One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 216 Fighting Side by Side

"BIG·MOM, you are looking for death!" Ace glared at Charlotte Lingling and said with murderous intent.

Ace never expected that Charlotte Lingling would make such a condition.

It was beyond her imagination to exchange Whitebeard's head for Luffy. Even if he died in battle here, Ace would never agree to such a condition.

"Well, well, well, don't be nervous, it's just a joke." Charlotte Lingling waved her hand indifferently, not even paying attention to Ace's unreasonableness, and said with a smile: "I know, the one with white beard The old man has already trained you as his heir, so why would he let you do that kind of thing, but..."

boom! ~

Just when Charlotte Lingling was about to make a new request to Ace, a huge explosion suddenly came from below the cake castle, interrupting Charlotte Lingling's words.

"No, Mom, someone broke into the treasure room and wanted to secretly copy the text of our history." Baron Eggman's voice came from the phone at the venue.

"Who is it!" After hearing the news from Dandan, Charlotte Lingling was immediately furious and asked loudly: "Who on earth dares to covet something as important as my mother?"

"It's the subordinate brought by Crocodile, Daz Bones!" Dandan said loudly inside the phone bug.

"Krokdal!" After hearing Dandan's words, Charlotte Lingling suddenly looked at Crocodile and roared: "Catch him!"

"Yes, Mom!" The officers of the Big Mom Pirates present received the order, and more than ten people, including two generals, Charlotte Cracker and Charlotte Smoothie, took action at the same time, fiercely moving towards Crocodile attacks.

"Hey, are you exposed?" Crocodile transformed his body into elements in advance and avoided everyone's attacks. Then he glanced at Ace secretly, and then transformed into a puff of sand and flew towards the cake castle. go.

"Don't run!"

"Stop him!"

Dozens of people, led by two generals, Charlotte Smoothie and Charlotte Cracker, followed closely.

"Opportunity!" Ace took advantage of everyone being attracted to Crocodile. He flashed and appeared next to the cage where Luffy was imprisoned. He smashed the cage with one punch and killed Luffy trapped inside. Be liberated.

"Ace!" Luffy, who had escaped from the trap, looked at Ace with excitement. When he was about to say something, Ace grabbed him and threw him behind him.


The sharp trident pierced Ace's body, but Ace had already elementalized his body in advance and avoided the blow. Then he looked at the person attacking him and said in a deep voice: "Charlotte Katakuri , you have to stop me!"

"Sorry, Straw Hat is my mother's important bargaining chip. I can't just watch you take him away like this." Katakuri said to Ace.

"Hey, if you can stop me, just try it!" Ace chuckled, and then his right hand ignited a hot flame and punched Katakuri.

"Fire Fist!~"

A huge flaming fist roared out and slammed towards Katakuri.

Zheng! ~

Katakuri swung hard and released a slash from the tip of the trident, splitting Ace's fire fist in two. Then he used the ability of the Nuo Nuo Fruit to turn his arm into a soft glutinous ball and cut the ball in his hand. The trident wrapped it up, then continued to spin and stab at Ace at high speed.

"Nutuan thrust!"

The rotating trident was wrapped around the powerful and domineering forehead, and thrust towards Ace with a power that seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Faced with Katakuri's powerful thrust, Ace did not choose to dodge. Instead, he raised his fist, released his strongest armed color Haki, and then punched the incoming trident.

"Armed 2nd Form - Kongming Hammer!"


The powerful armed Haki was released from Ace's fist, like an invisible heavy hammer, which violently collided with the rotating trident in Katakuri's hand.

The aftermath of the collision between the two powerful forces surged like thunder, and the castle under their feet directly shattered, collapsed, and then completely collapsed!

Katakuri's figure continued to retreat, and his arms were distorted and deformed by the force of the powerful collision, but he quickly recovered.

"It seems that my armed haki is stronger than yours!" Ace shook his palm and smiled at Katakuri.

Katakuri didn't say anything, but the ground under his feet suddenly turned into a flowing glutinous mass, shrouding Ace from all directions.

As the leader of the "Four Dessert Generals" of the Big Mom Pirates, Katakuri's ability has of course been awakened long ago, and he can easily turn everything around him into dough for his use.

Ace kicked off his feet and jumped up high, dodging Katakuri's glutinous ball attack. However, just as he was about to counterattack, he saw a strange look on Katakuri's face below him. Smiling, Ace felt a biting chill coming from behind.

Ace turned around suddenly and found that Charlotte Lingling's figure had appeared behind him without knowing when.

"You kid, you also want to cause trouble in my territory, it is simply unforgivable!" Charlotte Lingling, who was holding the [Emperor Sword], said angrily to Ace, and then slashed at Ace mercilessly. Come down!

"GOMOGOMONUO·Giant Pistol!"

Just when Ace was about to resist, a huge fist came from below in vain, hitting Charlotte Lingling's body and knocking her off the back of Thundercloud Zeus.

"Luffy, you've become stronger!"

Ace fell from mid-air and landed next to Luffy, patting him on the shoulder with a happy smile on his face. The punch just now was full of Haki.

You must know that during the war, Wang Lufei was still a stupid young man who didn't know what Haki was, but now he can skillfully use armed Haki.

Although it is not strong yet, it at least shows that this guy can already use the armed color Haki initially, and it can also wrap around that huge fist.

To be able to master the armed domination to such an extent in such a short period of time, the Son of Destiny is indeed the Son of Destiny, but it's different.

"Hey!" Hearing Ace's praise, Luffy also had a proud smile on his face and said, "Ace, I can finally fight side by side with you!"

During the war, Wang Lufei's self-esteem was greatly affected by the feeling of being abused by anyone he met.

This was also the reason why he made up his mind to suspend his career as a pirate and retire with his companions to practice and improve his power.

However, at this moment, what Luffy is happiest about is not the growth in strength, but that he is finally qualified to fight side by side with his brother.

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