One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 197 Can you take me to the sea?

Bang bang! ~Bang bang! ~

Ace looked at the girl who suddenly bumped into his arms, and suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up.

The delicate face, big eyes, especially the curved horns on the forehead, are simply adorable. Every detail on this face perfectly matches Ace's aesthetic sense.

"Um, are you okay?" Ace put Yamato down from his arms and asked with concern.

"It's okay, thank you!" Yamato stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then blocked Ace behind him, and said in a deep voice: "It's very dangerous here, please leave quickly."

"This voice is so charming!" Ace felt his heart beat faster when he heard Yamato's neutral voice.

Of course Ace recognized the woman in front of him, but his impression was completely different from what he saw in person. Even though he knew she was Kaido's daughter, he couldn't stop Ace from falling in love with her at first sight.

"So, is this love?" Ace looked at Yamato's back, and the image of the two getting married, having children, and living a happy life flashed through his mind.

"Master Yamato, please stop..." At this time, Runti and Foz Fu also caught up. When they saw Yamato's true appearance, they were also shocked.

Because Yamato has been raised as a son by Kaido since he was a child, and he has always worn a mask and a loose god-like robe in front of others. His gender cannot be identified at all, so even among the Beast Pirates, few people know about Yamato. It's a girl.

"Hey, Runti, am I dazzled or something." Foz Fu looked at Runti uncertainly and asked, "Master Yamato seems to have turned into a woman?"

"You are not dazzled. If the person opposite is really Master Yamato, then she is a woman!" Runti said with certainty.

"I didn't expect Master Yamato to be a girl. This is really surprising!" Foz Fu looked at Yamato, hesitated, then put away the knife in his hand and said, "Since he is a girl, then I We can’t take action against Master Yamato... no, it’s Princess Yamato.”

"Runti, the rest is up to you." Fozzie Fu patted Runti on the shoulder and said, "After all, you are all girls."

"Asshole, Foz Fu, are you looking down on women?" Runti shouted angrily.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I won't take action again." Foz Fu waved his hand, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Foz Fu, you idiot, didn't you notice the person behind Master Yamato?" Runti stopped Foz Fu and whispered, "We seem to have met someone special."

"Huh?" Just now, Foz Fu's attention was focused on Yamato's true appearance, and he really didn't notice Ace's existence. Before Runti said this, he turned his gaze behind Yamato. When he saw After realizing what Ace looked like, his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

"Hey, you're not mistaken!" After seeing Ace's appearance clearly, Foz Fu's expression became solemn, and then he came to Runti's side, stood with her, and said in a deep voice: " Why does this man appear in Wano Country!"

"Master Yamato, get away from that man quickly." Foz Fu pulled out his sword and said to Yamato in a deep voice: "Although I don't know why he came back to this country, he and our Beasts Pirates But there are quite a few festivals!”

"What I said is correct, [Fire Emperor] Portcas D. Ace!" Foz Fu said solemnly.

Even in Jie Ao, Foz Fu and Runti knew the gap between them and the man blocked by Yamato. If their strength could covet the position of the Beast Pirates' "big sign", then that man The man already has the strength to match their boss, [Yonko] Kaido.

Even compared to the veteran Yonko, Ace is still very immature, but after the war, no one will deny that he has stood at the same height as the Yonko, let alone there is Whitebeard standing behind Ace. The strongest Yonko with the title of "The Strongest Man in the World".

"Eh?!" After hearing Foz Fu's words, Yamato turned around in surprise and looked at Ace who was blocked behind her. His cute eyes kept scanning Ace, and then he shouted in surprise: "Really?" It’s you, [Pirate King] Goldo Roger’s son!”

"My name is Yamato... No, I'm [Kozuki Oden]. Can you let me get on your boat and take me to the sea?" Yamato hugged Ace's arm and said coquettishly.

"Of course...of course." Ace replied with a blush on his face.

"Really?" Hearing Ace's answer, Yamato became even happier. He hugged Ace in a bear hug and said excitedly: "That's great, I can finally go to sea."

"Kozuki Oden was once a crew member of the Pirate King. You are the son of the Pirate King, and I am Kozuki Oden II. We will definitely get along well." Yamato said happily.

"No... that's right, we will definitely be... compatible." Ace replied happily, immersed in Yamato's arms.

"That's right!" Yamato suddenly let go of Ace and said, "My [son] Kozuki Momonosuke will be executed soon. Can you help me rescue him?"

"Save that brat?" Ace was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the direction of the capital, then grabbed Yamato's shoulders and said, "We'll talk about this later. A troublesome guy is coming. Let's get out of here first." ." After saying that, Ace picked up Princess Yamato and then elementally flew away.

"Hey, hey, what's going on with them? Also, what's going on with Master Yamato claiming to be Kozuki Oden II?" Foz Fu was confused as he listened to the conversation between the two, and then turned his head. Asked Runti: "Are we going to catch up?"

"What a bullshit!" Runti glared at Foz Fu angrily, then turned around and said, "Immediately think about Lord Kaido's report. Let's not talk about Young Master Yamato's affairs. At this time, [Emperor Yan] came to He The country is no small matter."

"You two!" At this time, a huge figure flew from a distance, Panxuan hovered over the two of them, and yelled at them: "Runti, Foz Fu, you actually looked at Yamato helplessly. The young master was taken away, he is nothing but a waste!"

This giant figure is none other than the Beast Pirates' "big sign". Among the three major disasters, there is [Fire Disaster] Jin of [Dragon Fruit, Ancient Species, and Toothless Pteranodon Form]!

"Immediately go and think about Lord Kaido's report on the news that [Emperor Yan] has come to Wano Country. I will go after Master Yamato!" Jhin said to Runti and Foz Fu, and then flapped his wings. He quickly chased after Ace and Yamato in the direction they left.

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