One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 198 Kozuki Oden’s Voyage Diary

On a mountaintop near the Flower Capital, Ace slowly fell from the sky with Yamato in his arms.

"If we're here, that guy probably won't chase him for the time being." Ace said, reluctant to put Yamato down from his arms.

"Is it 'Jhin'?" Yamato also felt Jhin's aura, and then said angrily: "That guy is also in the Flower Capital. It seems that their execution of Momonosuke was indeed a trap."

"Isn't this an obvious thing?" Ace shook his head, worried about the girl's IQ, and said, "Also, why do you call yourself Kozuki Oden II?"

"Twenty years ago, I witnessed the death of that man. In that tragic hour, he was such an excellent [samurai], but he died like that, but it was my father who killed him... After that, I picked up this [Navigation Diary] by Kozuki Oden in [Kuri], and it has become my [Bible] since then." Yamato took out a notebook from his body, held it high, and said excitedly: " This diary is something that even my father doesn’t know about. Oden recorded his heroic life and [important things] in it. Today, when all the samurai in the red sheath have died, only I can inherit Oden’s legacy. Willed!!"

"Kozuki Oden's voyage diary?" Ace looked at the diary in Yamato's hand, frowned, and then asked, "Can you show me this diary?"

"Of course." Yamato handed the diary to Ace very generously and said, "Your Roger's son, Oden, was once his crew member, so I also recognize you as my partner!"

"..." Ace took the diary, opened it, took a look, then pondered for a while, looked at Yamato, and said, "This diary is fake."

"How could it be!" Yamato snatched the diary from Ace's hand, and then shouted excitedly to Ace: "No, you're lying, this is obviously Kozuki Oden's diary, it's absolutely correct! "But after roaring for a while, tears appeared in Yamato's eyes unconsciously, and then he squatted on the ground and sobbed softly.

"You said, this diary is real, it is Kozuki Oden's diary, right?" Yamato suddenly raised his head, looked at Ace pitifully, and asked.

"Stop lying to yourself." Ace looked at Yamato and said seriously: "You said that this diary was written after you and your father stated that you wanted to be Kozuki Oden, and you were severely beaten, and then disappeared. It wasn’t long before I picked up this diary at Oden Castle in Kuri, right?”

"As far as I know, Oden Castle was raided at least ten times after it was captured by Orochi and the others. As long as you calm down and think about it, you will understand that neither your father nor Orochi would have missed this diary. Something important.”

"So, there is only one possibility for you to 'pick up' this diary, and that is that someone deliberately sent it to you." Ace squatted down, looked at Yamato with some distress, and said softly: "This diary is So it will appear in front of you, but some people deliberately sent it to you after seeing your admiration for Kozuki Oden, hoping to use it to drive a wedge between you and your father. In fact, you yourself You've noticed it a long time ago, but you just don't want to admit it, right?"

In fact, if you think about the matter of Yamato picking up Kozuki Oden's voyage diary, you will find many flaws. However, after Yamato saw the "Legendary Hour" when Kozuki Oden was executed, he regarded that man as a He became his idol and even foolishly ran to tell his father that he wanted to be Kozuki Oden.

You know, as the only person who has left wounds on his body, Kaido hates Kozuki Oden deeply. How could he accept his children to worship him? So one can imagine Yamato’s end. , was beaten violently by Kaido without any surprise.

But children are rebellious. The more you don't let me do something, the more I have to do it. In addition, this book was deliberately given to her, the so-called 'Kotsuki Oden's Voyage Diary', which made her Yamato's admiration for Kozuki Oden gradually turned into belief, and the rift between her and her father Kaido also became wider and wider. The final result was that Kaido gave her a pair of masks to prevent Yamato from sneaking to the sea Exploding handcuffs.

I have to say here that Kaido also did it. I don’t know if he saw through that Yamato would definitely not dare to risk trying the handcuffs to see if the handcuffs would really explode, or if he didn’t take Yamato’s life seriously and thought, ‘This is the case. If the rebellious child goes against his will again, he might as well be blown up, so he actually put a pair of explosive handcuffs on Yamato.

As for the person who sent this diary to Yamato, there could be no one other than Black Carbon Orochi. After all, although that guy is ugly, his ambitions are not ordinary. This relies on Kaido's help. The country of Wano dominates, and on the other hand, Kaido's name is used to collude with the World Government.

In the original plot, Kaido would chop the guy down without hesitation. Maybe he saw through this, although there is a 90% chance that the guy faked his death.

"So!" Ace stretched out his hand, put it on Yamato's shoulder, and said to her: "Actually, your biggest wish is to go out to sea for adventure. The so-called desire to 'become Kozuki Oden' is just because you saw this After what happened in this diary, it was just a fantasy caused by yearning for the sea." Ace said, raising his hand and handing the 'Kozuki Oden's Voyage Diary' to Yamato, and then his hand lit up Start a flame and ignite the diary directly.

"No!" Yamato was shocked when he saw this scene and wanted to take the diary back from Ace, but was stopped by Ace.

Ace looked at Yamato and said to her seriously: "Even if all the things recorded in this diary are true, they are just other people's lives. If you want, I will take you to experience more exciting adventures." .”

"Remember, you are who you are, you don't need to be anyone else, understand?!" Ace shouted.

Yamato watched the diary in Ace's hand being slowly burned to ashes, feeling as if his faith that had lasted for twenty years also collapsed.

When the fire in her eyes extinguished, another flame seemed to rise in Yamato's pupils. She wiped away her tears, stretched out her hand to Ace, and said, "Then, let's get to know each other again. My name is Yamato, can you let me board your ship and take adventures with you? Ace!"

"Of course!" Ace replied, holding Yamato's hand.

Hearing Ace's answer, Yamato also had a happy smile on his face. At that moment, both of them felt that the whole world seemed to become brighter.

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