One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 215 Falling out

"Everyone, what happened just now was just an accident. The banquet will continue and there will be other programs later." Charlotte Perospero stepped forward and said to everyone.

Although it was a shame to use a fake bride to marry the giants and it was discovered, no one present dared to laugh at the Charlotte family. After all, not everyone dared to challenge the majesty of the [Four Emperors].

"Oh? Are there any other shows? Is there anyone else who wants to get engaged?" Crocodile looked at Charlotte Perospero and said, "I only prepared one gift."

"Well, well, if you want to marry my daughter, I might agree." Charlotte Lingling, who had calmed down, looked at Crocodile and smiled.

"Forget it, I have no intention of becoming your son-in-law." Crocodile leaned back on his chair and said, "If you have any other programs, come up with them quickly."

"Well, well, well, you are such a cold man. I really want you to become my family. But forget it, let's talk about this later."

Charlotte Lingling waved her hand, then turned her gaze to Ace, and said to him: "Your boy is [Yandi], he is really a good kid, what do you think, do you want to be my son-in-law, if you agree , I can marry you the best daughter among my unmarried daughters."

"BIG·MOM, if you come to me just to talk nonsense, then I have no interest in staying here anymore." Ace said impatiently.

"Well, well, well, you are such a rude brat." Because the next program was related to Ace, even if Ace's words just now were very rude, Charlotte Lingling did not get angry, but directed her first 19 sons, Charlotte Mondor beckoned.

"The 'things' that will be shown in the next show are related to you, but if you want to take them away, you have to pay a price that I am satisfied with." Charlotte Lingling said to Ace with a smile. One sentence, and then said to his son Charlotte Mondor: "Mondor, my dear son, let him out."

"Yes, mother!" Charlotte Mondor stepped forward, took out a thick book, and put it on the table. She flipped through it and muttered, "Well, which page is it on? ?”

Charlotte Mondor is a book person who has eaten the superhuman book fruit. She can make any living creature into a specimen and put it in her own book. At the same time, she can also pull opponents in battle. Entering the book, being locked in the story in the book, trapping the opponent in the world of the book, and the person trapped in the book will never grow old.

For some reason, the bad premonition in Ace's heart suddenly became stronger as he looked at the pages of Charlotte Mondor's book.

"Oh, I found it!" Charlotte Mondor finally found what she was looking for after flipping through most of the pages of the book. Then she snapped her fingers, and a special cage suddenly flew out of the book and landed. By his side.

There is a person trapped in the cage that flew out of the book, it is our destiny child, Monkey D. Luffy!

"Straw Hat!" Crocodile frowned unexpectedly when he saw Luffy locked in the cage. Because of the incident in Alabasta, he had quite a feud with this funny guy wearing a straw hat.

I don't know why, but after seeing this guy locked in a cage like a monkey, Crocodile felt a secret feeling of joy in his heart after being surprised.

"Isn't this the new pirate who has been in the spotlight recently, Straw Hat Boy, Monkey D. Luffy?"

"Is he the rookie pirate who destroyed the face of the World Government, 'ENIES LOBBY' (Justice Island) with just a few people?"

"Why was he captured by the Big Mom Pirates?"

"Idiot, isn't this straw hat boy the younger brother of the [Fire Emperor]?"

"I see. No wonder Big Mom would ask [Yandei] to prepare enough chips."

"Luffy!" Seeing the people in the cages that flew out of Charlotte Mondor's book, Ace finally knew what his uneasy premonition was.

No matter how much he thought about it, he would never have thought that the 'thing' that Katakuri said would definitely interest him would be Luffy!

"Ace!" Wang Lufei, who was sleeping soundly in the cage, woke up immediately when he heard Ace's voice, and then yelled at Charlotte Lingling: "Let me out quickly, you stinky Old woman, didn’t you just eat a little snack? You’re locking me up here!”

"Well, well, well!" Ignoring the noisy Wang Lufei, Charlotte Lingling looked at Ace and said with a smile, "How about it, this 'gift' I prepared for you is a surprise."

"But if you want to take him away, you have to pay a bargaining chip that satisfies me. Well, well, well, well, hahaha!" Charlotte Lingling laughed.

"You stinky old woman, you actually want to use me as 'goods' to blackmail Ace!" Hearing that he was being used as a bargaining chip in the deal with Ace, Wang Lufei suddenly became furious, grabbed the cage and shook it hard, roaring: "Hurry up Let me out, and I will beat you up, you stinky old woman!"

"Luffy, be quiet!" Ace shouted, then he looked away from Luffy and looked at Charlotte Lingling who looked proud, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you want?"

"Well, well, let me think about it." Charlotte Lingling pretended to think for a while, and then said to Ace: "I heard that you can be the enemy of the world for your brother, then use If you exchange one person for another, how about you use the head of that old man with white beard to exchange for your younger brother?"

Wow! ~

Hearing Charlotte Lingling's words, everyone present was shocked, even Katakuri and the others. No one thought that Charlotte Lingling would make such a condition to Ace.


An extremely heavy aura burst out from Ace's body, and the powerful overlord-colored domineering energy swept through everyone like a gust of wind, causing those with weak wills to faint on the spot.

Even among the Charlotte family, only those very powerful masters could withstand the pressure of Ace's domineering aura, but they were still sweating under the pressure of this aura.

"Such... such a powerful overlord's domineering energy, it's like facing an angry mother." Charlotte Perospero looked at Ace and said in horror.

"Oops, mom actually proposed such a condition!" Katakuri also looked at Ace with a solemn expression, and thought to himself: "How can you agree to such a condition? Are you going to fall out?"

"BIG·MOM, you are looking for death!" Ace glared at Charlotte Lingling and said with murderous intent.

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