the fur tribe to Wano to commit danger. Just say that it is His Highness's order and let them continue to wait..." As Hiyori Kozuki spoke, her tears suddenly flowed down uncontrollably, but she still bit her lip and continued: "Even if my brother dies, my highness will continue to fulfill my father's mission and defeat Kaido and Kaido in the future. Orochi, let the country of Wano be completely established, please let them believe in me, continue...continue to wait."

"As for Asura Doji and Kawamatsu who are in Wano Country, I can only hug them. I'm sorry... Wow ah ah ah~~" After saying that, Hiyori Kozuki burst into tears uncontrollably.

"Hiyori-sama..." After hearing what Hiyori Kozuki said, Denjiro's face was first shocked, then moved, and finally he smiled happily.

Denjiro stood up, came to Hiyori Kozuki, gently held him in his arms, and comforted him: "Hiyori-sama, you don't have to be sorry, our lives were originally saved by Oden-sama. I believe that even if He Song and Asura Boy knew your decision, they would not be resentful. On the contrary, they would only feel as relieved as I am."

"Really...really?" Hiyori Kozuki raised his head and looked at Denjiro with tearful eyes and asked.

"That's right!" Denjiro replied affirmatively: "For us, there is nothing in this world that is more gratifying than being able to watch you grow up with our own eyes."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to contact Raizo and the others and ask them to tell Neko Viper and Inuarashi of your decision. I believe they will be happy for your growth, Your Highness," Denjiro said.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~~" Hearing Denjiro's words, Hiyori Kozuki cried even harder.

The country of Wan, Jiuli.

At the old site of Oden Castle, in front of the tombstones of Kozuki Oden and his wife, Kinemon, Raizo and others, a tall and plump figure and a short figure sat opposite each other.

These two people are none other than Asura Doji and Kappa Kawamatsu from the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes.

【When the world is dark and the moon is like a queen】

【Staying still and waiting for the dawn】

【Qinghui’s 20th Year of Looking Back】

【Nine Shadows Cast the Sun in the East】

He Song read out the prophetic poem left by Guangyue twenty years ago, then looked at Asura Boy, and asked: "Asura Boy, do you think Mrs. Shi's prophecy will really come true?"

"I don't know." Asura Boy shook his head, then picked up the wine bottle in his hand and took a sip into his mouth.

Although Momonosuke really traveled through time and returned to today twenty years later, he was captured by Orochi and Kaido, and only he and Kawamatsu have appeared among the prophesied 'Nine Shadows'. No matter how they look at the current situation, they have no hope of defeating Kaido and Orochi.

It is precisely because of this that Asura Boy didn't even bring the younger brothers he had recruited when he was a thief in Toushan for the past twenty years, because Asura Boy knew very well that even if he brought them with him, it would only be a few more people. Just die.

Like Asura Doji, Kawamatsu also sees no hope of defeating Orochi and Kaido, and even understands that rescuing Momonosuke this time is just a matter of death.

However, even so, they will still stand up without hesitation tomorrow. Even if they cannot save [Young Master], they can at least die together with the last [Guangyue]!

Wano Country, Rabbit Bowl.

In the prisoner quarry, there is a short old man with blue flame-shaped hair, eyebrows and beard, and blue vest-like tattoos on his shoulders and back.

This old man is the Flower Leopard Goro who taught Wang Luffy [Ryu Sakura] domineering in the original plot. At this moment, Leopard Goro is holding a piece of paper in his hand. On the paper is the news that Kozuki Momonosuke will be executed in the Flower Capital tomorrow.

Looking at the news above, Baogoro's body trembled and he shed tears.

In the land of peace, white dance.

A funny-looking old man looked at the news that Momonosuke was about to be executed, with an unchangeable smile on his face, but tears kept overflowing from his eyes.

His name is Duokang, and his real identity is Shigetsuki Yasujia, Baiwu’s eldest name twenty years ago. Because he helped the Kozuki family resist Orochi and Kaido twenty years ago, after the failure, he took the pseudonym Duokang and lived in seclusion in Baiwu, and rescued people in Caishen Town. Poverty Alleviation, because of eating the failed artificial devil fruit SMILE, lost the ability to swim, and was deprived of all expressions except a smile.

Shuoyue Kangjia looked at his sleeping daughter, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, then he firmly wiped away his tears and left the room quietly.

The capital of flowers, the capital city.

In the large prison where the prisoners were held, a fat female ninja wearing pink ninja makeup sneaked in.

This female ninja is called Xiao Ninja, and she is also one of Kozuki Oden's retainers. Although she is not the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes, her level of loyalty is no worse than that of the Red Scabbard Nine Heroes.

After Xiao Shinobu sneaked into the big prison, she continued to sneak straight into the depths. She used her dexterous movements to dodge everyone she met along the way, and finally arrived at the cell where Momonosuke was being held.

But outside the cell where Momonosuke was imprisoned, there were several "Givers" from the Beast Pirates guarding him, and she had no chance to get close.

Xiao Ren observed for a while and found that there was no chance to rescue Momonosuke quietly. When she was about to use force to rescue Momonosuke, a figure beat her one step ahead and suddenly broke in from the main door of the prison.

This man wears a Prajna mask, is tall, wears a divine robe, has handcuffs on his hands, and carries a spikeless mace on his back.

Boom boom!

The man who broke into the prison from the front door was extremely powerful. The three granters guarding Momonosuke were knocked unconscious by her before they could react. However, just when this man was about to rescue Momonosuke from the cell. When she asked for help, another figure suddenly rushed out from the side and punched her away.

"Foz Fu!" She looked at the man in front of her and shouted in a deep voice: "Get away!"

"Master Yamato, what do you want to do!" Foz Fu, who was wearing a suit and a bright red horn helmet, looked at the person opposite and said with a headache: "Although I don't know why you want to save this kid, but I want to We can't let him go, this brat is a key figure in my promotion to the 'big billboard'."

"In that case!" Yamato heard this, took off the mace on his back, and said seriously: "Then I can only knock you down!"

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